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Showing 211-240 of 1204
Journal Article
Joseph, Conran, Ernst Scriba, Virginia Wilson, Joyce Mothabeng, and Francois Theron.
People with Spinal Cord Injury in Republic of South Africa
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 96, no. 2 (2017): S109-S111.
Journal Article
Rutta, Edmund, Bryceson Kibassa, Brittany McKinnon, Jafary Liana, Romuald Mbwasi, Wilson Mlaki, Martha Embrey, Michael Gabra, Elizabeth Shekalaghe, and Suleiman Kimatta.
Increasing access to subsidized artemisinin-based combination therapy through accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania
Health Research Policy and Systems 9, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Wilson, Dave Richard.
Music Making Space: Musicians, Scenes, and Belonging in the Republic of Macedonia
Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles, 2015.
Journal Article
Brena, Wilson Hernandez.
Teorías y evidencias del “dilema urbano” en el Perú: ¿Por qué crecimos económicamente con violencia? (2000-2012)/Theories and Evidence of Urban Dilemma in Peru: Why did we Grow Economically with Violence?(2000-2012)
Economia 39, no. 77 (2016): 145-185.
Working Paper
Hernández Breña, Wilson-Virgilio.
Delincuencia común y seguridad ciudadana en el Perú: Políticas de prevención y control
Working Paper
Hernandez Brena, Wilson.
Reforma penal y crimen: Impacto del nuevo Código Procesal Penal sobre victimización y percepción de inseguridad
Journal Article
Collantes F, Christianne.
Reproductive dilemmas, labour and remittances: gender and intimacies in Cavite, Philippines
South East Asia Research 24, no. 1 (2016): 77-97.
Journal Article
Ajayi, Anthony I, and Wilson Akpan.
Who benefits from free institutional delivery? evidence from a cross sectional survey of North Central and Southwestern Nigeria
BMC Health Services Research 17, no. 1 (2017): 620.
Mwaipopo, Rosemarie, Wilson Mutagwaba, David Nyange, and Elanor Fisher.
Increasing the contribution of artisanal and small-scale mining to poverty reduction in Tanzania
Dulle, Moses Wilson.
Escaping Poverty in Rural Areas: A Case Study of a Household Asset Dynamics in Tanzania
: Erasmus University, 2010.
Journal Article
Clausen, Thomas, Adrian O Wilson, Robert M Molebatsi, and Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen.
Diminished mental-and physical function and lack of social support are associated with shorter survival in community dwelling older persons of Botswana
BMC Public Health 7, no. 1 (2007): 144.
Journal Article
Wilson, Angelina, and Nceba Z Somhlaba.
Dynamics and perceptions of social support and their impact on well-being: a qualitative study of adolescents in Northern Ghana
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 18, no. 5 (2016): 263-275.
Journal Article
Meffert, Susan M, Charles E McCulloch, Thomas C Neylan, Monica Gandhi, and Crick Lund.
Increase of perceived frequency of neighborhood domestic violence is associated with increase of women's depression symptoms in a nationally representative longitudinal study in South Africa
(2015) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Rodriguez Castillo, Angelica M, and Jessica R Eberhard.
Reproductive behavior of the Yellow-crowned Parrot (Amazona ochrocephala) in western Panama
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118, no. 2 (2006): 225-236.
Journal Article
Lipps, Garth, Gillian A Lowe, Sharon Halliday, Amrie Morris-Patterson, Nelson Clarke, and Rosemarie N Wilson.
A brief report on the association of academic tracking with depressive symptoms in high school students in Jamaica
Journal of Black Psychology 36, no. 3 (2010): 369-380.
Journal Article
Wilson A, Sigismond.
Sierra Leone’s illicit diamonds: the challenges and the way forward
GeoJournal 76, no. 3 (2011): 191-212.
Journal Article
Wilson, Cyril.
Spectral analysis of civil conflict-induced forced migration on land-use/land-cover change: the case of a primate and lower-ranked cities in Sierra Leone
International journal of remote sensing 35, no. 3 (2014): 1094-1125.
Journal Article
Ashley, K, S Wilson, JR Young, HP Chan, S Vitou, S Suon, PA Windsor, and RD Bush.
Drivers, challenges and opportunities of forage technology adoption by smallholder cattle households in Cambodia
(2017) Tropical Animal Health and Production.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwaimu, Wilson Dismasi.
Teachers‟ Effectiveness on Pupils Performance in Primary School in Tanga District
Master of Education, The Open University of Tanzania, 2015.
Working Paper
Quartey, Peter, and Theresa Blankson.
Do Migrant Remittances Minimize the Impact of Macro-volatility on the Poor in Ghana?
Working Paper
Quartey, Peter.
Migration and development: Challenges and Opportunities for Sending Countries - Ghana Country Case Study
Working Paper
Elbers, Chris, and Peter Lanjouw.
Transferencia intersectorial, crecimiento y desigualdad en Ecuador rural
Working Paper
Hentschel, Jesko, and Peter Landjouw.
Constructing an indicator of consumption for the analysis of poverty: Principles and illustrations with reference to Ecuador
(1996) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 124.
Working Paper
Hentschvel, Jesko, Jean O Lanjouw, Peter Lanjouw, and Javier Poggi.
Combining census and survey data to study spatial dimensions of poverty
(1998) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 1928.
Book Section
Lanjouw, Peter.
Rural Poverty in Latin America
(2000) Rural non-agricultural employment and poverty in Latin America: Evidence from Ecuador and El Savador.
Working Paper
Moock, Peter, and Rosemary Bellew.
Vocational and technical education in Peru
(1988) Policy, Planning, and Research.
Working Paper
Moock, Peter, Philip Musgrove, and Morton Stelcner.
Education and earnings in Peru's informal nonfarm family enterprises
(1989) Education and Employment.
Journal Article
Elbers, Chris, Jean Olson Lanjouw, Peter Lanjouw, and Philippe George Leite.
Poverty and inequality in Brazil: new estimates from combined PPV-PNAD data
Journal Article
Lanjouw, Peter.
Estimating geographically disaggregated welfare levels and changes
(2003) The World Bank, Washington DC USA.
Journal Article
Ferreira, FHG, and Peter Lanjouw.
Rural nonfarm activities and poverty in the Brazilian Northeast
(2001) World Development.
Showing 211-240 of 1204