
Showing 4951-4980 of 5989
Thesis or Dissertation
Dotse, Laura Novienyo Abla. "Exploring the relationship between water scarcity on food and nutritional security in rural households in the Nqgeleni location, Eastern Cape." Master of Science, University of the Witwaterspand, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Madlala, Siphiwe Themba. "Perceptions of young males at the Free State School of Nursing with regards to teenage pregnancy." Master of Technology in Nursing, Durban University of Technology, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gawbeni, Siphosethu. "Accessing health services in townships: the case of Bram Fischerville." Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning Honours, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Makhwanya, Ntshengedzeni Theresa. "Factors that influence poor enrolment in the foundation phase in a no-fee school in the Sibasa Circuit." Master of Education, University of South Africa, 2015.
Journal Article
Anderson, Robyn Margaret. "Faith and Religious Considerations in the Effective Operation of a Higher Education Campus in Singapore.." International Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Society 6, no. 3 (2016): 41-52.
Working Paper
Carletto, Calogero, Sydney Gourlay, Siobhan Murray, and Alberto Zezza. "Cheaper, faster, and more than good enough: is GPS the new gold standard in land area measurement?." (2016)
Conference Paper
Carletto, Calogero, Sydney Gourlay, Siobhan Murray, and Alberto Zezza. "Welcome To Fantasyland: Comparing Approaches To Land Area Measurement In Household Surveys." International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan Italy 2015. 2015.
Book Section
Setyonaluri, Diahhadi, and Dinda Radjiman. "Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia." (2016) Social Protection for Informal Workers in Indonesia: A Case Study of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Conference Paper
Rahija, Michael, Titus Mwisomba, Mlemba Abassy Kamwe, James Muwonge, and Ugo Pica-Ciamarra. "Are CAPI based surveys a cost-effective and viable alternative to PAPI surveys? Evidence from agricultural surveys in Tanzania and Uganda.." VII International Conference on Agricultural Statistics, 2016 Rome. 2016.
Journal Article
Rahut, Dil Bahadur, Khondoker Abdul Mottaleb, Akhter Ali, and Jeetendra Aryal. "The use and determinants of solar energy by Sub-Saharan African households." (2017) International Journal of Sustainable Energy.
Journal Article
Takarinda, KC, AD Harries, and T Mutasa-Apollo. "Critical considerations for adopting the HIV ‘treat all’approach in Zimbabwe: is the nation poised?." Public Health Action 6, no. 1 (2016): 3-7.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chibaya, Patience. "Effectiveness of sexual reproductive health and rights services On young people in Shurugwi District.." Bachelor of Arts, Midlands State University, 2016.
Working Paper
Turdaliev, Salim. "Labor Force Participation of Married Female: The Case of Russia." (2014)
Working Paper
Decoster, André, and Inna Verbina. "Who pays indirect taxes in the Russian Federation?." (2003)
Journal Article
Denisov, Boris, and Victoria Sakevich. "Abortion In Post-Soviet Russia: Is There Any Reason For Optimism?." (2014) Демографическое обозрение.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cortes Cortes, Leonardo Fabio, and Gustavo Adolfo Velez Gutierrez. "Incidencia de la politica publica para la superacion de la pobreza extrema en el marco del desarrollo economico local en Manizales-Caldas. Periodo 1994-2014.." maestría en desarrollo regional y planificación del territorio, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, 2015.
Journal Article
O’Hara, Nathan N, Rodney Mugarura, Jeffrey Potter, Trina Stephens, Marit M Rehavi, Patrick Francois, Piotr A Blachut, Peter J O’Brien, Bababunmi K Fashola, and Alex Mezei. "Economic loss due to traumatic injury in Uganda: The patient's perspective." Injury 47, no. 5 (2016): 1098-1103.
Journal Article
Hassan, Amin S, Shalton M Mwaringa, Kennedy K Ndirangu, Eduard J Sanders, Tobias Rinke F Wit, and James A Berkley. "Incidence and predictors of attrition from antiretroviral care among adults in a rural HIV clinic in Coastal Kenya: a retrospective cohort study." BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 478.
Journal Article
Owiti, Elizabeth Anyango, and Martine Odhiambo Oleche. "Costing of Antiretroviral Treatment in Mbagathi District Hospital, Kenya." International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 4, no. 3 (2015).
Zezza, Alberto, Ugo Pica-Ciamarra, Harriet K Mugera, Titus Mwisomba, and Patrick Okello. Measuring the Role of Livestock in the Household Economy. 2016.
Journal Article
Kangendo, Catherine, and Amos Gitonga. "Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral therapy among youth in Meru County based on case of Meru Teaching and Referral Hospital." International Academic Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing 1, no. 1 (2017): 32-53.
Journal Article
Emukule, Gideon O, Meredith McMorrow, Chulie Ulloa, Sammy Khagayi, Henry N Njuguna, Deron Burton, Joel M Montgomery, Philip Muthoka, Mark A Katz, Robert F Breiman, and Joshua A Mott. "Predicting mortality among hospitalized children with respiratory illness in Western Kenya, 2009-2012." PloS One 9, no. 3 (2014): e92968.
Journal Article
Amoo, Emmanuel O, Gholahan A Oni, Mofoluwake P Ajayi, Adenike E Idowu, Theophilus O Fadayomi, and Adekunbi K Omideyi. "Are Men’s Reproductive Health Problems and Sexual Behavior Predictors of Welfare?." American Journal of Men's Health 11, no. 3 (2017): 487-497.
Thesis or Dissertation
Machio, Phyllis Mumia. "Essays on illness and labor market outcomes in Kenya." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Waema, Juliana Ndunge. "Influence on sustainability of key population projects at Nyeri County: a case of mt. Kenya Hospital." Master of Arts, University of Nairobi, 2016.
Showing 4951-4980 of 5989