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Book Section
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Mwamakimbula, Alunas Maxwell. "Assessment of the factors impacting agricultural extension training programs in Tanzania: a descriptive study." Master of Science, Iowa State University, 2014.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Mousavi, Seyyed Meysam, Mehdi Haghi, and Mahdi Gharasi Manshadi. "Iran’s Health System and Readiness to Meet the Aging Challenges." Iranian journal of public health 44, no. 12 (2015): 1716-1717.
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Book Section
Hock-Eam, Lim, Russayani Ismail, and Yusnidah Ibrahim. "Income Contingent Loans." (2014) The Implications of Graduate Labor Market Performance in Designing a Student Loan Scheme for Malaysia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Owala A, Damaris. "Socio-economic factors affecting demand for private Secondary schools in Likuyani District, Kakamega County, Kenya." Master of Education, University of Nairobi, 2014.
Journal Article
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