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Showing 121-150 of 1766
Thesis or Dissertation
Carmona Jaramillo, Jorge Ivan.
Sistemas de apoyo biomecanico SAB para disminucion de afectaciones musculo esqueleticas por trabajo en posicion de rodilla
especializalista en gestion de proyectos de diseño e innovacion, Universidad Catolica de Pereira, 2016.
Journal Article
Llambi, Laura, Carolina Parodi, Mary Barros, Patricia Sevillano, Marcelo Pereira, Martina Sandberg, Marianela Posada, and Jorge Rios.
Cigarrillo electrónico y pipas de agua: conocimientos y uso entre estudiantes de Medicina, Uruguay, 2015
Revista Uruguaya de Medicina Interna 1, no. 3 (2016): 76-83.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pereira, Paula.
Analise do acesso aos cuidados de reabilitaccao em Angola
Mestrado em gestão da saúde, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Johana, Leidy Lorena Calderon, and Paula Milena Echeverry.
Estado nutricional de menores de 5 anos y seguridad alimentaria de sus hogares. Corregimiento La Florida, Colombia 2010
Revista Cuaderno de Investigaciones 4, no. 4 (2015): 34-40.
Journal Article
Bermudez, Antonio Jose, and Dora Beatriz Robayo.
Chronic disease surveillance by laboratory: a strategy for metabolic diseases
Nova 14, no. 26 (2016): 85-93.
Journal Article
Bermudez, Antonio Jose F, and Dora Beatriz G Robayo.
Vigilancia por laboratorio de las enfermedades crónicas: una estrategia para las enfermedades metabólicas
Nova 14, no. 26 (2016): 85-93.
Working Paper
Eberwein, Julia D, Jakub Kakietek, Davide Beni, Grainne Moloney, Audrey Pereira, Jonathan K Akuoku, Marjorie Volege, Sicily Matu, and Meera Shekar.
An Investment Framework for Nutrition in Kenya: Reducing Stunting And Other Forms Of Child Malnutrition
(2016) Word Bank Group: Health, Nutrition & Population.
Thesis or Dissertation
Caicedo Diaz, Liliana Patricia, Heriberto Cano Vargas, and Andres Felipe Lopez Echeverri.
Desigualdad e inequidad en la utilización del servicio de salud en el departamento de Risaralda en el año 2005
título de Economista, Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2015.
Journal Article
Champeny, Mary, Catherine Pereira, Lara Sweet, Mengkheang Khin, Aminata N Coly, Sy Gueye, Ndeye Yaga, Indu Adhikary, Shrid Dhungel, Cecilia Makafu, Elizabeth Zehner, and Sandra L Huffman.
Point-of-sale promotion of breastmilk substitutes and commercially produced complementary foods in Cambodia, Nepal, Senegal and Tanzania
Maternal & child nutrition 12, no. S2 (2016): 126-139.
Thesis or Dissertation
Acuña Rodríguez, Ilia, Yenifer Barrios Soto, Nuris Marinez Parra, Esther Taborda Pereira, Guillermina Vargas Verbel, and Adriano Asesor Díaz Gómez.
Percepción de la funcionalidad familiar en adultos mayores de los centros de vida de la ciudad de Cartagena
enfermera, Universidad de Cartagena, 2015.
Journal Article
Rubio-Romero, Jorge Andres, Javier Enrique Fonseca-Perez, Saulo Molina, Marcela Buitrago Leal, John Jairo Zuleta, Edith Angel-Muller, Mario Julio Mendoza, Delgzar Raul Gomez-Pereira, and Angelica Sanchez.
Racionalización del uso de la cesárea en Colombia. Consenso de la Federación Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (FECOLSOG) y la Federación Colombiana de Perinatología (FECOPEN). Bogotá, 2014
Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia 65, no. 2 (2014): 139-151.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pereira G, Paloma.
La desigualdad de ingreso desde la perspectiva de la OCDE: El caso de México
Máster, Universidad de Barcelona, 2016.
