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Showing 2071-2100 of 2304
Journal Article
Kukkonen, Markus, and Niina Kayhko.
Spatio-temporal analysis of forest changes in contrasting land use regimes of Zanzibar, Tanzania
(2014) Applied Geography.
Journal Article
Nkalubo, ST, A Namayanja, AM Ugen, P Paparu, M Otim, and P Asete.
Breeding for bean anthracnose resistance: Matching breeding interventions with people’s livelihoods through participatory variety selection
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14, no. 1 (2013): 45-55.
Book Section
Bashaasha, Bernard, Timothy S Thomas, Michael Waithaka, and Miriam Kyotalimye.
East African agriculture and climate change
(2013) Uganda .
Journal Article
Weir-Smith, G.
An overview of the geographic data of unemployment in South Africa
South African Geographical Journal 96, no. 2 (2014): 134-152.
Journal Article
Fiedler, John, and Dena Metili Mwangi.
Using household consumption and expenditure surveys to make inferences about food consumption, nutrient intakes and nutrition status: How important is it to adjust for meal partakers?
(2016) International Food Policy Research Institute.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ngonzi, Lydia.
Effectiveness and sustainability of self supply initiatives in rural water supply: a case study of Bugiri district, Eastern uganda
Masters in Integrated Water Resources Management, University of Dar es Salaam., 2011.
Journal Article
Trotter A, Philipp.
Rural electrification, electrification inequality and democratic institutions in sub-Saharan Africa
(2016) Energy for Sustainable Development.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vardeman, Steven Cole.
The Broken Links of West-Nile’s Sanitation Supply Chain: Who will be the welder?
Master Thesis, Utrecht University, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ndosi, Aston.
Locally manufactured wheelchairs in Tanzania: Do they meet the needs of Tanzanian wheelchair users?
Master in Disability Studies, University of Cape Town, 2014.
Journal Article
Okonya, Joshua S, and Jurgen Kroschel.
Indigenous knowledge of seasonal weather forecasting: A case study in six regions of Uganda
Agricultural Sciences 4, no. 12 (2013): 641-648.
Journal Article
Idd, Aisha, Odongo Yohana, and Stephen Oswald Maluka.
Implementation of pro-poor exemption policy in Tanzania: policy versus reality
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 28, no. 4 (2013): e298-e309.
Journal Article
Ame, Ahmed, Pius Chaya, and Jane Mbilinyi.
Review of Tanzanian Policies on women Socio-Economic Empowerment: Using Equity – Equality approach
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 3, no. 4 (2013): 436-445.
Journal Article
Makindara, JR, JP Hella, JM Erbaugh, and DW Larson.
Consumer preferences and market potential for sorghum based clear beer in Tanzania
Journal of Brewing and Distilling 4, no. 1 (2013): 1-10.
Journal Article
Flynn, Rebecca.
A Case Study of Rural Finance Self-Help Groups in Uganda and Their Impact on Poverty Alleviation and Development
(2013) Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tebugulwa, Allen.
Understanding Technology Adoption: The Case of Improved Cook Stoves in Bunga, Central Uganda
Master, Lund University, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mulama N, Lihongeni.
Analysis of causes and risk factors associated with maternal deaths in Namibia
Master of Science, University of Namibia, 2015.
Book Section
Nengomasha, Cathrine T, and Wilhelm E Uutoni.
Emerging Issues and Prospects in African E-Government
(2015) E-Government in Namibia.
Journal Article
Weise, Florian J, Joseph R Lemeris Jr, Stuart J Munro, Andrew Bowden, Cicelia Venter, Marlice Vuuren, and Rudie J Vuuren.
Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) running the gauntlet: an evaluation of translocations into free-range environments in Namibia
(2015) PeerJ.
Journal Article
Kangave, Jalia, Suzan Nakato, Ronald Waiswa, and Patrick Lumala Zzimbe.
Boosting Revenue Collection through Taxing High Net Worth Individuals: The Case of Uganda
Namhila, Ellen Ndeshi.
Recordkeeping and missing “native estate” records in Namibia: An investigation of colonial gaps in a post-colonial national archive
Stern, Nicholas Herbert.
Investment climate: lessons and challenges
: Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kangombe, Fransiska Ndiiteela.
The vegetation of Omusati and Oshana regions, central-northern Namibia
Master of Science, University of Pretoria, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Saes, Lisanne.
Prepaid water in Namibia: The impact of prepaid household water meters on the inhabitants and the municipality of Otjiwarongo.
Master of Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2012.
Journal Article
Oguntibeju, OO, KT Ndalambo, and M Mokgatle-Nthabu.
People living with HIV/Aids and the utilisation of home-based care services
African Journal of Microbiology Research 2, no. 20 (2011): 3166-3174.
Journal Article
Ruiz-Casares, Monica.
Kin and Youths in the Social Networks of Youth-Headed Households in Namibia
Journal of Marriage and Family 72, no. 5 (2010): 1408-1425.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ndalambo, Kanku Tshibola.
Utilisation of home-based care services by the community of Caprivi Region in Namibia
Master of Public Health, University of Limpopo , 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Akpabio, Alma.
Attitude, perceptions and behaviour towards family planning amongst women attending PMTCT services at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, Namibia
Master in Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2010.
Journal Article
Aust, Patrick, Brenna Boyle, Rich Fergusson, and Tim Coulson.
The impact of Nile crocodiles on rural livelihoods in northeastern Namibia
South African Journal of Wildlife Research 39, no. 1 (2009): 57-69.
Book Section
Rukoro, Raywood Mavetja.
Towards Sustainable Fisheries Law
(2009) Promotion and Management of Marine Fisheries in Namibia .
Thesis or Dissertation
Iipinge, Albertine Niita.
Impact of Community-Based Conservancy on Community's Livelihoods: A case of the! Khob! Naub Conservancy, Southern Namibia
Master of Science, Centre for Development Support University of the Free State, 2009.
Showing 2071-2100 of 2304