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Showing 1111-1140 of 5384
Journal Article
Nguyen, Minh, and Paul Winters.
The impact of migration on nutrition: the case of Vietnam
Justino, Patricia, and Julie Litchfield.
Welfare in Vietnam during the 1990s: poverty, inequality and poverty dynamics
Journal Article
Figuie, Muriel.
Vegetable consumption behaviour in Vietnam
Journal Article
Asselin, L M, and V T Anh.
Dynamic poverty analysis in Vietnam 1993-2002: multidimensional versus moneymetric analysis
Journal Article
Phan, Diep.
Rural household welfare in Thai Nguyen province of Vietnam: results of a household survey
Journal Article
Nguyen, Minh Cong, and Paul Winters.
The impact of migration on food consumption patterns: The case of Vietnam
Food Policy 36, no. 1 (2011): 71-87.
Journal Article
Dilip R, T.
Utilization of inpatient care from private hospitals: trends emerging from Kerala, India
Health policy and planning 25, no. 5 (2010): 437-446.
Bhalla, G.S., P.B.R. Hazell, and M. Kerr.
Prospects for India's cereal supply and demand to 2020
Journal Article
Mukherjee, Subrata, Slim Haddad, and Delampady Narayana.
Social class related inequalities in household health expenditure and economic burden: evidence from Kerala, South India
International journal for equity in health 10, no. 1 (2011): 1.
Journal Article
Mutharayappa, R., and T.N. Bhat.
Is lifestyle influencing morbidity among elderly?
Journal of Health Management 10, no. 2 (2008): 203-217.
Working Paper
Panigrahi, Akshaya Kumar.
Determinants of living arrangements of elderly in Orissa: An analysis
(2009) Working Paper 228.
Journal Article
Pyakuryal, Bishwambher, Devesh Roy, and Y B Thapa.
Trade liberalization and food security in Nepal
Food Policy 35, no. 1 (2010): 20 - .
Thesis or Dissertation
Rajbhandari, Sunil Narsing.
Inequality of income and wealth distribution in Nepal
PhD Thesis, Faculty of Economics, University of Lugan, 2005.
Arcand, Jean-Louis, and Eric D Wouabe.
How effective are social programs during conflicts? Evidence from the Angolan civil war
Journal Article
Khosravi, Ardeshir, Richard Taylor, Mohsen Naghavi, and Alan D Lopez.
Differential mortality in Iran
Population health metrics 5, no. 1 (2007): 7.
Journal Article
Budlender, Debbie.
Patterns of poverty in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 16, no. 2 (1999): 197-219.
Conference Paper
Bhorat, Haroon.
Are wage adjustments an effective mechanism for poverty alleviation? Some simulations for domestic and farm workers.
Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat (TIPS), 2000 Annual Forum’, Cape Town: Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2000.
Ntuli, Antoinette.
South African Health Review 1998
Durban, South Africa: Health Systems Trust, 1998.
Journal Article
Serumaga-Zake, Philip A E, and Willem A Naude.
Determinants of labour force participation in the North West province of South Africa
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 505-514.
Journal Article
Streak, J., D. Yu, and S. Van der Berg.
Measuring Child Poverty in South Africa: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scale and an Updated Profile
(2009) Social Indicators Research.
Journal Article
Streak, J., D. Yu, and S. van der Berg.
How invariant is South African child poverty to the choice of equivalence scale or poverty measure
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 13/08 (2008).
Working Paper
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard.
Income & expenditure inequality: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.5.
Journal Article
Bisimwa, Ghislain, Thierry Mambo, Prudence Mitangala, Carole Schirvel, Denis Porignon, Michèle Dramaix, and Philippe Donnen.
Nutritional monitoring of preschool-age children by community volunteers during armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Food & Nutrition Bulletin 30, no. 2 (2009): 120-127.
Working Paper
Yu, Derek.
The comparability of census 1996, census 2001 and community survey 2007
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 21/09 (2009).
Working Paper
Retherford, Robert D, and Shyam Thapa.
Fertility in Nepal 1981-2000: levels, trends, and components of change
(2003) East-West Center Working Papers.
Aturupane, Harsha, Anil Deolalikar, and Dileni Gunewardena.
The determinants of child weight and height in Sri Lanka: A quantile regression approach
: Research paper/UNU-WIDER, 2008.
Journal Article
Seneviratne, H. R, and L. C Rajapaksa.
Safe motherhood in Sri Lanka: a 100-year march
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 70, no. 1 (2000): 113-124.
Journal Article
Scornet, Catherine.
An example of coercive fertility reduction, as seen in the region of the Red River Delta in Viet Nam
(2001) Population: An English Selection.
Journal Article
Joharifard, Shahrzad, Stephen Rulisa, Francine Niyonkuru, Andrew Weinhold, Felix Sayinzoga, Jeffrey Wilkinson, Jan Ostermann, and Nathan M Thielman.
Prevalence and Predictors of Giving Birth in Health Facilities in Bugesera District, Rwanda
BMC Public Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 1049-0.
Journal Article
Motlagh, M E, R Safari, M Karami, and A Khosravi.
Life expectancy at birth in rural areas based on corrected data of the Iranian vital horoscope
Iranian Journal of Public Health 41, no. 9 (2012): 18-24.
Showing 1111-1140 of 5384