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Showing 931-960 of 1113
Thesis or Dissertation
Joos, Olga Helena.
Evaluation of data quality improvement interventions focusing on pregnancy outcome and perinatal mortality documentation by Health Surveillance Assistants in the Salima and Balaka districts of Malawi
Doctor of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 2016.
Journal Article
McMahon, Shannon A, Stephan Brenner, Julia Lohmann, Christopher Makwero, Aleksandra Torbica, Don P Mathanga, Adamson S Muula, and Manuela De Allegri.
Evaluating complex health financing interventions: using mixed methods to inform further implementation of a novel PBI intervention in rural Malawi
BMC Health Services Research 16, no. 1 (2016): 414.
Journal Article
Michaels-Igbokwe, Christine, Mylene Lagarde, John Cairns, and Fern Terris-Prestholt.
Designing a package of sexual and reproductive health and HIV outreach services to meet the heterogeneous preferences of young people in Malawi: results from a discrete choice experiment
Health Economics Review 5, no. 1 (2015): 9.
Journal Article
O’Hare, Bernadette, Danny A Milner, Laura Newberry, Isaac Pelani, and Ken Malisita.
Discordance between clinical and immunological ART eligibility criteria for children in Malawi
BMC Research Notes 7, no. 1 (2014): 666.
Journal Article
Rachlis, Beth, Donald C Cole, Monique Lettow, Michael Escobar, Adamson S Muula, Farah Ahmad, James Orbinski, and Adrienne K Chan.
Follow-Up Visit Patterns in an Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Programme in Zomba, Malawi
PloS one 9, no. 7 (2014): e101875.
Journal Article
Hall, Jennifer, Geraldine Barrett, Nicholas Mbwana, Andrew Copas, and Judith Stephenson.
Understanding pregnancy planning in a low-income country setting: validation of the London measure of unplanned pregnancy in Malawi
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 13, no. 1 (2013): 200.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwalabu, Gertrude Grey Tiwonge.
Telling their story: perspectives of young women, their caregivers and service providers regarding the experiences of growing up with perinatally-acquired HIV in Malawi
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, 2014.
Journal Article
Than, Kyu Kyu, Alison Morgan, Minh Duc Pham, James G Beeson, and Stanley Luchters.
Determinants of knowledge of critical danger signs, safe childbirth and immediate newborn care practices among auxiliary midwives: a cross sectional survey in Myanmar
BMJ open 7, no. 6 (2017).
Working Paper
Niankara, Ibrahim.
The Effects of Health Resource Supply Shortages on Access to Needed Health Care Services in Burkina Faso: The Case of Generic Essential Drugs and Nursing Staff Supplies
Journal Article
Lakhani, Arusa, Rafat Jan, Kiran Mubeen, Sadia Karimi, Shahnaz Shahid, Rozina Sewani, Marina Baig, and Farzana Adnan.
Strengthening the Knowledge and Skills of Community Midwives in Pakistan through Clinical Practice Internships
Journal of Asian Midwives 3, no. 2 (2016): 26-38.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nkubito, Fred.
Impact of zoning-based planning systems on housing affordability for the urban poor: The case of Kigali city, Rwanda
Degree of Master, University of Manchester, 2016.
Journal Article
Luft, Heidi, and Elaine Larson.
Psychosocial correlates of safe sex communication between Latina women and their stable male partners: an integrative review
AIDS care 29, no. 5 (2017): 618-626.
Journal Article
Ahsan, Karar Zunaid, Tazeen Tahsina, Afrin Iqbal, Nazia Binte Ali, Suman Kanti Chowdhury, Tanvir M Huda, and Shams El Arifeen.
Production and use of estimates for monitoring progress in the health sector: the case of Bangladesh
Global Health Action 10, no. sup1 (2017).
Working Paper
Misra, Manoj.
Rethinking rural malnutrition crisis in Bangladesh: Could agriculture play a bigger role?
Journal Article
Ali, Parveen Azam, Alicia O’Cathain, and Elizabeth Croot.
Not managing expectations: a grounded theory of intimate partner violence from the perspective of Pakistani people
(2017) Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
MacQuarrie, Kerry L.D., Quamrun Nahar, Rasheda Khan, and Marzia Sultana.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 99
Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research.
Journal Article
Shaikh, Babar Tasneem, Qayyum Noorani, and Shazia Abbas.
Community based saving groups: an innovative approach to overcome the financial and social barriers in health care seeking by the women in the rural remote communities of Pakistan
Archives of Public Health 75, no. 1 (2017): 57.
Moono, Herryman, and Neil Rankin.
Education and employment in Zambia: Evidence from a scoping exercise
: London, UK: IGC, 2013.
Working Paper
Rathnasingha, DLPM, and Ali Khatibi.
Residential Mortgage Default at Housing Development Finance Corporation of Sri Lanka: EPF Security - A Review
Working Paper
Hartley, Faaiqa, Dirk Ernst Seventer, Paul Samboko, and Channing Arndt.
Economy-wide implications of biofuel production in Zambia
WIDER Working Paper , no. 27 (2017).
Journal Article
Morrison, Joanna, Rita Thapa, Machhindra Basnet, Bharat Budhathoki, Kirti Tumbahangphe, Dharma Manandhar, Anthony Costello, and David Osrin.
Exploring the first delay: a qualitative study of home deliveries in Makwanpur district Nepal
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Wright, Amy Conley, Dhirendra Lamsal, Mukunda Ksetree, Aalok Sharma, and Kenneth Jaffe.
From maid to mother: Transforming facilities, staff training, and caregiver dignity in an institutional facility for young children in Nepal
Infant mental health journal 35, no. 2 (2014): 132-143.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chahal K, Harneet.
Women's Abortion Seeking Experience in Rural Chakwal, Pakistan
Master of Science in Global Health, University of Alberta, 2015.
Conference Paper
Ahmed, Vaqar, and Muhammad Adnan.
Energy and Tax Reforms: Household Analysis from Pakistan
5th South Asia Economic Summit, 11-13th September 2012.
Joint external evaluation of IHR core capacities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
: World Health Organization, 2017.
Journal Article
Mehta, CR, NS Chandel, T Senthilkumar, and Kanchan Singh.
Trends of agricultural mechanization in India
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Policy Brief , no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Winarso, Haryo, Delik Hudalah, and Tommy Firman.
Peri-urban transformation in the Jakarta metropolitan area
(2015) Habitat International.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kumar, Naveen.
Assessment of farm mechanization gaps and identification of farm machines to be developed alongwith their specifications in Haryana
Master of Technology, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology CCS Haryana Agricultural University, 2016.
Sharma, Bishnu Prasad, and Priya Shyamsundar.
Are Community Forestry Institutions Appropriate for Implementing REDD+?: Lessons from Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal: South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, 2015.
Working Paper
Pokharel, Trilochan.
Management education in Nepal: status, spatial distribution and gender diversity
Showing 931-960 of 1113