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Showing 1801-1830 of 3192
Journal Article
Wang, Yukun.
The size of housing subsidies in China
Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 3, no. 1 (1991): 103-116.
Working Paper
Bonham, Carl, and Calla Wiemer.
Chinese saving dynamics: the impact of GDP growth and the dependent share
Oxford Economic Papers 65, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Lindtjørn, Bernt, Tadesse Alemu, and Bjarne Bjorvatn.
Population Growth, Fertility, Mortality and Migration in Drought Prone Areas in Ethiopia
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 87, no. 1 (1993): 24-28.
Journal Article
Kumie, Abera, and Ahmed Ali.
An Overview of Environmental Health Status in Ethiopia with Particular Emphasis to its Organization, Drinking Water and Sanitation: A Literature Survey
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 19, no. 2 (2005): 89-103.
Working Paper
Ma, Yue, and Ying Chu Ng.
Bootstrapping statistical inferences of decomposition methods for gender earnings differentials
(2008) Applied Economics.
Journal Article
Li, Lianyou, Ze Song, and Chao Ma.
Engel curves and price elasticity in urban Chinese Households
(2015) Economic Modelling.
Journal Article
Saade, G, S Abou Jaoude, R Afifi, CW Warren, and NR Jones.
Patterns of tobacco use: results from the 2005 Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Lebanon
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 14, no. 6 (2008): 1280-1289.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nowakowska-Besada, Aneta.
Differences in Gender Perceptions of Access to Credit: The Case of Rwanda
M.A. Degree, University of Ottawa, 2016.
Journal Article
Gibson, Mhairi A, and Ruth Mace.
An Energy-Saving Development Initiative Increases Birth Rate and Childhood Malnutrition in Rural Ethiopia
PLoS Med 3, no. 4 (2006): 0476-0484.
Journal Article
Athukorala, Kusum, and Janeen Fernando.
2.5 Investing in Women’s Participation for Enhanced Water Security: A Practitioner’s View from Sri Lanka
Srinivasan, Radhika, Nora Dudwick, and Jeanine Braithwaite.
Ukraine gender review
Journal Article
Kriegel, Sibylle, Ralph Ludwig, and Fabiola Henri.
Encoding path in Mauritian Creole and Bhojpuri
(2008) Roots of Creole structures: Weighing the contribution of substrates and superstrates.
Working Paper
Tochitskaya, Irina.
Belarus' wto accession:impact on domestic business
Economic Review 12, no. 2/3 (2013): 137-161.
Journal Article
Gupta, Anuj, and Ben Reeves.
Fijian seasonal scourge of mango tree falls
ANZ journal of surgery 79, no. 12 (2009): 898-900.
Mulaj, Isa.
Organized Crime, Propaganda, Blackmails of Riinvest and OSI’s Nepotism, not the Banking Sector, is a Severe Barrier
Journal Article
Ekins, Richard, and Chye-Ching Huang.
Reckless Lawmaking and Regulatory Responsibility
New Zealand Law Review 2011, no. 3 (2011): 407-442.
Journal Article
Bunce, Matthew, Laurence Mee, Lynda D Rodwell, and Richard Gibb.
Collapse and recovery in a remote small island—A tale of adaptive cycles or downward spirals?
Global Environmental Change 19, no. 2 (2009): 213-226.
Journal Article
Orlova V, Alexandra.
A Promising Solution? Changing the Current Russian Business Climate by Amending the Criminal Code
European Business Law Review 23, no. 5 (2012): 809-830.
Journal Article
Houqe, Nurul, and Reza Monem.
IFRS Adoption, Extent of Disclosure, and Perceived Corruption: A Cross-Country Study
(2015) International Journal of Accounting, Forthcoming.
Thesis or Dissertation
November, Kate.
Translation and national identity: the use and reception of Mauritian Creole translations of Shakespeare and Molière
PhD , University of Edinburgh , 2009.
Journal Article
Szikorova, Nóra.
Chinese Investments In African Oil
Nigde Üniversitesi IIBF Dergisi 6, no. 2 (2013): 275-290.
Thesis or Dissertation
Derjacques, Erica Rita.
The question of pluralism in religious education in the secondary schools of the Seychelles
Master en Science des religions , Université Catholique de Louvain, 2014.
Working Paper
Joglekar, Rama.
Can insurance reduce catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditure?
Durairaj, Varatharajan.
Enhancing equity in access to health care in the Asia-Pacific region: Remediable inequities
Conference Paper
Paugh L, Amy.
Acting Adult: Language Socialization, Shift, and Ideologies in Dominica, West Indies
4th International Symposium on Bilingualism.
Working Paper
Patra, Aparesh, and Debendra Kumar Nayak.
Role of Water Supply and Sanitation for Hill Area Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Shillong Urban Agglomeration, India
Working Paper
Rothermel, Luke.
Needs Assessment for the Mobile Health Clinic of the Sukhdev Raj Soin Hospital
Journal Article
Haydena, Martin, and Richard Martin.
Recovery of the education system in Myanmar
Recovery of the Education System in Myanmar Martin Hayden 2, no. 2 (2013): 47-57.
Working Paper
Arneberg W, Marie.
Feminisation of Urban Eritrean Households: Implications for Poverty Reduction Policy
Journal Article
Deyessa, Negussie, Yemane Berhane, Atalay Alem, Mary Ellsberg, Maria Emmelin, Ulf Hogberg, and Gunnar Kullgren.
Intimate Partner Violence and Depression among Women in Rural Ethiopia: A Cross-sectional Study
(2009) Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health.
Showing 1801-1830 of 3192