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Showing 61-90 of 1978
Thesis or Dissertation
Guacapiña Chicaiza, Tania S, and Evelin N Guachamin Farinango.
Factores que influyen el retraso de la Lactogénesis II en madres adolescentes de la sala de maternidad del Hospital General Luis Gabriel Dávila, cuidad de Tulcán durante enero - mayo del 2013
Título de Obstetriz, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Cayetano Arana V, Cinthya.
Prevalencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias en la colecistectomía laparoscópica en el Hospital Militar Central “Crl. Luis Arias Schreiber” año 2014
Título Profesional de Médico Cirujano, Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2016.
Journal Article
Yepes, Francisco J, Joaquin G Gomez, John Jairo Zuleta, Juan Luis Londono, Jorge Luis Acosta-Reyes, Luz Helena Sanchez-Gomez, and Marta L Ramirez.
Healthcare and maternal morbidity and mortality: a hospital-based case-control study in two regions of Colombia (Bogota and Antioquia), 2009-2011
Cadernos de saude publica 32, no. 11 (2016).
Journal Article
Sanchez Valencia, Yessica Alexandra, Luis Alfonso Mendoza Tascon, Monica Beatriz Grisales Lopez, Ceballos Molina, Leidy Yohanna, Johanna Catalina Bustamente Farfan, Edgar Muriel Castaneda, Luis Alberto Chaverra, and Maria Eulalia Acuna Polo.
Características poblacionales y factores asociados a embarazo en mujeres adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia
Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecologia 78, no. 4 (2013): 269-281.
Thesis or Dissertation
Villacís Bonilla C, Victoria.
Diseño de un plan de branding para potencializar la imagen corporativa de panadería San Luis de la ciudad de Ambato
Título de Ingeniera, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, 2015.
Journal Article
Hertz, Thomas.
Upward bias in the estimated returns to education: Evidence from South Africa
The American Economic Review 93, no. 4 (2003): 1354-1368.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, David, Maria Jimena Vargas Mayo, Cesar Augusto Esparragoza Amon, Jaime Hincapie, Duvalier Nino, Deifilia Gutierrez, Maria Teresa Gomez, Antenor Ortiz, Lucy Espitia, and Luis Arismendy.
Informe final proyecto observatorios regionales de empleo convenio ministerio de trabajo y seguridad social universidad nacional de colombia centro de investigaciones para el desarrollo
Thesis or Dissertation
Castro Lugo, David, and Jose Luis Roig Sabate.
Salarios y desigualdad territorial en las areas urbanas de Mexico, 1992-2002
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, 2005.
De Ferranti, David M, Indermit S Gill , Guillermo E Perry , and Luis Servén.
Securing our future in a global economy
: World Bank Washington, DC, 2000.
Working Paper
Guerrero, Isabel, Luis Felipe López-Calva, and Michael Walton.
La trampa de la desigualdad y su vínculo con el bajo crecimiento en México
Journal Article
Challis, David, Felicia Knaul, Gustavo Nigenda, Miguel Angel Ramirez, Ana Cristina Torres, Ana Mylena Aguilar, Mariana Lopez Ortega, and Jose Luis Torres.
Case-study Mexico
(2003) Long-term care.
Journal Article
Camberos, Mario, Luis Huesca Reynoso, and David Castro Lugo.
Cambio tecnológico y diferencial salarial en las regiones de México: un análisis de datos de panel para el sector servicios
Estudios fronterizos 14, no. 28 (2013): 187-211.
Working Paper
Margolis, David N, Luis Miotti, El Mouhoub Mouhoud, and Joël Oudinet.
'To Have and Have Not': Migration, Remittances, Poverty and Inequality in Algeria
IZA Discussion Paper , no. 7747 (2013).
Working Paper
Díaz, David Q, Luis Pavón M León , and Antonio C Benavides.
Victimización, Corrupción Y Ambiente Para Los Negocios En México. Una Necesidad De Políticas Públicas En La Materia
Working Paper
Sahn, David E, and David Stifel.
Assets as a Measure of Household Welfare in Developing Countries
Center for Social Development Working Paper , no. 00-11 (2000).
Book Section
Coady, David, and David Newhouse.
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms Lessons and Examples from Implementation
(2006) Ghana. Evaluating the Fiscal and Social Costs of Increases in Domestic Fuel Prices.
Bauer, Marcia, David Pearce, and David Vincent.
Saving a staple crop: Impact of biological control of the banana skipper on poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Canberra, Australia: ACIAR, 2003.
Journal Article
Sahn, David E, and David Stifel.
Inclusion in asset building: research and policy symposium
Sahn, David E, and David C Stifel.
Urban-rural inequality in Africa
Oxford, UK: Center for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford, 2002.
Wilson, David, Shipla Chilla, Kathleen Beegle, Damien De Walque, and Antonio C David.
The changing HIV/AIDS landscape: Selected papers for the World Bank's Agenda for Action in Africa, 2007-2011
Appiah-Asantewaa, Amma, Jennifer Burton, Kimberly Cates, David Denson, David Mashuri, Adam Wingard, and Amina Zeghar.
Malaria interdiction in Kenya
Stifel, David, David Sahn, and Stephen Younger.
Inter-temporal changes in welfare: Preliminary results from nine African countries
: Cornell University, 1999.
McGregor, Duncan, David Dodman, and David Barker.
Global Change and Caribbean Vulnerability, Environment, Economy and Society at Risk
: UWIPRESS, 2009.
Mugumbate, Jacob, Obediah Dodo, Francis Maushe, Lenah Ruparanganda, Monica Zembere, David Makwerere, Emmaculate Tsitsi Ngwerume, and Edmos Mtetwa.
Development policy & practice: making use of population census data in Zimbabwe
Journal Article
Sahn, David E, and David Stifel.
Exploring alternative measures of welfare in the absence of expenditure data
Review of Income and Wealth 49, no. 4 (2003): 463-489.
Journal Article
Sahn, David, and David Stifel.
Poverty comparisons over time and across countries in Africa
(2000) SSRN eLibrary.
Working Paper
Gordon, David, Michelle Irving, Shailen Nandy, and Peter Townsend.
Multidimensional measures of child poverty
(2005) Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research Draft Conference Paper.
Journal Article
Bloom, David E, David Canning, Isabel Gunther, and Sebastian Linnemayr.
Social interactions and fertility in developing countries
(2008) Program on the Global Demography of Aging (PGDA) Working Series.
Journal Article
Sahn, David E, and David C Stifel.
Robust comparisons of malnutrition in developing countries
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84, no. 3 (2002): 716-735.
Journal Article
Homsy, Jaco, Rebecca Bunnell, David Moore, Rachel King, Samuel Malamba, Rose Nakityo, David Glidden, Jordan Tappero, and Jonathon Mermin.
Reproductive intentions and outcomes among women on antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda: a prospective cohort study
PLoS One 4, no. 1 (2009).
Showing 61-90 of 1978