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Showing 151-180 of 401
Working Paper
Grace, Jo.
One Hundred Households in Kabul
(2003) AREU: Case Studies Series .
Working Paper
Mauleón, Cecilia Olea, Patricia Manrique, Grace Corcuera, and Susana Ilizarbe.
Perú: Mapeo de organizaciones de mujeres indígenas y de secciones de mujeres al interior de organizaciones indígenas mixtas
(2012) Articulación Feminista Marcosur. Proyecto “Diálogos complejos".
Bersales, Lisa G, Dennis Mapa, and L Grace.
Patterns and determinants of household saving in the Philippines
Conference Paper
Chinamale, Grace.
Report Of The International Workshop On The Role Of Women Leaders In Empowering Rural Women In The Context Of Rights And Development Issues In Afro-Asian Region
The Role Of Women Leaders In Empowering Rural Women In The Context Of Rights And Development Issues In Afro-Asian Region.
Omdurman, Sudan, April 20 – 25 , 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Owosu, Blessing, Peter Issah, Grace Palitha a Amoako, Sarah Addai, and Jphn Ayam.
Convenience service company limited business plan
Bachelor of Business Administration, Christian Service University College, 2012.
Journal Article
Agyei, William A. K, and Grace Nakintu-Kyeyune.
Mortality Estimates for South Kampala Based on 1980 Uganda Population Census
Journal of Biosocial Science 20, no. 02 (1988): 245-252.
Journal Article
Carswell, Grace.
Continuities in Environmental Narratives: The Case of Kabale, Uganda, 1930-2000
Environment and History 9, no. 1 (2003): 3-29.
Bantebya, Grace, Eric Ochen, Paola Pereznieto, and David Walker.
Cross-Generational and Transactional Sexual Relations in Uganda: Income Poverty as a Risk Factor for Adolescents
Conference Paper
O’Riordan, Jacqui, James Urwick, Matemoho Khatleli, Stella Long, Grace Ntaote, Florence Nyakudya, and Nthabeleng Maketela.
Children’s Lives in an Era of Children’s Rights: The Progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa
Wong, Linda, and Grace Lee.
Welfare in a stratified immigrant society Shenzhen s social policy challenge
Frieson, Kate Grace.
Social Landscapes and Rural Livelihoods: Cambodian Communities in Transition
Phnom Penh, Cambodia: RLNR, 2010.
Journal Article
Oluwasanya, Grace, Jennifer Smith, and Richard Carter.
Self supply systems: urban dug wells in Abeokuta, Nigeria
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 11, no. 2 (2011): 172-178.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bonete, Luis Pilacuan M, Grace Villafuerte S Holguin, and María F Mariduena.
Servicio in situ de Mantenimiento Preventivo, Correctivo y de Reparaciones Mecanicas para Empresas con flota de vehiculos livianos FAST & SERVICE
Título de Magíster, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, 2015.
Conference Paper
Gachanja, Grace, Gary J Burkholder Jr, and Aimee Ferraro.
Parents' and children's emotions spanning the HIV disclosure process in Kenya
2014 APHA Annual Conference Tuesday, November 18, 2014 New Orleans, LA.
Thesis or Dissertation
Munthali, Grace Timanyechi.
Assessing farmers’ willingness-to-way for improved common bean seed varieties in Malawi: a case study of Kasungu and Dedza districts
Master of Science, University of Pretoria, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Trasmonte Soto L, Grace.
Propuesta de Gestión de Riesgo de Heladas, que afectan a la Agricultura del Valle del Mantaro (Andes Centrales del Perú)
Maestria, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2009.
Journal Article
Kyomuhendo, Grace Bantebya, and Amon Mwiine.
‘food that cannot be eaten’: the shame of Uganda’s anti-poverty policies
(2013) The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaleli-Lee M, Grace.
The Ecology of Health During Middle-Childhood in Rural Akamba of Kenya
Masters of Arts, University of Kansas, 2015.
Journal Article
Becker, Charles M, Damira I Bibosunova, Grace E Holmes, and Margarita M Ibragimova.
Maternal care vs. economic wealth and the health of newborns: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic and Kansas City, USA
World Development 26, no. 11 (1998): 2057-2072.
Working Paper
Grace, Jeremy, Charles Kenny, Christine Z Qiang, Jia Liu, and Taylor Reynolds.
Information and communication technologies and broad-based development: A partial review of the evidence
(2004) World Bank Working Paper No. 12.
Pasquier-Doumer, Laure.
L’évolution de la mobilité scolaire intergénérationnelle au Pérou depuis un siècle
Journal Article
Pavin, Melinda, Talgat Nurgozhin, Grace Hafner, Farruh Yusufy, and Richard Laing.
Prescribing practices of rural primary health care physicians in Uzbekistan
Tropical Medicine & International Health 8, no. 2 (2003): 182-190.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hall J, Grace.
HIV screening patterns in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey data 2003-2007
PhD Thesis, Health Behavior and Health Education, The University of Michigan, 2010.
Journal Article
Grace, Kathryn.
A comparative analysis of contraceptive use and intent in Guatemala
(2009) MPIDR Working Papers.
Thesis or Dissertation
Grace, Kathryn.
Three essays on fertility and family planning in Guatemala
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009.
Journal Article
Wilkinson, David John, Pamela Fenney Lyman, Katherine Mason, and Grace E Wambwa.
Using the newspaper to disseminate vasectomy information in Kenya
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 14, no. 2 (1993): 165-172.
Journal Article
Banda, Hastings T, Grace T Bongololo, Judy Ng'ombe, and Ireen Makwize.
Country Health Equity Analysis: Malawi
(2006) Harare: Regional Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa (EQUINET).
Journal Article
Heard, Nathan J, Ulla Larsen, and Dairiku Hozumi.
Investigating access to reproductive health services using GIS: proximity to services and the use of modern contraceptives in Malawi
(2004) African journal of reproductive health.
Journal Article
Arusei, Roselyne Jelimo, Grace A Ettyang, and Fabian Esamai.
Feeding patterns and growth of term infants in Eldoret, Kenya
Food snd Nutrition Bulletin 32, no. 4 (2011): 307-314.
Journal Article
Mathanga, Don P, Carl H Campbell Jr, Jodi van den Eng, Adam Wolkon, Rachel N Bronzan, Grace J Malenga, Doreen Ali, and Meghna Desai.
Research Comparison of anaemia and parasitaemia as indicators of malaria control in household and EPI-health facility surveys in Malawi
Showing 151-180 of 401