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Showing 61-90 of 183
Journal Article
Graner, Elvira.
Labor markets and migration in Nepal
Mountain Research and Development 21, no. 3 (2001): 253-259.
Book Section
Beall, Jo, Owen Crankshaw, and Sue Parnell.
African urban economics: Viability, vitality or vitiation
(2005) A matter of timing: Migration and housing access in metropolitan Johannesburg.
Conference Paper
Gold, Valentin.
I can't get (no) satisfaction? A multilevel study on the satisfaction with democracy of individuals, ethnic groups and countries
6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 25-27, 2011.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Journal Article
Smith, Chris, Uk Vannak, Ly Sokhey, Thoai D Ngo, Judy Gold, Khemrin Khut, Phil Edwards, Tung Rathavy, and Caroline Free.
Mobile Technology for Improved Family Planning Services (MOTIF): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Smith et al. Trials 14, no. 427 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John L, Keith Lividini, Odilia I Bermudez, and Marc-Francois Smitz.
Household Consumption and Expenditures Surveys (HCES): A Primer for Food and Nutrition Analysts in Low - and Middle - Income Countries
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 33, no. 3 (2012): 170S-184S.
Journal Article
Frankenberg, Elizabeth, James P Smith, and Duncan Thomas.
Economic shocks, wealth, and welfare
Journal of Human Resources 38, no. 2 (2003): 280-321.
Journal Article
Akena, Dickens, John Joska, Ekwaro A Obuku, and Dan J Stein.
Sensitivity and specificity of clinician administered screening instruments in detecting depression among HIV-positive individuals in Uganda
AIDS care 25, no. 10 (2013): 1245-1252.
Thesis or Dissertation
López Toapanta, Christian, and Sonia Tatés Cañar.
Evaluación del uso del índice de fluorescencia de reticulocitos (IRF) y de la carga de hemoglobina del reticulocito (RET-HE) como indicadores de reserva corporal de hierro y de respuesta terapeútica a la suplementación de hierro en mujeres embarazadas
Tesis previa la obtención del Título de Especialistas En Patología Clínica , Universidad Central Del Ecuador. Facultad De Ciencias Médicas. Instituto Superior De Postgrado. Postgrado De Patologia ClíNica, 2013.
Journal Article
Byass, Peter.
Usefulness of the Population Health Metrics Research Consortium gold standard verbal autopsy data for general verbal autopsy methods
BMC medicine 12, no. 1 (2014): 23.
Journal Article
Njeuhmeli, Emmanuel, Karin Hatzold, Elizabeth Gold, Hally Mahler, Katharine Kripke, Kim Seifert-Ahanda, Delivette Castor, Webster Mavhu, Owen Mugurungi, and Gertrude Ncube.
Lessons learned from scale-up of voluntary medical male circumcision focusing on adolescents: benefits, challenges, and potential opportunities for linkages with adolescent HIV, sexual, and reproductive health services
(2014) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Journal Article
Islam, Rezaul M, and Koyela Sharmin.
Social Exclusion in Non-Government Organizations’(NGOs’) Development Activities in Bangladesh
Sociology Mind 1, no. 2 (2011): 36-44.
Journal Article
Miller, Nathan P, Agbessi Amouzou, Mengistu Tafesse, Elizabeth Hazel, Hailemariam Legesse, Tedbabe Degefie, Cesar G Victora, Robert E Black, and Jennifer Bryce.
Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness in Ethiopia: Implementation Strength and Quality of Care
(2014) The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.
Journal Article
Sudargo, Toto, Fatma Z Nisa, Siti Helmiyati, Rio J Kusuma, Tonny Arjuna, and Dianandha R Septiana.
Tempeh with Iron Fortification to Overcome Iron Deficiency Anemia
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12, no. 9 (2013): 815-820.
Working Paper
Kim, Byoungki, Phouphet Kyophilavong, and Saythong Bouthchanthalath.
Effects of Road Access on Household Production, Expenditure and Savings in Rural Areas: Based on the Rural Survey of Vientiane Province in Lao PDR
Conference Paper
Simler, Kenneth R, and Channing Arndt.
Poverty comparisons with endogenous absolute poverty lines
International Association of Agricultural Economists conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
August, 2006.
Journal Article
Temel Nalin, Halime.
Determinants of household saving and portfolio choice behaviour in Turkey
Acta Oeconomica 63, no. 3 (2013): 309-331.
Conference Paper
Olivia, Susan, and John Gibson.
Economic Rise and Decline in Indonesia – As Seen from Space
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting.
Kotsila, Panagiota.
"Health is gold": Institutional structures and the realities of health access in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Steer, Liesbet.
Ghana’s sustained agricultural growth: Putting underused resources to work
Journal Article
Aryeetey, Genevieve Cecilia, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Ernst Spaan, Irene Agyepong, and Rob Baltussen.
Costs, equity, efficiency and feasibility of identifying the poor in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: empirical analysis of various strategies
Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 1 (2012): 43-51.
Working Paper
Aragon, Fernando, and Juan Pablo Rud.
Mining, pollution and agricultural productivity: evidence from Ghana
Working Paper
Aragon, Fernando M, and J Rud.
Modern industries, pollution and agricultural productivity: Evidence from Ghana
(2013) London: International Growth Centre-LSE.
Conference Paper
Marinho, Eduardo, and Bruno Gerard.
Tracking vulnerability
« Intégration des marchés et sécurité alimentaire dans les pays en développement », 3 – 4 novembre 2008, CERDI – Université d’Auvergne, Clermont-Fd, France.
Journal Article
Boatri, Wisdom Erasmus, Ladislav Kabat, Vladimir Verner, and Abraham Kabutey.
Economic benefits associated with mineral production in Ghana
Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce 5, no. 3 (2014).
Working Paper
Aragon, Fernando M, and Juan Pablo Rud.
Polluting Industries and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Ghana
Working Paper
Fatima, Eshun.
Toutism Development in Ghana: Towards poverty Reduction for Sustainable Development: A Case of Abrafo Community
Journal Article
Anaman, Kwabena Asomanin, and Felix Agyei-Sasu.
The Economic Value of Environmental Capital Inputs Used to Produce the Gross Domestic Product in Ghana, 1993 to 2012
Research in World Economy 5, no. 2 (2014): p7474-92.
Journal Article
Afrane, Sam K, and Bernard Adjei-Poku.
Institutionalising Corporate Social Responsibility for Local Community Development: Processes and Outcomes
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4, no. 13 (2013): 255-265.
Journal Article
Vargas-Lorenzo, Ingrid, Luisa M Vázquez-Navarrete, and Amparo S Mogollón-Pérez.
Acceso a la atención en salud en Colombia
Revista de Salud Pública 12, no. 5 (2010): 701-712.
Journal Article
Ontoyin, Jonathan, and Isaac Agyemang.
Small-Scale Mining and its Impacts on the Natural Environment: A Case of Yale, Datuku and Digare Communities in the Talensi-Nabdam District of Northern Ghana
Showing 61-90 of 183