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Thesis or Dissertation
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Working Paper
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Mahende, Coline, Billy Ngasala, John Lusingu, Allvan Butichi, Paminus Lushino, Martha Lemnge, Bruno Mmbando, and Zul Premji. "Bloodstream bacterial infection among outpatient children with acute febrile illness in north-eastern Tanzania." BMC Research Notes 8, no. 1 (2015): 289.
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Mahende, Coline, Billy Ngasala, John Lusingu, Tai-Soon Yong, Paminus Lushino, Martha Lemnge, Bruno Mmbando, and Zul Premji. "Performance of rapid diagnostic test, blood-film microscopy and PCR for the diagnosis of malaria infection among febrile children from Korogwe District, Tanzania." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 391.
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