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Showing 61-90 of 212
Thesis or Dissertation
Vega Echeverría A, Lissette.
Influencia de la cultura alimentaria familiar en los hábitos alimentarios de estudiantes universitarios
Magister, Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vásquez Pérez A, Carla.
Plan de reestructuración y mejoramiento financiero en una empresa comercializadora de repuestos, partes y accesorios automotrices. Caso" Importadora Guayaquil"
Título De Ingeniería Comercial, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Martínez Martínez, Jorge Mario.
Conocimientos y prácticas en planificación familiar asociadas a embarazos no deseados
Ginecología y obstetricia, Universidad de Cartagena, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ramírez Ramírez A, Julio.
Análisis de la interrelación de la empresa minera Pierina con su entorno socioeconómico y ambiental en Ancash, Perú
Grado de Magister, Escuela de Posgrado del CATIE, 2008.
Working Paper
Loyola, Roger, and Carlos S Mamani.
Valoración Económica Del Efecto En La Salud Por El Cambio En La Calidad Del Agua En Zonas Urbano Marginales De Lima Y Callao
(2017) Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina - UNALM.
Thesis or Dissertation
Choque Calderon, Janeth, Rosalim Karina Pinto Guillén, Luis Alfredo Pena Garces, and Patricia Yanet Yactayo Maizondo.
Análisis del comportamiento del Programa Nuevo Crédito Mivivienda del Fondo Mivivienda en Lima Metropolitana en los últimos 07 años
Licenciado de Administración de Banca y Finanzas, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias, 2017.
Journal Article
Rao, K.V., Vinod Mishra, and Robert D Retherford.
Mass media can help improve treatment of childhood diarrhoea
(1998) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Journal Article
Gokhale, Kanade, S Rao, Kelkar, Joshi, and Girigosavi.
Female literacy: the multifactorial influence on child health in India
Ecology of food and nutrition 43, no. 4 (2004): 257-278.
Rao, Raja, and Dhruba Thrapa.
Nepal: Reproductive health commodity pricing survey: Understanding equity, access, and affordability of essential reproductive health commodities
Arlington, VA, USA: DELIVER, 2005.
Kowal, Paul, Chalapati Rao, and Colin Mathers.
Report on a WHO Workshop: Minimum Data Set Version 1.0 on Ageing and Adult Mortality Data in sub-Saharan Africa
: Evidence and Information for Policy World Health Organization, 2003.
Journal Article
Parthasarathy Rao, P., G. Basavaraj, Wasim Ahmed, and S. Bhagavatula.
An analysis of availability and utilization of sorghum grain in India
(2010) SAT eJournal.
Journal Article
Basavaraj, G., P. Parthasarathy Rao, Shraavya Bhagavatula, and Wassim Ahmed.
Availability and utilization of pearl millet in India
(2010) Journal of SAT Agricultural Research .
Journal Article
Sesikeran, B., K. Polasa, A. Vajreswari, M. Raghunath, K.M. Nair, R. Hemalatha, K.v. Radhakrishna, Sudip Ghosh, V Rao, and S Vazir.
New areas of nutrition research
Bulletin of the Nutrition Foundation of India 31, no. 4 (2010).
Book Section
Walton, Michael.
Footprints of development and change: Essays in memory of Professor VKRV Rao commemorating his Birth Centenary
(2009) Growth, Inequality and Rents.
Book Section
Walton, Michael, N Jayaram, and R S Deshpande.
Footprints of development and change: Essays in memory of professor VKRV Rao commemorating his birth centenary
(2008) Chapter 4. Growth, inequality and rents: Notes in India in international perspective .
Rao, K S, S Selvaraju, Somil Nagpal, and S Sakthivel.
Financing of health in India
Nayak, Pulin B, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agrawal.
India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao
: SAGE Publications, 2010.
Book Section
Jackson, Cecile, Nitya Rao, and Shahra Razavi.
The gendered impacts of liberalization: Towards “embedded liberalism?
(2009) 3. Gender inequality and agrarian change in liberalizing India.
Book Section
Bhalla S, G.
India in a globalising world: Some aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture and poverty: Essays in hounour of CH Hanumantha Rao
(2006) 11. Agricultural growth and regional variations.
Book Section
Sharma, Savita, Janardan Yadav, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal.
India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao
(2010) 7. Divergence between NAS and NSS estimates of private final consumption expenditure.
Book Section
Sengupta, Ramprasad, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal.
India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao
(2010) 8. Inclusive economic growth and sustainable energy development of India.
Working Paper
Jackson, Cecile, and Nitya Rao.
Understanding gender and agrarian change under liberalisation: the case of India
(2004) (unpublished draft; UNRISD report).
Journal Article
Srivastava, D K, C. Bhujanga Rao, Swarna S Vepa, and Brinda Viswanathan.
Urban poverty alleviation strategies: A study of six cities (in India)
(2010) Madras School of Economics Monograph.
Working Paper
Dutt, Amitava K, and J. Mohan Rao.
Globalization and its social discontents: The case of India
Center for Economic Policy Analysis Working Paper , no. 16 (2000).
Journal Article
Rao, M G, Chandan Mukherjee, Anuradha Bhasin, Alokesh Barua, Mukesh Anand, Rita Pandey, and R Srinivasan.
Vision Document for The State of Meghalaya 2030
Book Section
Rao, Venkata.
Rural development in North-East India: Perspectives, issues and experiences
(1983) Trends in consumption and poverty in rural North-Eastern India.
Journal Article
Rao, Mohan, and K.R. Nayar.
Speaking for ourselves: Public health in private hands? A note on the Public Health Foundation of India
Book Section
Prakash, Brahm, and M. Koteswara Rao.
Empowerment Of Women In India
(2005) Women's Participation in Rural Non-Farm Employment.
Working Paper
Rao, J. Mohan, and Amitava K Dutt.
A decade of reforms: the Indian Economy in the 1990s
(2006) (unpublished draft).
Rao, Nirmala, and Emma Pearson.
An Evaluation of Early Childhood Care and Education Programmes in Cambodia
Showing 61-90 of 212