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Showing 61-90 of 230
Journal Article
Rosa Filho, Luiz A, Anaclaudia G Fassa, and Vera Vieira M Paniz.
Fatores Associados à Continuidade Interpessoal na Atenção à Saúde: Estudo de Base Populacional
Cad. Saúde Pública 24, no. 4 (2008): 915-925.
Journal Article
Dilélio, Alitéia S, Elaine Tomasi, Elaine Thumé, Denise S Silveira, Fernando Vinholes C Siqueira, Roberto X Piccini, Suele M Silva, Bruno P Nunes, and Luiz A Facchini.
Padrões de Utilização de Atendimento Médicoambulatorial no Brasil entre Usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, da Saúde Suplementar e de Serviços Privados
Cad. Saúde Pública 30, no. 12 (2014): 2594-2606.
Journal Article
Cantorani, José Herrera R, Leandro M Vargas, Paulo E Redkva, Luiz A Pilatti, and Gustavo L Gutierrez.
A Dimensão da Deficiência e o Olhar a Respeito das Pessoas com Deficiência a Partir dos Recenseamentos no Brasil
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial 21, no. 1 (2015): 159-176.
Journal Article
Tavares, Carlos Mendes, Neia Schor, Vitor E Valenti, Paula Yuri Sugishita Kanikadan, and Luiz Carlos Abreu.
Condom use at last sexual relationship among adolescents of Santiago Island, Cape Verde,-West Africa
Reproductive health 9, no. 1 (2012): 1-6.
Journal Article
Semedo, Rosa ML, Marta MAS Santos, Mirian R Baiao, Ronir R Luiz, and Gloria V Veiga.
Prevalence of anaemia and associated factors among children below five years of age in Cape Verde, West Africa
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 32, no. 4 (2014): 646-657.
Journal Article
Santo, Benedito Rosa E, Márcio Luiz FN Lima, and Cássio Bruno S Souza.
Os vinte principais mercados para exportação agrícola no futuro
Revista de Politica Agricola 21, no. 1 (2012): 76-91.
Journal Article
Amoussou-Gohoungo, Luiz Octaviano, Eldad Bonney, and Laryea Prince.
Improving focused antenatal care and counselling practices among health facilities in the Effutu Municipality
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Method 3, no. 2 (2016): 1-13.
Book Section
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia, Claudio Lanata, Walter Mendoza, and Demissie Habte.
Disease and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2006) Diarrheal Diseases.
Journal Article
Ticona Rendón, Manuel, Diana Huanco Apaza, Johnny Paz Valderrama, and Julio Neyra Pinto.
Inequidades en la atención perinatal en el Perú
(2006) Revista Peruana de Pediatría.
Journal Article
Ejecutiva, Presidente, and Martha Elena Pinto Hart.
Escasez De Suelo Y Precios De La Vivienda En Colombia
(2010) Informe Economico.
Pinto, Diana M, and Ana Lucía Muñoz.
Colombia: Sistema general de seguridad social en salud. Estrategia del BID 2011-2014
Working Paper
Orihuela, Roberto, and Sergio Daga.
Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas en Bolivia: el Bono Juancito Pinto
(2012) Desarrollo Económico y Pobreza en América Latina. El rol de los Planes Sociales.
Working Paper
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Eduardo C Pinto, Ricardo S. Pereira L Souza, Samantha Félix F Rego, and Vitor A Filgueiras.
O Mal Estar Social e a Estagnação Econômica
Journal Article
Rego, Samantha Félix F, Eduardo C Pinto, and Antônio Pires P Moura.
Mercado de Trabalho: Taxa de Desemprego Estável e Queda na Renda Arrefecem Expectativa de Recuperação
Conjuntura e Planejamento , no. 138 (2005).
Journal Article
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Bruno R Pinheiro, Eduardo C Pinto, Paulo Souza S Ferreira, and Samantha Félix F Rego.
Brasil: Entre Tsunami Político e Xiitismo Monetarista Economia Desacelera e Sinaliza Mais um Ano de Crescimento Reduzido
Working Paper
Paolisso, Michael, Ernesto Pinto, Maria Lourdes Carrillo, Martha Yepez, Monica Arellano, and Marjorie Macieira.
Providing Emergency Contraception in Ecuador: Assessing the Impacts of Training and Practice
Journal Article
García, Estela M, and Pinto Da Cunha.
O Recorte Racial no Estudo das Desigualdades em Saúde
São Paulo em Perspectiva 22, no. 1 (2008): 79-91.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pinto, Miguel Maria Eugénio AlmeidaTeixeira.
Sumol + Compal international strategy: FDI in the African market
MSc in Business Administration, 2013.
Journal Article
Lazo, B., H. Figueroa, C. Salinas, C. Campusano, and J. Pinto-Cisternas.
Consanguinity in the Province of Valparaiso, Chile, 1917–1966
Social biology 17, no. 3 (2010): 167-179.
Journal Article
Pinto-Cisternas, J., C. Salinas, C. Campusano, H. Figueroa, and B. Lazo.
Preliminary migration data on a population of Valparaiso, Chile
Social biology 18, no. 3 (2010): 305-310.
Pintó, Roser, and Digna Couso.
Contributions from Science Education Research
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
Journal Article
Pinto, Luis Arango G, Juana Lilia, Delgado Valdez, and Verónica O López.
Los “mirreyes”: ostentación y desigualdad social en México
Revista de ciencias sociales, segunda época , no. 31 (2017).
Working Paper
Benites Agüero, Jorge E, Antonio Brack J Egg, Ana Gonzáles M Del Valle Begazo, Raúl E Pinto, María Quevedo, and Edwin Ventura.
Estudio Línea Base Ambiental de la cuenca del Río Hualgayoc
Proyecto Línea Base Ambiental De Cuenca De Ríos , no. 018-2010–MINAM/OGA (2010).
Journal Article
Costa, Sarah H, Ignez R Martin, Sylvia R da Silva Freitas, and Cristiane S Pinto.
Family planning among low-income women in Rio de Janeiro: 1984-1985
International Family Planning Perspectives 16, no. 1 (1990): 16-22.
Journal Article
Rudan, Igor, Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, Zrinka Biloglav, Kim Mulholland, and Harry Campbell.
Epidemiology and etiology of childhood pneumonia
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 5 (2008): 408-416B.
Journal Article
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia, Rajiv Bahl, and José Martines.
Limited progress in increasing coverage of neonatal and child-health interventions in Africa and Asia
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 27, no. 6 (2009): 755-762.
Working Paper
Miller, Grant, Diana Pinto, and Marcos Vera-Hernandez.
Supply-vs. demand-side rationing in developing country health insurance: Evidence from Colombia’s ‘Regimen Subsidiado’
Journal Article
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia, Lana Velebit, and Kenji Shibuya.
Estimating child mortality due to diarrhoea in developing countries
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 9 (2008): 710-717.
Journal Article
Palloni, Alberto, Guido Pinto Aguirre, and Santiago Lastiri.
The effects of breast-feeding and the pace of childbearing on early childhood mortality in Mexico
Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) 28, no. 2 (1994).
Journal Article
Prinja, Shankar, Pankaj Bahuguna, Andrew Pinto, Atul Sharma, Gursimer Bharaj, Vishal Kumar, Jaya Tripathy, Manmeet Kaur, and Rajal Kumar.
The cost of universal health care in India: a model based estimate
PLoS One 7, no. 1 (2012).
Showing 61-90 of 230