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Working Paper
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Narayan, Ambar, Nobuo Yoshida, and Hassan Zaman. "Trends and Patterns of Poverty in Bangaldesh in Recent Years." (2007) World Bank. A background paper for Bangladesh Poverty Assessment (2007) .
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Das, Narayan C, and Raniya Shams. "Asset Transfer Programme for the Ultra Poor: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluation." (2011) CFPR WP No. 22 .
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Raza, Wameq A, Narayan C Das, and Farzana A Misha. "Can Ultra-Poverty be Sustainably Improved? Evidence from BRAC in Bangladesh." Journal of Development Effectiveness 4, no. 2 (2012): 257-276.
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Das, Narayan C, and Wameq A Raza. "Does a Grant-based Approach Work for Addressing Extreme Poverty? A RCT Approach." (2013) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 51005.
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Raza, Wameq, Anindita Bhattacharjee, and Narayan C Das. "Impact of Char Development and Settlement Project on Improving the Livelihood of Char Dwellers." (2011) WP No. 17.
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Habib, Bilal, Ambar Narayan, Sergio Olivieri, and Carolina Sanchez-Paramo. "Assessing Ex Ante the Poverty and Distributional Impact of the Global Crisis in a Developing Country: A Micro-Simulation Approach with Application to Bangladesh." (2010) World Bank Policy Research WPS5238.
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Kotikula, Aphichoke, Ambar Narayan, and Hassan Zaman. "To What Extent Are Bangladesh’s Recent Gains in Poverty Reduction Different from the Past?." WB Policy Research WP , no. 5199 (2010).
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Narayan, Paresh Kumar, and Biman Chand Prasad. "Economic importance of the sugar industry for Fiji." Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies 17, no. 2 (2005): 104-114.
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Narayan, Ambar, Jaime Saavedra-Chanduvi, and Sailesh Tiwari. "Shared Prosperity: Links to Growth, Inequality and Inequality of Opportunity." WB Policy Research WP , no. 6649 (2013).
Conference Paper
Narayan, Tulika, Anna Belova, and Jacqueline Haskell. "Aflatoxins: A Negative Nexus between Agriculture, Nutrition and Health." 2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis, USA, 2012.
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Prasad, Biman Chand, and Paresh Kumar Narayan. "Reviving growth in the Fiji Islands: are we swimming or sinking." Pacific economic bulletin 23, no. 2 (2008): 5-26.
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