Working Paper
Dayton Eberwein, Julia, Jakub Kakietek, Meera Shekar, Ali Subandoro, Audrey Pereira, Zia Hyder, Rosemary Sunkutu, and Jonathan Kweku Akuoku.
An Investment Framework for Nutrition in Zambia
Journal Article
Carletto, Calogero, Benjamin Davis, Marco Stampini, Stefano Trento, and Alberto Zezza.
Internal Mobility and International Migration in Albania
The Food and Agriculture Organization (ESA Working Paper) 4, no. 13 (2004).
Conference Paper
Winters, Paul, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, Kostas Stamoulis, and Alberto Zezza.
Rural income-generating activities in developing countries: A multi-country analysis
“Beyond Agriculture: The Promise of the Rural Economy for Growth and Poverty Reduction,” FAO.
January, 2006.
Book Section
Azzarri, Carlo, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, and Alberto Zezza.
Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor
(2011) The evolution of Albanian migration and its role in poverty reduction.
Book Section
Torero, Maximo, and Alberto Pasco-Font.
Utility privatization and regulation: a fair deal for consumers?
(2003) The social impact of privatization and the regulation of utilities in Peru.
Book Section
Aksoy, Attaman, Javier Beverinotti, Katia Covarrubias, and Alberto Zezza.
Food prices and rural poverty
(2010) Household Income Structures in Low-income Countries.
Journal Article
Chong, Alberto, and Hugo Ñopo.
The mystery of discrimination in Latin America
Economía 8, no. 2 (2008): 79-107.
Fuentes, Juan Alberto, Edgar Balsells, and Gustavo Arriola.
Guatemala: human development progress towards the MDGs at the sub-national level
Book Section
Balk, Deborah, Meg Wirth, Enrique Delamonica, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, and Alberto Minujin.
Children and poverty. Poverty reduction policies start with children
(2005) Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the maternal and child health MDGs.
Working Paper
Wirth, Meg, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, Emma Sacks, Enrique Delamonica, and Alberto Minujin.
Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the health MDGs
(2004) Background paper commissioned by the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health. New York.
Wirth, Meg, Enrique Delamonica, Emma Sacks, Deborah Balk, Adam Storeygard, and Alberto Minujin.
Monitoring health equity in the MDGs: a practical guide
: Center for International Earth Science Information Network, 2006.
Journal Article
Azzarri, Carlo, and Alberto Zezza.
International migration and nutritional outcomes in Tajikistan
Food Policy 36, no. 1 (2011): 54-70.
Working Paper
Briceno-Garmendia, Cecilia M, and Daniel Alberto Benitez.
Cape Verde’s infrastructure: a continental perspective
(2011) The World BankAfrica Region Sustainable Development Department.
Journal Article
Diaz-Olavarrieta, Claudia, Sandra G Garcia, Becca S Feldman, Alberto M Polis, Rita Revollo, Freddy Tinajeros, and Daniel Grossman.
Maternal syphilis and intimate partner violence in Bolivia: a gender-based analysis of implications for partner notification and universal screening
Sexually transmitted diseases 34, no. 7 (2007): S42.
Journal Article
Minujin, Alberto, and Enrique Delamonica.
Socio-economic inequalities in mortality and health in the developing world
Demographic Research 2, no. 13 (2004): 331-354.
Journal Article
Delamonica, Enrique, Alberto Minujin, and Jama Gulaid.
Monitoring equity in immunization coverage
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 5 (2005): 384-391.
Journal Article
Chikuwa, Assiati, Jeremy Haynes, Louisa Lippi, Sarina Cipriano, Tashi Shakya, Enrique Delamonica, Mark Johnson, and Alberto Minujin.
Contextualizing child Poverty in Tanzania: Legal framework, social services, and the state of HIV/AIDS and malaria
(2007) Graduate Program in International Affairs, The New School.
Minujin, Alberto, and Shailen Nandy.
Global child poverty and well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action
: The Policy Press, 2012.
Showing 121-150 of 1766