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Showing 361-390 of 513
Journal Article
Castillo Avila, Irma Yolanda, Karen Margarita Aguilar Velasco, Damaris Balaguera Serrano, Heydy Linda Gonzalez Amaris, and Melissa Mejía Barón.
Factores asociados al uso adecuado de la citologia cervico-uterina por mujeres de cartagena (Colombia)
Revista Hacia la Promocion de la Salud 18, no. 2 (2013): 123-134.
Journal Article
Rivera Mejia, Paula Tatiana, Rocio Carvajal Barona, Julio Cesar Mateus Solarte, Fernando Arango Gomez, and Jorge Alberto Valencia Bernal.
Factores de servicios de salud y satisfaccion de usuarias asociados al acceso al control prenatal
Revista Hacia la Promocion de la Salud 19, no. 1 (2014): 84-98.
Working Paper
Roca, Adolfo Meisel, Leonardo Bonilla Mejia, and Andres Mauricio Sanchez Jabba.
Geografía económica de la Amazonia colombiana
Centro de Estudios Económicos Regionales (CEER) del Banco de la República , no. 193 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Calle Mejía B, Nancy.
Evaluación de la situación de las empresas afiliadas a la CAPIA, del sector alimenticio y textil, en materia de la salud y seguridad, basado en la norma NTE INEN-OHSAS 18001-2010
Titulo de Magister, Universidad del Azuay, 2017.
Journal Article
Lu, Chunling, Ivan Mejia-Guevara, Kenneth Hill, Paul Farmer, SV Subramanian, and Agnes Binagwaho.
Community-based health financing and child stunting in rural Rwanda
American Journal of Public Health 106, no. 1 (2016): 49-55.
Journal Article
Jácome-Haz, Daniela, Christian Morán-Montalvo, and Leslie RodríguezValencia.
Emisiones sindicadas de obligaciones como alternativa de financiamiento para las PyME del sector metalmecánico en Guayaquil//Syndicated issues of obligations as a financing alternative for SMEs in the metalworking sector in Guayaquil
Ciencia Unemi 10, no. 22 (2017): 11-19.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mejia Montenegro, Segundo Leoncio.
Las estrategias municipales de mitigación del problema público de la inseguridad ciudadana: un análisis de la gerencia de seguridad ciudadana de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima entre el 2010 y el 2014.
Magíster en Ciencia Política y Gobierno, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mejia Velazquez A, Navil.
Evaluación Del Programa De Rescate De Espacios Públicos En Entidades Federativas Con Mayor Incidencia Delictiva. 2011
Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autonoma Del Estado De Mexico, 2016.
Journal Article
Thomas, Claudius.
The need for good governance
(2002) Report of the Sierra Leone National Consultation on Women and Men in Partnership for Post-conflict Reconstruction.
Trani, Jean-Francois, Osman Bah, Nicki Bailey, Joyce Browne, Nora Groce, and Maria Kett.
Disability in and around urban areas of Sierra Leone
: UCL; Leonard Cheshire Disability, 2009.
Conference Paper
Stanley, Richard.
Trends in child survival in Sierra Leone, 1961-2008
CSAE Conference 2010 Economic Development in Africa.
Oxford, UK, 2010.
Gayer, Michelle, Marie Connolly, Pamela Mbabazi, and Albis Gabrielli.
Communicable disease toolkit: Sierra Leone
: WHO, 2004.
Neilsen, Jesse.
The Sierra Leone development manual: A guide to land, people, and humanitarian programs
: Village Hope Techincal Report, 2008.
Republic of Sierra Leone: Country profile
: WHO Department of Making Pregnancy Safer, 2002.
Carton, Michel, and Christian Kingombe.
TVET Scoping and Advisory Mission to Sierra Leone 2012
Working Paper
Gbla, Osman, Fatmata Sesay- Kebbay, and Mahmoud Idriss.
West Africa Governance Monitoring Project Sierra Leone
Berghs, Maria.
War and Embodied Memory: Becoming Disabled in Sierra Leone
: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2013.
Gegbe, Mwaluma Andrew B, and Gbogboto B Musa.
External Evaluation Report of Sierra Leone’s Youth Reproductive Health Programme (2007-2012)
Journal Article
Spencer S, Dunstan.
Issues in Food Security and Cash Crop Production in Sierra Leone
The Republic of Sierra Leone Joint IDA-IMF Staff Advisory Note on the Third Poverty Reduction Strategy
: The World Bank, 2013.
Working Paper
Alghali, A. M, Edward D Turay, Ekundayo J Thompson, and Joseph B Kandeh.
Education in Sierra Leone with Particular Reference to Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies
Conference Paper
Fofana S, Mohamed.
Mainstreaming Micro and Rural Financial Services in Sierra Leone: Progress, Challenges and Prospects
African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (Afraca) Subregional Workshop 2005/06 on “Integrating Financial Services into Poverty Reduction Strategies”.
Abuja, Nigeria, September 13-15, 2005.
Rashid, Ismail, Ibrahim Abdullah, and Joseph Goakai.
Youth Vulnerability and Exclusion (YOVEX) in West Africa: Sierra Leone Country Report
London, UK: King’s College London, 2009.
Book Section
Wodon, Quentin, and Yvonne Ying.
Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia
(2009) Literacy and numeracy in faith-based and government schools in Sierra Leone.
Peeters, Pia, Wendy Cunningham, Gayatri Acharya, and Arvil Van Adams.
Youth Employment in Sierra Leone: Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities in a Post-Conflict Setting
Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2009.
Ensor, Tim, Tomas Lievens, and Mike Naylor.
Review of Financing of Health in Sierra Leone and the Development of Policy Options
: Oxford Policy Management. Available: http://www. opml. co. uk/sites/opml/files/Review\% 20of\% 20Financing\% 20of, 2008.
Ovadiya, Mirey, and Giuseppe Zampaglione.
Escaping Stigma and Neglect: People with Disabilities in Sierra Leone
Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Collier S, Ebenezer.
A Comparison of the Effects of Educational Policies on Primary and Secondary Education in Sierra Leone During Colonial, Post-independence, and Post-civil War Eras
Doctor of Education, Howard University, 2008.
Zack-Williams, Tunde.
When the State Fails: Studies on Intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War
London, UK: Pluto Press, 2012.
Republic of Sierra Leone for a Youth Employment Support Project: Report No: 54419-SL
: The World Bank, 2010.
Showing 361-390 of 513