
Showing 1-30 of 144
Thesis or Dissertation
Petersen, Louise. "Remittances and Inequality: a Case Study of Albania." Lund University, 2012.
Journal Article
Tette, Edem MA, Mame Y Nyarko, Edmund T Nartey, Margaret L Neizer, Adolph Egbefome, Fredua Akosa, and Richard B Biritwum. "Under-five mortality pattern and associated risk factors: a case-control study at the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital in Accra, Ghana." BMC Pediatrics 16, no. 1 (2016): 148.
Journal Article
Nuruddin, Rozina, W C Hadden, M R Petersen, and M K Lim. "Does child gender determine household decision for health care in rural Thatta, Pakistan?." Journal of Public Health 31, no. 3 (2009): 389.
Conference Paper
Brennan, Donna, Elizabeth Petersen, Nguyen Ngoc Que, and David Vanzetti. "Rural - Urban Migration and Vietnamese Agriculture." The 56th AARES Annual Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. Fremantle, Western Australia, 2012.
Journal Article
Pineros-Petersen, Marion, and Magda Ruiz-Salguero. "Aspectos demográficos en comunidades indígenas de tres regiones de Colombia." Salud publica de Mexico 40, no. 4 (1998): 324-329.
Paracchini, Maria Luisa, Jan-Erik Petersen, Ybele Hoogeveen, Catharina Bamps, Ian Burfield, and Chris Swaay. High nature value farmland in Europe. 2008.
Working Paper
Greschkow, Alice, Mia J Bahl, Lasse H Holm, and Pi Arnth Petersen. "Cursed by Resources or Institutions - A Case Study on Angola." (2014)
Journal Article
Ekener-Petersen, Elisabeth, and Göran Finnveden. "Potential hotspots identified by social LCA—part 1: a case study of a laptop computer." The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18, no. 1 (2013): 127-143.
Journal Article
Myers, Bronwyn, Zainonisa Petersen, Rehana Kader, Randy J Koch, Ron Manderscheid, Rajen Govender, and Charles DH Parry. "Identifying perceived barriers to monitoring service quality among substance abuse treatment providers in South Africa." BMC psychiatry 14, no. 1 (2014): 1.
Charman, Andrew, and Leif Petersen. Informal micro-enterprises in a township context: A spatial analysis of business dynamics in five Cape Town localities. : e Research Project on Employment, Income Distribution and Inclusive Growth , 2014.
Journal Article
De Beer, M, SC Van der Westhuizen, NN Bekwa, M Petersen-Waughtal, LE Van Zyl, and M Sadiki. "Teaching research methodology in an online ODL environment: strategies followed and lessons learnt." South African Journal of Higher Education 29, no. 2 (2015): 56-81.
Journal Article
Guerchet, Maëlenn, Pascal Mbelesso, Bébène Ndamba-Bandzouzi, Sophie Pilleron, Ileana Desormais, Philippe Lacroix, Victor Aboyans, Pierre Jésus, Jean-Claude Desport, Achille E Tchalla, Benoît Marin, Jean-Charles Lambert, Jean-Pierre Clément, Jean-François Dartigues, and Pierre-Marie Preux. "Epidemiology of Dementia in Central Africa (EPIDEMCA): Protocol for a Multicentre Population-based Study in Rural and Urban Areas of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo." (2014) SpringerPlus.
Journal Article
Petersen, Solveig, Boyd Swinburn, Helen Mavoa, Kalesita Fotu, Caroline Tupoulahi-Fusimalohi, Gavin Faeamani, and Marjory Moodie. "Low health-related quality of life in school-aged children in Tonga, a lower-middle income country in the South Pacific." (2014) Global health action.
Journal Article
Christensen, Howard A, A. M De Vasquez, and John L Petersen. "Short report epidemiologic studies on cutaneous leishmaniasis in eastern Panama." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 60, no. 1 (1999): 54-57.
Thesis or Dissertation
Petersen, Lucille Jacoba. "Parents' and educators' perceptions of factors influencing high rate of academic failure of learners in Clarke Estate Primary Schools." Master in Education, University of the Western Cape, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tshirangwana, Nobeli Munyadziwa. "An investigation into the management of grade 3 mathematics curriculum: a transformational leadership approach." Master of Education, University of South Africa, 2013.
Journal Article
Charman, Andrew, and Leif Petersen. "A Transnational Space of Business: The Informal Economy of Ivory Park, Johannesburg." (2015) Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa.
Journal Article
Petersen, Anne Berit, Lisa M Thompson, Gezahegn Bekele Dadi, Alemu Tolcha, and Janine K Cataldo. "Factors associated with secondhand tobacco smoke in the home: an exploratory cross-sectional study among women in Aleta Wondo, Ethiopia." BMC public health 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Lim, Jamie, Stephen Petersen, Dan Schwarz, Ryan Schwarz, and Duncan Maru. "a rights-based approach to indoor air pollution." health and human rights 15, no. 2 (2013): 160-167.
Journal Article
Mutevedzi, Portia C, and Marie-Louise Newell. "A missing piece in the puzzle: HIV in mature adults in sub-Saharan Africa." Future Virology 6, no. 6 (2011): 755-767.
Journal Article
McGinn, Therese, Judy Austin, Katherine Anfinson, Ribka Amsalu, Sara E Casey, Shihab I Fadulalmula, Anne Langston, Louise Lee-Jones, Janet Meyers, Frederick K Mubiru, Jennifer Schlecht , Melissa Sharer , and Mary Yetter. "Family planning in conflict: results of cross-sectional baseline surveys in three African countries." Conflict and Health 5, no. 1 (2011): 11.
Working Paper
Fox, Louise, Elena Bardasi, and Katleen Van den Broeck. "Poverty in Mozambique: Unraveling changes and determinants." (2005) Africa Region Working Paper Series.
Besley, Timothy, and Louise J. Cord. Delivering on the promise of pro-poor growth: Insights and lessons from country experiences. Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications, 2007.
Journal Article
Harrison, Abigail, Marie-Louise Newell, John Imrie, and Graeme Hoddinott. "HIV prevention for South African youth: which interventions work? A systematic review of current evidence." BMC Public Health 10, no. 102 (2010).
Simmons, Jennifer Louise. Gender, sexuality and HIV risk in Belize: A mixed methods study. : ProQuest, 2008.
Journal Article
Kim, Sun-Young, Louise B Russell, Jeehyun Park, Jennifer R Verani, Shabir A Madhi, Clare L Cutland, Stephanie J Schrag, and Anushua Sinha. "Cost-effectiveness of a potential group B streptococcal vaccine program for pregnant women in South Africa." Vaccine 32, no. 17 (2014): 1954-1963.
Working Paper
Tait, LOUISE, BRUNO Merven, and MAMAHLOKO Senatla. "Investigating current and future roles of paraffin in South Africa." (2013) Energy Research Center: University of Cape Town.
Journal Article
Bednarczyk, Robert A, Eka Kldiashvili, Maia Butsashvili, George Kamkamidze, and Louise-Anne McNutt. "Descriptive epidemiology of Pap test results from women with gynecologic symptoms in Georgia." International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics 112, no. 3 (2011): 245.
Chunga, Tadiwos Feyissa, Muhammad Furqan, Berit Henning, and Tina Louise Ringstad Larsen. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 2013.
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