
Showing 91-113 of 113
Journal Article
Subramanian, Sujha, Joseph Kibachio, Sonja Hoover, Patrick Edwards, Evans Amukoye, Mary Amuyunzu--Nyamongo, Gisela Abbam, Naftali Busakhala, Abigail Chakava, and Jonathan Dick. "Research for Actionable Policies: implementation science priorities to scale up non-communicable disease interventions in Kenya." Journal of Global Health 7, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Mufunda, Jacob, Peter Mwaba, Elizabeth Chizema, James Teprey, Solomon Kagulula, Rufaro Chatora, Mbaulo Musumali, Peter Songolo, Davies Chimfwembe, and Evans Malikana. "Lessons learned from short-lived transfer of maternal and child health services from Ministry of Health to Ministry of Community Development in Zambia provides guidance for deepening of decentralization." International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health 3, no. 7 (2016).
Journal Article
Riddell, Michaela A, Rohina Joshi, Brian Oldenburg, Clara Chow, KR Thankappan, Ajay Mahal, Nihal Thomas, Velandai K Srikanth, Roger G Evans, and Kartik Kalyanram. "Cluster randomised feasibility trial to improve the Control of Hypertension In Rural India (CHIRI): a study protocol." BMJ open 6, no. 10 (2016).
Journal Article
Evans, Martin, and Susan Harkness. "Social protection in Vietnam and obstacles to progressivity." Asian Social Work and Policy Review 2, no. 1 (2008): 30-52.
Evans, Martin, Ian Gough, Susan Harkness, Andrew McKay, Huyen Dao Thanh, and NDL Thu. How progressive is social security in Viet Nam. 2007.
Sheik, Sadiyya, Juliet Evans, Erna Morden, and David Coetzee. Non-Communicable Diseases in the Western Cape. 2016.
Working Paper
Evans, David K, Markus Goldstein, and Anna Popova. "The Next Wave of Deaths from Ebola? The Impact of Health Care Worker Mortality." Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7344 (2015).
Journal Article
Joseph, Wamala F, Mpairwe M Allan, Boateng Kofi, Maleghemi Sylvester, Ujjiga A. T Thomas, Mutebi Moses, Lyosi Evans, Rumunu P John, and Usman Abdulmumini. "Outcomes of Management of Cholera Outbreak among IDPs and Non-IDPs in a Complex Emergency Setting of South Sudan." American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology 4, no. 6 (2016): 123-128.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yeboah, Evans Osei. "Age at Sexual Debut and Reproductive Health Behaviour of Adolescents in Ga Mashie in Ghana.." Master in Population Studies Degree, University of Ghana, 2014.
Journal Article
Martinovic, Milica, Goran Belojevic, Gary W Evans, Dragan Lausevic, Bogdan Asanin, Mira Samardzic, Natasa Terzic, Snezana Pantovic, Marina Jaksic, and Jelena Boljevic. "Prevalence of and contributing factors for overweight and obesity among Montenegrin schoolchildren." The European Journal of Public Health 25, no. 5 (2015): 833-839.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sandoval, Certuche, and Jair Guiovanni. "Efectos del proyecto ¡Es un bebé.. tu decisión! en los adolescentes intervenidos en la I.E. Alfredo Cock Arango de la ciudad de Medellín en el año 2014." Especialista en gerencia de proyectos, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2015.
Working Paper
B¨utikofer, Aline. "Sibling Sex Composition and Cost of Children." (2011)
Journal Article
Ali, Mohammad, Allyson Nelson, Francisco J Luquero, Andrew S Azman, Amanda K Debes, Maurice Mwesawina M'bang'ombe, Linly Seyama, Evans Kachale, Kingsley Zuze, and Desire Malichi. "Safety of a killed oral cholera vaccine (Shanchol) in pregnant women in Malawi: an observational cohort study." The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17, no. 5 (2017): 538-544.
Journal Article
Ntigurirwa, Placide, Kathy Mellor, Daniel Langer, Mari Evans, Emily Robertson, Lisine Tuyisenge, Alan Groves, and Tom Lissauer. "A health partnership to reduce neonatal mortality in four hospitals in Rwanda." Globalization and Health 13, no. 1 (2017): 28.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rubara, Evans. "Co-Opted? Exploratory Research on Canadian Resource'Imperialism'in Postcolonial Tanzania." Master in Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, 2014.
Working Paper
Zambia, Theorizing, and Alice Evans. "Urban change and rural continuity in gender ideologies and practices. Theorizing from Zambia.." (2017)
Journal Article
Banda, Pamela C, Clifford O Odimegwu, Lorretta FC Ntoimo, and Evans Muchiri. "Women at risk: Gender inequality and maternal health." Women & Health 57, no. 4 (2017): 405-429.
Journal Article
Evans, Alice. "‘For the Elections, We Want Women!’: Closing the Gender Gap in Zambian Politics." Development and Change 47, no. 2 (2016): 388-411.
Journal Article
Goetghebuer, Tessa, Eoin T West, Vanessa Wermenbol, Anna Louise Cadbury, Paul Milligan, Nellie Lloyd-Evans, Richard A Adegbola, Kim E Mulholland, Brian M Greenwood, and Martin W Weber. "Outcome of meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b in children in The Gambia." Tropical Medicine & International Health 5, no. 3 (2000): 207-213.
Journal Article
Sample, ED, BE Evans, MA Camargo-Valero, NG Wright, and TG Leton. "Understanding the drivers of sanitation behaviour in riverine communities of Niger Delta, Nigeria: the case of Odi and Kaiama communities." Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 6, no. 3 (2016): 491-499.
Working Paper
Ardington, Cally, and Megan Little. "The Impact of Maternal Death on Children’s Health and Education Outcomes." Saldru Working Paper , no. 184 (2016).
Journal Article
Cawich, Shamir O, Hyacinth E Harding, Ivor W Crandon, Clarence D McGaw, Alan T Barnett, Ingrid Tennant, Necia R Evans, Allie C Martin, Lindberg K Simpson, and Peter Johnson. "Leadership in surgery for public sector hospitals in Jamaica: strategies for the operating room." The Permanente Journal 17, no. 3 (2013): e121-e125.
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