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Showing 13261-13290 of 13761
Journal Article
See, Justine Charles G, and Emma E Porio.
Assessing Social Vulnerability to Flooding in Metro Manila Using Principal Component Analysis
(2015) Philippine Sociological Review.
Journal Article
McClendon, Katherine A, Lotus McDougal, Sankari Ayyaluru, Yemeserach Belayneh, Anand Sinha, Jay G Silverman, and Anita Raj.
Intersections of girl child marriage and family planning beliefs and use: qualitative findings from Ethiopia and India
(2017) Culture, Health & Sexuality.
Journal Article
Assefa, Yibeltal, Wim Van Damme, Owain D Williams, and Peter S Hill.
Successes and challenges of the millennium development goals in Ethiopia: lessons for the sustainable development goals
BMJ Global Health 2, no. 2 (2017).
Journal Article
Melaku, Yohannes Adama, and Zumin Shi.
Lessons for the Sustainable Development Goals from Ethiopia's success: the case of under-5 mortality
The Lancet Global Health 5, no. 11 (2017): e1060-e1061.
Journal Article
Molla, Gebeyaw, Alemayehu Gonie, Tefera Belachew, and Bitiya Admasu.
Health Care Seeking Behaviour on Neonatal Danger Signs among Mothers in Tenta District, Northeast Ethiopia: Community based cross-sectional study.
International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 9, no. 7 (2017): 85-93.
Journal Article
Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw, Ahmed Ali Ahmed, Alemayehu Worku Yalew, Belay Simanie Birhanu, and Benjamin F Zaitchik.
Individual and community level factors with a significant role in determining child height-for-age Z score in East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis
Archives of Public Health 75, no. 1 (2017).
Working Paper
Albis, Manuel Leonard F, and Jessmond Elviña.
Employment Correlates of Multidimensional Poverty in the Philippines
UPSS WP Series , no. 2017 – 01 (2017).
Journal Article
Calderon, Margaret M, Kharmina Angat P Anit, Leo Mariano K Palao, and Rodel D Lasco.
Households’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Watershed Services of the Layawan Watershed in Oroquieta City, Philippines
Journal of Sustainable Development 6, no. 1 (2013): 1.
Journal Article
Abebe, Engida, and Hana Abebe.
Types of cancers diagnosed and the preference of families of adult patients with cancer about disclosing diagnosis to the patients
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 27, no. 3 (2017): 255-262.
Journal Article
Hosseini-Chavoshi, Meimanat, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, and Peter McDonald.
Fertility, Marriage, and Family Planning in Iran: Implications for Future Policy
Population Horizons 13, no. 1 (2016): 31-40.
Working Paper
Dinku, Yonatan.
Neighbourhood Ethnic Diversity and Child Health Outcomes in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Leyaro, Vincent.
Commodity Price Changes and Consumer Welfare in Tanzania in the 1990s and 2000s
Thesis or Dissertation
Kato, Tamahi.
Agricultural input subsidies in sub-Saharan Africa - the case of Tanzania
Doctor of Philosophy , University of Sussex, 2016.
Bensch, Gunther, Merle Kreibaum, Tukae Mbegalo, Jorg Peters, and Natascha Wagner.
The status of energy access in three regions of Tanzania: Baseline report for an urban grid upgrading and rural extension project
Thesis or Dissertation
Yiryele, Meyir Ziekah.
Prevalence of Theileria parva and trypanosome infections in the dry season: A case of Monduli district, northern Tanzania
Master of Science, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pleva, Irina.
REDD+ in Kolo Hills, Tanzania impacts on forest governance and livelihoods
Master of Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 2016.
Journal Article
Farnert, Anna, Victor Yman, Manijeh Vafa Homann, Grace Wandell, Leah Mhoja, Marita Johansson, Salome Jesaja, Johanna Sandlund, Kazuyuki Tanabe, and Ulf Hammar.
Epidemiology of malaria in a village in the Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania: declining transmission over 25 years revealed by different parasitological metrics
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 459.
Conference Paper
Ibrahim, Sondos Hassan.
A corpus-based investigation of the Given before New principle in Tanzanian English
9th Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics & Language Teaching 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mrema, Dorah Elisonguo.
The association of prepregnancy body mass index and changes of prepregnancy BMI/body weight between pregnancies with risk of preeclampsia: a birth registry study from Tanzania
Master of Philosophy in International Health, The University of Bergen, 2014.
Journal Article
Orji, Bright C, Namratha Rao, Elizabeth Thompson, and William R Brieger.
Community health workers provide integrated community case management using malaria rapid diagnostic test kits
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 13, no. 4 (2017): 875-879.
Journal Article
Ogu, Rosemary N, and Ngozi C Orazulike.
Reducing Maternal Mortality: Awareness of Danger Signs in Pregnancy
Asian Journal of Medicine and Health 6, no. 1 (2017): 1-8.
Journal Article
Adewuyi, Emmanuel Olorunleke, Yun Zhao, and Reeta Lamichhane.
Risk factors for infant mortality in rural and urban Nigeria: evidence from the national household survey
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 45, no. 5 (2017).
Journal Article
Edu, BC, TU Agan, E Monjok, and K Makowiecka.
Effect of Free Maternal Health Care Program on Health-seeking Behavior of Women during Pregnancy, Intrapartum and Postpartum Periods in Cross River State of Nigeria: A Mixed Method Study
Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 15, no. 5 (2017): 370-382.
Working Paper
Rajani, Rakesh.
Is Primary Education Heading in the Right Direction? Thinking with Nyerere
HakiElimu Working Paper , no. 2003.4 (2003).
Journal Article
Pembe, Andrea B, David P Urassa, Anders Carlstedt, Gunilla Lindmark, Lennarth Nyström, and Elisabeth Darj.
Rural Tanzanian women's awareness of danger signs of obstetric complications
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 9, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Odetola, Titilayo D, and Funmilayo A Okanlawon.
Effects of mHealth Nursing Intervention on Uptake of Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Drugs Among Pregnant Women Attendees of PHC in Oyo State.
(2016) Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth.
Journal Article
Okusanya, Babasola O, Alero A Roberts, Oluwatosin J Akinsola, and Boniface A Oye-Adeniran.
Birth plans and health insurance enrolment of pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey at two secondary health facilities in Lagos, Nigeria
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 29, no. 16 (2016): 2602-2606.
Journal Article
Abah, Rose O, Seline N Okolo, Collins John, Martha O Ochoga, and Ruth O Adah.
Nutritional status of schoolchildren in Jos East Local Government Area of Plateau State, North Central Nigeria
Journal of Medicine in the Tropics 19, no. 1 (2017): 56-59.
Journal Article
Baba, TM.
Awareness of Vesicovaginal Fistula among health workers in some health facilities of Zamfara State, Northwest Nigeria
(2017) PharmacologyOnLine.
Journal Article
Oladoyinbo, CA, OF Makanjuola, and AA Sobo.
Breastfeeding pattern and nutritional status of children under two years in Oshogbo Local Government Area Osun State Nigeria
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 43, no. 3 (2016): 186-192.
Showing 13261-13290 of 13761