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Showing 1321-1350 of 5384
Thesis or Dissertation
Luhanga, Zechariah.
An assessment of the utilisation of the social cash transfers by households members from gender perspective, in Chipata District of Zambia, 2006-2008
Master of Communication for Development, University of Zambia, 2012.
Journal Article
Hamainza, Busiku, Gerry F Killeen, Mulakwa Kamuliwo, Adam Bennett, and Joshua O Yukich.
Comparison of a mobile phone-based malaria reporting system with source participant register data for capturing spatial and temporal trends in epidemiological indicators of malaria transmission collected by community health workers in rural Zambia
Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014).
Working Paper
Bhat, Fayaz A, and Shazia Manzoor.
Falling sex ratio in Jammu and Kashmir: Trends, determinants and consequences
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 7, no. 3 (2015): 54-67.
Working Paper
Vaz, Laura, and Suresh Kanekar.
Indian college students' attitudes toward abortion in different contexts
Journal of applied social psychology 22, no. 7 (1992): 567-582.
Conference Paper
Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob, Nicole Mason, Thomas Jayne, Francis Addeah Darko, Solomon Tembo, and others.
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting.
August 4-6, 2013.
Journal Article
Mayeya, John, Roy Chazulwa, Petronella Ntambo Mayeya, Edward Mbewe, Lonia Mwape Magolo, Friday Kasisi, and Annel Chishimba Bowa.
Zambia mental health country profile
International Review of Psychiatry 16, no. 1-2 (2004): 63-72.
Working Paper
Chibuye, Miniva.
Interrogating urban poverty lines: The case of Zambia
Journal Article
Gelb, Alan, Christian Johannes Meyer, and Vijaya Ramachandran.
Does Poor Mean Cheap? A Comparative Look at Africa's Industrial Labor Costs
Center for Global Development Working Paper , no. 325 (2013).
Conference Paper
Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob, Nicole Mason, Thomas Jayne, Francis Addeah Darko, and Solomon Tembo.
What are the effects of input subsidy programs on equilibrium maize prices? Evidence from Malawi and Zambia.
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting.
Washington, 2013.
Journal Article
Erdem, Yurdagül, Senay Topuz, and Nebahat Bora Günes.
Progress Related to Maternal and Neonatal Health in Turkey
Neonatal Biology 3, no. 131 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Chikopela, Juliet.
Livelihood strategies of Small-Scale Farmers in Nankanga Camp of Kafue District, Zambia
Masters of Arts, University of Zambia, 2014.
Journal Article
Egeru, Anthony, Eseza Kateregga, and Gilber Mwanjalolo J Majaliwa.
Coping with Firewood Scarcity in Soroti District of Eastern Uganda
Open Journal of Forestry 4, no. 1 (2014): 70-74.
Book Section
Bongyereire S, Joy.
Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System
(2014) Factors Influencing the Choice of Inorganic contrasting to Organic Practices in Irish Potato Production and Viable Actions to Reverse the Trend: A Case Study of Kisoro District, South-Western Uganda.
Journal Article
Hansen, Kristian S, Richard Ndyomugyenyi, Pascal Magnussen, and Siân E Clarke.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Three Health Interventions to Prevent Malaria in Pregnancy in an Area of Low Transmission in Uganda
International Health 4, no. 1 (2012): 38-46.
Journal Article
Güresci, Ertugrul, and Oktay Aktürk.
Relationship between Rural Development and Migration in Turkey
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 4, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Sabella, Bernard.
Characteristics of Palestinian Society: Youth and Their Context
(2004) Democratic Development?.
Aktuna-Gunes, Armagan Tuna.
Domestic activity patterns pertaining to households and informality in Turkey
Journal Article
Kaya Bahçe, Seçil A, and Emel Memis.
Estimating the Impact of the 2008-09 Economic Crisis on Work Time in Turkey
Feminist Economics 19, no. 3 (2013): 181-207.
Journal Article
Ozsoy, Ceyda.
The outlook of education and employment in Turkey after 2000: Development plans framework
Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & Economics 3, no. 1 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mahmoud, Nidal.
Drivers and Barriers of House Onsite Grey Water Treatment and Reuse in Palestinian Rural Areas
Master’s Degree, Birzeit University, 2012.
Working Paper
Upadhyay, Sugeeta.
Wastage in Indian Higher Education
Economic and Political Weekly 42, no. 2 (2007): 161-168.
Working Paper
Cali, Massimiliano, and Sami H Miaari.
The labor market impact of mobility restrictions: Evidence from the West Bank
Journal Article
Kamya, Moses R, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Humphrey Wanzira, Agaba Katureebe, Chris Barusya, Simon P Kigozi, Maxwell Kilama, Andrew J Tatem, Philip J Rosenthal, and Chris Drakeley.
Malaria Transmission, Infection, and Disease at Three Sites with Varied Transmission Intensity in Uganda: Implications for Malaria Control
(2015) The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.
Journal Article
Amare, Zerihun Yohannes.
The benefits of the use of biogas energy in rural areas in Ethiopia: A case study from the Amhara National Regional State, Fogera District
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9, no. 4 (2015): 332-345.
Journal Article
Hernani-Limarino L, Werner.
Programas de Empleo Temporal, Estabilización del Consumo y Empleabilidad
Journal Article
Masfia, Siti, Dian Anandari, and Hum Budi Aji.
Does Prenatal Care Package in Indonesia Reduce Miscarriage/Stillbirth?
Management in Health 19, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Bryssinckx, Ward, Els Ducheyne, Bernard Muhwezi, Sunday Godfrey, Koen Mintiens, Herwig Leirs, and Guy Hendrickx.
Improving the Accuracy of Livestock Distribution Estimates Through Spatial Interpolation
Geospatial Health 7, no. 1 (2012): 101-109.
Working Paper
Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo Miguel.
Efectos de los ingresos no reportados en el nivel y tendencia de la pobreza laboral en México
Journal Article
Mucunguzi, Stephen, Henry Wamani, Peter Lochoro, and Thorkild Tylleskar.
Effects of Improved Access to Transportation on Emergency obstetric Care Outcomes in Uganda
African Journal of Reproductive Health 18, no. 3 (2014): 87-94.
Working Paper
Kikulwe, Enoch, Justus Wesseler, and José Falck-Zepeda.
Introducing a Genetically Modified Banana in Uganda
IFPRI Discussion Paper , no. 00767 (2008).
Showing 1321-1350 of 5384