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Showing 421-450 of 16403
Journal Article
Young, Sera L, Kiersten A Israel-Ballard, Emily A Dantzer, Monica M Ngonyani, Margaret T Nyambo, Deborah M Ash, and Caroline J Chantry.
Infant feeding practices among HIV-positive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, indicate a need for more intensive infant feeding counselling
Public health nutrition 13, no. 12 (2010): 2027-2033.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nelson, Kara.
The association between domestic violence, HIV status and consent to testing among Zambian women
Masters, Virginia Commonwealth University , 2010.
Journal Article
Meuwissen, Liesbeth E, Anna C Gorter, Arnold D Kester, and Andre Knottnerus.
Does a competitive voucher program for adolescents improve the quality of reproductive health care? A simulated patient study in Nicaragua
BMC Public Health 6, no. 204 (2006).
Journal Article
Lugina, Helen I, Lennarth Nyström, Kyllike Christensson, and Gunilla Lindmark.
Assessing mothers’ concerns in the postpartum period: methodological issues
Journal of advanced nursing 48, no. 3 (2004): 279-290.
Journal Article
Sutherland, Elizabeth G, Conrad Otterness, and Barbara Janowitz.
What happens to contraceptive use after injectables are introduced? An analysis of 13 countries
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 37, no. 4 (2011): 202-208.
Journal Article
Lasee, Ashraf, and Stan Becker.
Husband-wife communication about family planning and contraceptive use in Kenya
International Family Planning Perspectives 23, no. 1 (1997): 15-33.
Journal Article
Mbizvo, M.T., M.M.J Bonduelle, S. Chadzuka, G. Lindmark, and L. Nystrom.
Unplanned Pregnancies in Harare: What Are the Social and Sexual Determinants?
Social Science & Medicine 45, no. 6 (1997): 937-942.
Working Paper
Polimeni, Rachel, and David I Levine.
Prices matter: Comparing two tests of adverse selection in health insurance
(2012) Working Paper Series, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UC Berkeley.
Journal Article
Kema, Koronel, Innocent Semali, Serafina Mkuwa, Ignatio Kagonji, Florence Temu, Festus Ilako, and Martin Mkuye.
Factors affecting the utilisation of improved ventilated latrines among communities in Mtwara Rural District, Tanzania
(1937) PanAfrican Medical Journal.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mkumbo, Kitila.
An exploration of the psychosocial factors affecting the development and delivery of school-based sex and relationships education in Tanzania
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy , University of Southampton, 2008.
Working Paper
Taruberekera, N., V. Mishra, E. Gonese, and O. Mugurungi.
Risk-Taking Behaviors of HIV-Positive Adults in Zimbabwe: Opportunities for Prevention with the Positives
(2010) Zimbabwe Working Paper.
Adhvaryu, Achyuta, and Anant Nyshadham.
Endowments at birth and parents’ investments in children
: NBER, 2012.
Bonfrer, Igna, Ellen Van de Poel, Michael Grimm, and Eddy van Doorslaer.
Does health care utilization match needs in Africa? Challenging conventional needs measurement
Netherlands: Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2012.
Muleta, Mulu.
Obstetric Fistula: Transport Access for Emergency Obstetric Care Service in Ethiopia
Thesis or Dissertation
Abay, Tsehainesh.
Assessment of utilization of skilled birth attendant at delivery in Mekelle town, northern Ethiopia
Masters in Public Health, Addis Ababa University, 2007.
Working Paper
Marek, Tonia, Catherine O’Farrell, Chiaki Yamamoto, and Ilyse Zable.
Trends and opportunities in public-private partnerships to improve health service delivery in Africa
(2005) Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Okonofua, E, Larsen, F Oronsaye, Snow, and Slanger.
The association between female genital cutting and correlates of sexual and gynaecological morbidity in Edo State, Nigeria
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 109, no. 10 (2002): 1089-1096.
Journal Article
Grogan, Louise.
Household Formation Rules, Fertility and Female Labour Supply: Evidence from Post-Communist Countries
(2012) Journal of Comparative Economics.
Journal Article
McCaa, Robert, Steven Ruggles, Matthew Sobek, and Lara Cleveland.
A Decade of Progress and Challenges and Their Relevance for Disseminating Integrated, High Precision Samples of the Population Censuses of India.
(2012) IPUMS-International.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Minh Duc, Shirley A Beresford, and Adam Drewnowski.
Trends in overweight by socio-economic status in Vietnam: 1992 to 2002
Public health nutrition 10, no. 02 (2007): 115-121.
Journal Article
Nguyen, Thuy Thi Thu.
The role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam: case study: the H'mong people in Lao Cai and Lai Chau province
Journal Article
Iversen, Vegard, and Richard Palmer-Jones.
Literacy sharing, assortative mating, or what? Labour market advantages and proximate illiteracy revisited
The Journal of Development Studies 44, no. 6 (2008): 797-838.
Journal Article
Balarajan, Yarlani, S. Selvaraj, and S.V. Subramanian.
Health care and equity in India
Lancet 377, no. 9764 (2011): 505.
Journal Article
Giddings, Lisa.
Continued decline for ethnic minorities in the transition? Changes in ethnic earnings differentials in Bulgaria, 1986, 1993 & 1997
The Economics of Transition 11, no. 4 (2003): 621-6.
Journal Article
Alaniz, Enrique, TH Gindling, and Katherine Terrell.
The impact of minimum wages on wages, work and poverty in Nicaragua
Sapkota, Prakash Raj, and John Cockburn.
Trade liberalization and poverty in Nepal: an applied general equilibrium analysis
Working Paper
Anderson, Barbara A, Romani H John, Phillips E Heston, and van Zyl A Johan.
Safe water, access to health care, and other factors affecting infant and child survival among the African and Coloured populations of South Africa: An analysis based on the 1994 October Household Survey
PSC Research Report , no. 01-472 (2001).
Journal Article
Mahadea, D.
Similarities and differences between male and female entrepreneurial attributes in manufacturing firms in the informal sector in the Transkei
Development Southern Africa 18, no. 2 (2001): 189-1.
Journal Article
Dinkelman, Taryn, David Lam, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Linking poverty and income shocks to risky sexual behavior: Evidence from a panel study of young adults in Cape Town
South African Journal of Economics 76, no. supplement (S1) (2008): S52-S74.
Thesis or Dissertation
Hargreaves R, J.
The social epidemiology of HIV infection: A study among unmarried young people in rural South Africa in 2001
PhD Thesis, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT, 2006.
Showing 421-450 of 16403