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Showing 2551-2580 of 5384
Working Paper
Mukherjee, Dipa.
Productivity in the small manufacturing enterprises: Determinants and policy issues
(2004) Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
Working Paper
Sundaram, Asha.
The impact of trade liberalization on micro enterprises: Do banks matter? Evidence from Indian manufacturing
(2011) University of Cape Town.
Journal Article
Shukla, Neerja, and Sidhhant Mishra.
Researches in the field of education and welfare of children with multiple disabilities in India
(2005) Journal of Special Education in the Asia Pacific.
Working Paper
Keshri, Kunal, and R B Bhagat.
Extended abstract a story of declining labour migration during last one and half decades in India
(unpublished draft).
Working Paper
Gang, Ira N, Kunal Sen, and Myeong-Su Yun.
Poverty in rural India: ethnicity and caste
(2006) Working papers // Department of Economics, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, No. 2006, 34.
Working Paper
Saxena C, N.
Hunger, under-nutrition and food security in India
(2008) CPRC-IIPA: Working Paper 44.
Journal Article
Kumar, A. S, Lincoln C Chen, Mita Choudhury, Shiban Ganju, Vijay Mahajan, Amarjeet Sinha, and Abhijit Sen.
Financing health care for all: challenges and opportunities
The Lancet 377, no. 9766 (2011): 668-679.
Working Paper
Mukherjee, Dipa.
Changing role of women: A Study of small manufacturing enterprises in India
(2005) Munich Personal RePEc Archive Working Papers.
Working Paper
Raman R, K.
The Asian Development Bank loan for Kerala (India): The adverse implications and search for alternatives
Pandey, Devendra.
Fuelwood studies in India: myth and reality
: CIFOR, 2002.
Working Paper
Jha, Praveen.
The well-being of labour in contemporary Indian economy: What's active labour market policy got to do with it?
Journal Article
Naseer, Rana.
Growth and pattern of rural employment in India in post liberation period
(2012) Indian Journal of Research.
Journal Article
Lagrange, Arthur Alik, and Martin Ravallion.
Evaluating Workfare When the Work is Unpleasant: Evidence for India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6272 (2012).
Journal Article
Bakshi, Sanjeev, and Prasanta Pathak.
Who works at older ages? the correlates of economic activity and temporal changes in their effects: evidences from India
(2010) MPRA.
Journal Article
Gaurav, Sarthak, and Srijit Mishra.
Size-Class and Returns to Cultivation in India: A Cold Case Reopened
(2011) Mumbai, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR).
Journal Article
Nguyen, Binh T, James W Albrecht, Susan B Vroman, and Daniel Westbrook.
A quantile regression decomposition of urban-rural inequality in Vietnam
Journal Article
Le, Huong Thu, and Alison Booth.
Urban-Rural living standard inequality in Vietnam, 1993-2006
Journal Article
Molini, Vasco.
Food security in Vietnam during the 1990s
White, Howard, and Edoardo Masset.
Child poverty in Vietnam: using adult equivalence scales to estimate income-poverty for different age groups
Pfau, Wade Donald, and Giang Thanh Long.
The growing role of international remittances in the Vietnamese economy: evidence from the Vietnam (Household) Living Standard Surveys
Journal Article
Glewwe, Paul, and Hai-Anh Hoang Dang.
Was Vietnam’s economic growth in the 1990’s pro-poor? An analysis of panel data from Vietnam
Journal Article
Baulch, Bob, Hung Thai Pham, and Barry Reilly.
Decomposing the ethnic gap in living standards in Rural Vietnam: 1993 to 2004
Book Section
Hirosato, Yasushi, Yuto Kitamura, and Donald B Holsinger.
Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: issues, concerns and prospects
(2009) The Distribution of Education in Vietnam: Why Does Equality Matter?.
Journal Article
Heo, Yoon, and Nguyen Khanh Doanh.
Trade liberalisation and poverty reduction in Vietnam
The World Economy 32, no. 6 (2009): 934-9.
Working Paper
Turk, Carrie, and Rob Swinkels.
Strategic planning for poverty reduction in Vietnam: progress and challenges for meeting the localized Millennium development goals
(2003) SSRN eLibrary.
Journal Article
Tuyen, Le Danh, Le Bach Mai, Muriel Figuié, Bernard Maire, Marie Claude Dop, Nguyen Dinh Chung, Nguyen Cong Khan, and Nicolas Bricas.
Trends in food consumption and in the nutritional status of urban dwellers in Vietnam, over the last twenty years
Cahiers Agricultures 13, no. 1 (2004).
Nguyen H, Cuong.
Access to credit and borrowing behaviour of rural households in a transition economy
Working Paper
Cornia, Giovanni A, Stefano Rosignoli, and Luca Tiberti.
Globalisation and health: pathways of transmission and evidence of impact
(2008) Globalization and Health Knowledge Network: Research Paper.
Van de Walle, Dominique.
Infrastructure and poverty in Vietnam
Working Paper
Suryanarayana H, M.
Economic profiles of morbidity: Measures and illustrations for a developing country
(2009) SSRN Working Papers.
Showing 2551-2580 of 5384