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Showing 661-690 of 9382
Journal Article
Budlender, Debbie, Ntebaleng Chobokoane, and Sandile Simelane.
Marriage patterns in South Africa: Methodological and substantive issues
Southern African Journal of Demography 9, no. 1 (2004): 1-26.
Journal Article
Ozawa, Sachiko, and Damian Walker.
Comparison of trust in public vs private health care providers in rural Cambodia
Health Policy and Planning 26, no. 1 (2011): i20.
Journal Article
Borapich, Dan, and Mary Warsh.
Improving child health in Cambodia: Social marketing of diarrhea treatment kit, results of a pilot project
(2010) Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing.
Conference Paper
Neupert, Ricardo, and Chiev Khus.
Mortality in Cambodia: A techinical note
Workshop on population projections for Cambodia held at the National Institute of Statistics .
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2002.
Sary, Seng.
Nature and particularities of the social mobilization of Cambodian women living with HIV/AIDS in the fight against the epidemic
: ANRS (National Agency for AIDS Research), 2009.
Wang, Limin.
Health outcomes in low-income countries and policy implications: Empirical findings from demographic and health surveys
: World Bank, Environment Dept., 2002.
Journal Article
Stover, John, and John Ross.
How increased contraceptive use has reduced maternal mortality
Maternal and child health journal 14, no. 5 (2010): 687-695.
Working Paper
Kharboush, Ibrahim, Farzaneh Roudi-Fahimi, Hanaa Ismail, Heba Mamdouh, Yasmin Muhammad, May M Tawfik, Omnia El Sharkawy, and Hassan Sallam.
Spousal violence in Egypt
(2010) Population Reference Bureau.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mansour, Shawky Abou Elghit Ali.
Developing GIS analysis techniques for the measurement of safe drinking water access
PhD, University of Southampton, 2011.
Working Paper
Singerman, Diane.
The economic imperatives of marriage: Emerging practices and identities among youth in the Middle East
(2007) Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper No. 6 .
Journal Article
Johnson, F A, and N J Madise.
Targeting women at risk of unintended pregnancy in Ghana: Should geography matter?
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 2, no. 1 (2011): 29-35.
Working Paper
Harding, Robin.
One for the Road: Voting for public goods in Ghana
Journal Article
Tenkorang, Eric Y, Stephen Gyimah, Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, and Jones Adjei.
Superstition, witchcraft and HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Ghana
Culture, Health & Sexuality 13, no. 9 (2011): 1001-1014.
Journal Article
Oppong, Christine.
Social capital and systems of care: Some contrasting evidence
(2004) Research Review: Children at Risk in Ghana: Family Care Under Review.
Journal Article
Binka, Fred N, Ayaga A Bawah, James F Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod.
Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana
Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 5 (2007): 578-593.
Journal Article
Sparks S, Corey.
Parental investment and socioeconomic status influences on children's height in Honduras: An analysis of national data
(2010) American Journal of Human Biology.
Working Paper
Singh, Susheela, Lisa Remez, Usha Ram, Anne M Moore, and Suzette Audam.
Barriers to safe motherhood in India
(2009) Guttmacher Institute .
Journal Article
Kumar, Vishwajeet, Saroj Mohanty, Aarti Kumar, Rajendra P Misra, Mathuram Santosham, Shally Awasthi, Abdullah H Baqui, Pramod Singh, Vivek Singh, Ramesh Ahuja, and Jai Vir Singh.
Effect of community-based behaviour change management on neonatal mortality in Shivgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
The Lancet 372, no. 9644 (2008): 1151-1162.
Charmarbagwala, Rubiana, Martin Ranger, Hugh Waddington, and Howard White.
The determinants of child health and nutrition: a meta-analysis
: World Bank, 2004.
Chen, Shiyuan, and Mark Schreiner.
A simple poverty scorecard for Indonesia
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark, and Shiyuan Chen.
A simple poverty scorecard for Ethiopia
Journal Article
Jones, Gareth, Werner Schultink, and Marzio Babille.
Child survival in India
Indian journal of pediatrics 73, no. 6 (2006): 479-487.
Journal Article
Daniel, Elkan E, Rekha Masilamani, and Mizanur Rahman.
The effect of community-based reproductive health communication interventions on contraceptive use among young married couples in Bihar, India
(2008) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Van der Klaauw, Bas van der, and Limin Wang.
Child mortality in rural India
(2004) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3281.
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam.
Inequalities in health in developing countries: swimming against the tide?
(2002) Human Development Network. Health, Nutrition, and Population Team.
Journal Article
Weeks, John R, Alan Hill, Douglas Stow, Arthur Getis, and Debbie Fugate.
Can we spot a neighborhood from the air? Defining neighborhood structure in Accra, Ghana
(2007) GeoJournal.
Journal Article
Doss R, Cheryl.
Men’s Crops? Women’s Crops? The Gender Patterns of Cropping in Ghana
World Development 30, no. 11 (2002): 1987-2000.
Working Paper
Sharma, Manohar.
Orphans in Malawi: prevalence, outcomes, and targeting of services
(2005) International Food Policy Research Institute.
Journal Article
Mukulu, Sandra, Christopher S Wright, and Samanthala Hettihewa.
An inquiry into the relationship of wealthincome and demographics to HIV/Aids: The case of Kenya
International Review of Business Research Papers 8, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Birungi, Harriet, and W. Onyango-Ouma.
Acceptability and sustainability of the WHO Focused Antenatal Care package in Kenya
(2006) USAID & Population Council Frontiers, Nairobi, Kenya.
Showing 661-690 of 9382