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Showing 1621-1650 of 3192
Working Paper
Appiah, Mark, and Ari Pappinen.
Farm forestry prospects among some local communities in Rachuonyo District, Kenya
Small-scale Forestry 9, no. 3 (2010): 297-316.
Journal Article
Korson, Henry J, and MA Sabzwari.
Age and Social State at Marriage, Karachi, Pakistan 1961-64 and 1980: A Comparative Study
(1984) Journal of Comparative Family Studies.
Working Paper
Dimitriu, Radu Ionut, and Raluca Ioana Horea-Serban.
From white to black and white collars. On the present international migrations of Moldovian intellectuals. On censuses, migrations and palliative statistical methods
Lucrarile Seminarului Geografic" Dimitrie Cantemir" , no. 30 (2010).
Conference Paper
Sofroniciu, Oana Pusa.
Gender, labour market and the education. A comparative perspective between Sweden and Romania
5th European Feminist Research Conference .
Lund, Sweden, August 20-24, 2003.
Working Paper
Hajdu, Zoltán.
The Romanian Settlement Policy During the Period of State Socialism
Discussion Papers , no. 88 (2012).
Working Paper
Kahanec, Martin, Anzelika Zaiceva, and Klaus F Zimmermann.
Ethnic minorities in the European Union: An overview
Journal Article
Banister, Judith.
Shortage of girls in China today
Journal of Population Research 21, no. 1 (2004): 19-45.
Journal Article
Ru-Kang, Fang.
The geographical inequalities of mortality in China
Social Science & Medicine 36, no. 10 (1993): 1319-1323.
Working Paper
Xu, Gang.
Can Corruption Really Function as “Protection Money” and “Greasing Money”? Evidence from Chinese Firms
Journal Article
Jane-lovena, Onyiapat E, Ijeoma L Okoronkwo, and Ngozi P Ogbonnaya.
Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults in Enugu, Nigeria
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 11, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Titus, Okwu Andy, Ganiyu Biodun Bakare, and Timothy Chidi Obiwuru.
Business Environment, Job Creation and Employment Capacities of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Descriptive Analysis
Business Management Dynamics 3, no. 2 (2013): 97-110.
Journal Article
Randazzo, Teresa, and Matloob Piracha.
Remittances and Household Expenditure Behaviour in Senegal
IZA Discussion Paper , no. 8106 (2014).
Journal Article
Friesen, Melissa C, Joseph B Coble, Wei Lu, Xiao-Ou Shu, Bu-Tian Ji, Shouzheng Xue, Lutzen Portengen, Wong-Ho Chow, Yu-Tang Gao, and Gong Yang.
Combining a job-exposure matrix with exposure measurements to assess occupational exposure to benzene in a population cohort in shanghai, china
Annals of occupational hygiene 56, no. 1 (2011): 80-91.
Working Paper
Kraay, Aart, and Peter Murrell.
Misunderestimating corruption
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 6488 (2013).
Journal Article
SWOT Analysis of Chinese Economy and Its Comparison with Indian Economy
Journal Article
Komada, Kenichi, Masaya Sugiyama, Phengta Vongphrachanh, Anonh Xeuatvongsa, Bouaphan Khamphaphongphane, Tomomi Kitamura, Tomoko Kiyohara, Takaji Wakita, Hitoshi Oshitani, and Masahiko Hachiya.
Seroprevalence of chronic hepatitis B, as determined from dried blood spots, among children and their mothers in central Lao People's Democratic Republic: a multistage, stratified cluster sampling survey
(2015) International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Journal Article
Bosire, Ruth K, and Faustin Ntamushobora.
A Study on the Effects of Motivational Leadership on Human Capital Productivity in the Kenya Public Service: A Case Study of the Kenya Wild Life Service (KWS)
International Academic Journal of Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship 1, no. 3 (2014): 1-25.
Journal Article
Bowman, Glenn.
Violence before Identity: An Analysis of Identity Politics
The Sociological Review 62, no. S2 (2014): 152-165.
Journal Article
Stropnik, Nada, and Milivoja Šircelj.
Slovenia: Generous Family Policy without Evidence of any Fertility Impact
Demographic Research 19, no. 26 (2008): 1019-1058.
Journal Article
Hermansson, Erik, and Harald Enoksson.
Will income inequality in China reverse itself?: Testing the Kuznets hypothesis on Fujian Province 1991-2003
Koettl, Johannes.
Poverty and Exclusion in the Western Balkans
: Springer, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Didenko, Inna, and Ivan Konovets.
Success Factors in Construction Projects: A Study of Housing Projects in Ukraine
Master Thesis, Umeå University, 2008.
Journal Article
Kabagenyi, Allen, Alice Reid, Gideon Rutaremwa, Lynn M Atuyambe, and James PM Ntozi.
Has Uganda experienced any stalled fertility transitions? Reflecting on the last four decades (1973-2011)
Fertility research and practice 1, no. 1 (2015).
Veriava, Faranaaz.
Promoting effective enforcement of the prohibition against corporal punishment in South African schools
: PULP, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mosites M, Emily.
The influence of livestock ownership and health on the nutritional status of children in Eastern Africa
Doctor of Philosophy , University of Washington, 2015.
Knodel, John, and Zachary Zimmer.
Gender and Well-Being of Older Persons in Cambodia
Working Paper
Smith, William, Lucy Scott, and Andrew Shepherd.
Enhanced Resilience through Savings and Insurance via Linkages and Digital Technology
Financial Inclusion Policy Guide , no. 6 (2015).
Journal Article
Lew, Sigrid.
A linguistic analysis of the Lao writing system and its suitability for minority language orthographies
Writing Systems Research 6, no. 1 (2014): 25-40.
Working Paper
Michaelowa, Katharina, and Anke Weber.
Aid Effectiveness in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education
Thesis or Dissertation
Mokebe Maleka, Mbombo Bruce.
A gender-based analysis of ICT adoption and usage in South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand, 2012.
Showing 1621-1650 of 3192