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Showing 1111-1140 of 3192
Castel, Paulette, Tran Mai Oanh, Tran Ngo Thi Minh Tam, and Vu Hoang Dat.
Health Insurance in Viet Nam towards universal coverage: The case of the workers of the informal sector
Working Paper
Tirtosudarmo, Riwanto.
Mobility and Human Development in Indonesia
Munich Personal RePEc Archive , no. 19201 (2009).
Conference Paper
Handayani, Wiwandari.
Rural-Urban Regions in Central Java: Is it a Constructive Urbanization?
The 5 th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU).
Journal Article
Arjun, Adlakha, and Kirk Dudley.
Vital rates in India 1961-71 estimated from 1971 census data
Population Studies: A Journal of Demography 28, no. 3 (1974): 381-400.
Journal Article
Pitt, Mark M, Mark R Rosenzweig, and Donna M Gibbons.
The Determinants and Consequences of the Placement of Government Programs in Indonesia
The World Bank Economic Review 7, no. 3 (1993): 319-348.
Journal Article
Sadashivaiah, K, A S Ramesh, and J S Sinha.
Age at marriage in India: the implications of the new legislation in the light of 1971 census data
Journal of Family Welfare 27, no. 3 (1981): 39-45.
Surbakti, Indra M, Izhar C Idroes, Hendricus A Simarmata, and Tommy Firman.
Workshops of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities, Bangkok
Working Paper
Ashari, Luthfi, Patrick Barron, Rachael Diprose, and Michael Woolcock.
Indonesian Social Development
Journal Article
Dasvarma L, Gouranga.
Contribution of Mortality Decline to Longer Working Life: The Case of Indonesian Males 1980-1995
Journal of Population Research 19, no. 1 (2002): 75-84.
Journal Article
Soemantri, S.
[Trend and regional differentials in infant mortality rates] Pola perkembangan dan perbandingan antar daerah angka kematian bayi
Working Paper
Mancini, Luca.
Horizontal Inequality and Communal Violence: Evidence from Indonesian Districts
CRISE WP , no. 22 (2005).
Journal Article
Mukherjee, Kankana.
Energy use efficiency in the Indian manufacturing sector: an interstate analysis
Energy Policy 36, no. 2 (2008): 662-672.
Journal Article
Ray C, Subhash.
Did India's economic reforms improve efficiency and productivity? A nonparametric analysis of the initial evidence from manufacturing
Indian Economic Review XXXVIII, no. 1 (2002): 23-57.
Working Paper
Dang, Hai-Anh, and Umar Serajuddin.
Updating Poverty Estimates at Frequent Intervals: Preliminary Results from Jordan
Journal Article
Shetty, S.
Industrial Growth and Structure: As seen Through Annual Survey of Industries
Economic and Political Weekly 17, no. 40 (1982): 1610-1618.
Journal Article
Mukherjee, Kankana, and Subhash C Ray.
Technical efficiency and its dynamics in Indian manufacturing: an inter-state analysis
(2005) Indian Economic Review.
Working Paper
Das, Deb Kusum.
Manufacturing productivity under varying trade regimes: India in the 1980s and 1990s
(2003) Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relation.
Journal Article
Kumar, Surender.
A decomposition of total productivity growth: a regional analysis of Indian industrial manufacturing growth
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55, no. 3/4 (2006): 311-331.
Working Paper
Tambunan, Tulus.
Likely Impact of the WTO “July Package” 2004 Agreement on Trade Liberalization in Agriculture on Poverty in Indonesia: A Comparative Study between a Partial Equilibrium Model and Existing CGE/GTAP Based Studies
Working Paper
Ray, Subhash C, and Anasua Bhattacharya.
Surplus Labor in Indian Manufacturing: Evidence from the Annual Survey of Industries
University of Connecticut Economics Working Papers , no. 200314 (2003).
Working Paper
Agrawal, Ankush, and Vikas Kumar.
Nagaland’s Demographic Somersault
Working Paper
Sinha N, J.
1981 census economic data: a note
Economic and Political Weekly 17, no. 6 (1982): 195-203.
Thesis or Dissertation
Harahap R, Faisal.
Estimating long-run elasticities of rural wage determinants in Indonesia: the Johansen cointegration method
Master of Science - MSc, The University of British Columbia, 2012.
Hill, P.
Dry Grain Farming Families: Hausalund (Nigeria) and Karnataka (India) Compared
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Nava, Natalie Bau, Nathan Nunn, and Alessandra Voena.
Bride Price and the Returns to Education for Women
Working Paper
Biggeri, Mario, Lorenzo Guarcello, Scott Lyon, and Furio Camillo Rosati.
The puzzle of ‘‘idle’’children: Neither in school nor performing economic activity: Evidence from six countries
Understanding Children’s Work Project Working Paper Series , no. 43873 (2003).
Journal Article
Kannan P, K.
Interrogating inclusive growth: some reflections on exclusionary growth and prospects for inclusive development in India
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 50, no. 1 (2007): 17-46.
Working Paper
Dey, Subhasish.
Evaluating India's national rural employment guarantee scheme: the case of Birbhum districts, West Bengal
(2010) ISS Working Papers - General Series.
Journal Article
Valentine, Theodore R, and E Kalipeni.
Female-headed households, private transfer entitlements and drought relief in rural Botswana.
(1994) Population growth and environmental degradation in Southern Africa.
Journal Article
Dey K, Sanjeeb.
MSMEs in India: it’s growth and prospects
Abhinav-National Monthly Refereed Journal Of Research In Commerce & Management 3, no. 8 (2014): 26-33.
Showing 1111-1140 of 3192