
Showing 151-180 of 215
Working Paper
Minicuci, Nadia, Richard B Biritwum, George Mensah, Alfred E Yawson, Nirmala Naidoo, Somnath Chatterji, and Paul Kowal. "Sociodemographic and socioeconomic patterns of chronic non-communicable disease among the older adult population in Ghana." (2014)
Journal Article
Biritwum, Richard B, George Mensah, Nadia Minicuci, Alfred E Yawson, Nirmala Naidoo, Somnath Chatterji, and Paul Kowal. "Household characteristics for older adults and study background from SAGE Ghana Wave 1." (2013) Global health action.
Journal Article
Kumi, Prince Koranteng, Matthew Owusu-Mensah, and Ernest Winful. "Evaluating the Relationship between Small Enterprise Performance and Poverty Reduction in Ghana." European Journal of Business and Management 6, no. 10 (2014): 28-33.
Journal Article
Benneh Mensah, Mavis Serwah. "Local business climate in Ghana - insights for policy direction." International Journal of Business and Management 7, no. 2 (2012): 17-35.
Journal Article
Mensah, Mavis Serwah Benneh. "Access to Market of a Manufacturing Small Business Sector in Ghana." International Journal of Business and Management 7, no. 12 (2012): 36.
Journal Article
Ameyaw, Collins, Sarfo Mensah, and Ernest Osei-Tutu. "Public procurement in Ghana: The implementation challenges to the public procurement law 2003 (Act 663)." International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management 2, no. 2 (2012): 55-65.
Journal Article
Mensah, Christopher. "Residents’ Perception of Socio-economic Impacts of Tourism in Tafi Atome, Ghana." Asian Social Science 8, no. 15 (2012): 274-287.
Journal Article
Mensah, Collins Adjei, Kwabena Barima Antwi, and Suleman Dauda. "Female Traditional Leaders (Queen Mothers) and Community Planning and Development in Ghana." Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 3, no. 1 (2014): 205-220.
Journal Article
Abobi, Seth Mensah, Werner Ekau, Matthias Wolff, John Blay, and Benjamin Betey Campion. "Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and water level variations in the lower reaches of the White Volta River (Yapei), Ghana." African Journal of Agricultural Research 8, no. 23 (2013): 2870-2876.
Journal Article
Mensah, Collins Adjei. "Destruction of urban green spaces: A problem beyond urbanization in Kumasi city (Ghana)." American Journal of Environmental Protection 3, no. 1 (2014): 1-9.
Journal Article
Mensah, Collins Adjei, Kwabena Barima Antwi, and Peter Kwabena Acheampong. "Behavioural Dimension of the Growth of Informal Settlements in Kumasi city, Ghana." Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3, no. 12 (2013): 1-10.
Journal Article
Mensah, John Victor, and Kwabena Barima Antwi. "Bridging Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Gap in Ghana." Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 5, no. 2 (2013): 12-34.
Journal Article
Mensah, Collins Adjei. "Is Kumasi Still a Garden City? Land Use Analysis between 1980-2010." Journal of Environment and Ecology 5, no. 2 (2014): 89-107.
Journal Article
Forster, Aboagye, and Collins Adjei Mensah. "Enhancing Urban Roads Maintenance in Ghana: Implications for Sustainable Urban Development." Civil and Environmental Research 3, no. 12 (2013): 63-75.
Journal Article
Amissah, Augustina Araba, John Victor Mensah, and Eric Anane. "Management of Changes in the Life Cycle of Families in Mankessim in the Central Region in Ghana." An International Journal of Management Studies 4, no. 4 (2014).
Owusu-Banahene, Foster Mensah, Serena Coetzee, AK Cooper, Victoria Rautenbach, Kisco M Sinvula, Emma Nangolo, and Martin Hippondoka. A description of spatial data infrastructure stakeholders in Ghana using the ICA model. 2013.
Journal Article
Adjei, Evans Korang, and Seth Opoku Mensah. "Regional Income Differences in Ghana: The Importance of Socio-Demographic and Ethnicity." Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 4, no. 17 (2014): 103-111.
Journal Article
Wongnaa, Camillus Abawiera, Stephen Opoku Mensah, Alexander Ayogyam, Lydia Asare-Kyire, and Researchers Zu Kwame Seyram Anthony. "Economics of Tomato Marketing in Ashanti Region, Ghana." RJOAS 2, no. 26 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Anatsu, Prince Welbeck Mensah. "The Contribution of Pension Funds to Housing Provision in Developing Countries: Case Study of SSNIT in Ghana." Masters in Business Administration, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Graham, Kenny Mensah. "Geological and Structural Interpretation of Part of the Buem Formation, Ghana, Using Aerogeophysical Data." Master of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ruby, Mensah. "The Impact of Indirect Compensation on Employee Productivity: A Case of Central University College." Master of Business, Institute of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2012.
Journal Article
Mensah, Charlotte Monica, and Razak Mohammed Gyasi. "Use of Herbal Medicine in the Management of Malaria in the Urban-periphery, Ghana." Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 2, no. 11 (2012): 113-122.
Thesis or Dissertation
Himans, Irene Pokua. "Assessment of Marine Debris and Water Quality Along the Accra-Tema Coastline of Ghana." Master of Philosophy, University of Ghana, 2013.
Journal Article
Addison, Monica, SE Edusah, and Paul Sarfo-Mensah. "Gender Constraints and Rice Varietal Characteristics Preferences in Lowland Rice Ecosystem in Ghana." Developing Country Studies 4, no. 15 (2014): 92-98.
Journal Article
Abagale, F K, N Kyei-Baffour, E Ofori, and E Mensah. "Types and seasonal diversity of helminth eggs in wastewater used for peri-urban vegetable crop production in tamale metropolis, Ghana." International Journal of Current Research 5, no. 11 (2013): 3354-3359.
Conference Paper
Aidoo, Robert, James Osei Mensah, and Thomas Tuffour. "Determinants of household food security in the Sekyere-Afram plains district of Ghana." 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference. Azores, Portugal , April 24-26, 2013.
Journal Article
Kuwornu, John KM, Akwasi Mensah-Bonsu, and Hassan Ibrahim. "Analysis of Foodstuff Price Volatility in Ghana: Implications for Food Security." European Journal of Business and Management 3, no. 4 (2011): 100-118.
Journal Article
Asante, Kwaku Oppong, Isaac Mensah Boafo, and Maurice Nyamekye. "Identifying Gender Differences in Ghanaian University Students’ Sexual Practices, Attitudes and Knowledge Regarding HIV." Journal of Psychology 5, no. 1 (2014): 9-18.
Journal Article
Gyasi, Razak Mohammed, Eva Tagoe-Darko, and Charlotte Monica Mensah. "Use of Traditional Medicine by HIV/AIDS Patients in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana: A Cross-sectional Survey." American International Journal of Contemporary Research 3, no. 4 (2013): 117-129.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mensah, Kenneth. "Linking Precaution to Adaptive Co-Management to Adapt Rural Water Resources to Climate Change in Ghana." Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Guelph, 2012.
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