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Showing 511-540 of 3192
Cogneau, Denis, and Michael Grimm.
AIDS and income distribution in Africa; a micro-simulation study for Côte d'Ivoire
Journal Article
Gwatkin, D.R.
Health inequalities and the health of the poor: What do we know? What can we do?
Bulletin of the world health organization 78, no. 1 (2000): 3-18.
Journal Article
Diop-Sidibé, Nafissatou.
Siblings' premarital childbearing and the timing of first sex in three major cities of Côte d'Ivoire
(2005) International family planning perspectives.
Working Paper
Castro-Leal, Florencia.
Poverty and inequality in the distribution of public education spending in South Africa
World Bank Working Paper Series 1, no. 19711 (1996).
Journal Article
Guillaume, Agnes, and Annabel Lou.
Fertility regulation among women in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Contraception, abortion or both?
(2002) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Conference Paper
Hertz, Tom.
Forecasting the effects of pending minimum wage legislation on poverty in South Africa
The Global Labor Standards and Living Wages Working Group Meeting, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, April 19-20, 2002.
Amherst, United States, 2002.
Working Paper
Keswell, Malcolm, and Laura Poswell.
How important is education for getting ahead in South Africa?
CSSR Working Papers , no. 22 (2002).
Journal Article
Loaiza, Edilberto.
Sterilization regret in the Dominican Republic: looking for quality-of-care issues
(1995) Studies in Family Planning.
Working Paper
Jensen, Robert, and Adriana Lleras-Muney.
Does schooling prevent teens smoking and drinking?
(2009) California Center for Population Research On-Line Working Paper Series.
Journal Article
Widyastuti, Lina, and Udoy Sankar Saikia.
Postpartum contraceptive use in Indonesia: recent patterns and determinants
(2010) Reproductive Health and Social Sciences Research.
Journal Article
Acha, C.
Women empowerment as measure of good governance in Nigeria
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 5, no. 2 (2010).
Journal Article
Schkolnik, Susana, and Juan Chackiel.
América Latina: la transicion demográfica en sectores rezagados
(1998) Notas de poblacio}n.
Thesis or Dissertation
Leone, Tiziana.
Fertility and union dynamics in Brazil
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, University of Southampton , 2003.
Journal Article
Meth, Charles, and Rosa Dias.
Increases in poverty in South Africa, 1999–2002
Development Southern Africa 21, no. 1 (2004): 60-85.
Thesis or Dissertation
Schweitzer, R W.
Community managed rural water supply systems in the Domincan Republic
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2009.
Journal Article
Pollet, Thomas, and Daniel Nettle.
No evidence for the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis from British and rural Guatemalan data
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 8, no. 1 (2010): 57-74.
Filmer, Deon, and Norbert R Schady.
Getting girls into school: Evidence from a scholarship program in Cambodia
: World Bank, 2006.
Journal Article
Delvaux, Thérèse, Sofal Soeur, Tung Rathavy, François Crabbé, and Anne Buvé.
Integration of comprehensive abortion-care services in a Maternal and Child Health clinic in Cambodia
Tropical Medicine & International Health 13, no. 8 (2008): 962-969.
Journal Article
Anderson, Victoria, Janet Cornwall, Susan Jack, and Rosalynd Gibson.
Intakes from non-breastmilk foods for stunted toddlers living in poor urban villages of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, are inadequate
Maternal & Child Nutrition 4, no. 2 (2008): 146-159.
Journal Article
Diop-Sidibé, Nafissatou, Jacquelyn Campbell, and Stan Becker.
Domestic violence against women in Egypt - wife beating and health outcomes
Social science & medicine 62, no. 5 (2006): 1260-1277.
Journal Article
Khawaja, Marwan, Rozzet Jurdi, and Tamar Kabakian-Khasholian.
Rising trends in cesarean section rates in Egypt
Birth 31, no. 1 (2004): 12-16.
Journal Article
Miller, F.D., and Laith Abu-Raddad.
Evidence of intense ongoing endemic transmission of hepatitis C virus in Egypt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 33 (2010): 14757-14762.
Journal Article
Accorsi, Sandro, Nejmudin Kedir Bilal, Pasquale Farese, and Vincenzo Racalbuto.
Countdown to 2015: comparing progress towards the achievement of the health Millennium Development Goals in Ethiopia and other sub-Saharan African countries
Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104, no. 5 (2010): 336-342.
Journal Article
Monteiro, C A, W L Conde, B Lu, and B M Popkin.
Obesity and inequities in health in the developing world
International Journal of Obesity 28, no. 9 (2004): 1181-1186.
Journal Article
Monazea, Eman, and Ekram Khalek.
Spousal violence against Egyptian women and its impact on reproductive indicators
Journal of American Science 7, no. 6 (2011).
Journal Article
ElShabrawy, Ekram, Merfat Elrafei, Rasha Aziz, and Shaimaa Elsonosy.
Perinatal morbidity and mortality in rural community in Beni-Suef governorate
World Journal of Medical Sciences 5, no. 1 (2010): 01-06.
Journal Article
Kingdon, Geeta, and John Knight.
Subjective well-being poverty vs. Income poverty and capabilities poverty?
Journal of Development Studies 42, no. 7 (2006): 1199-.
Journal Article
McNamee B, Catherine.
Wanted and unwanted fertility in Bolivia: Does ethnicity matter?
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35, no. 4 (2009): 166-175.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yasin, Shima Kamal.
Socioeconomic and bio-demographic determinants of infant mortality in Egypt
Masters, University of Witwatersrand, 2009.
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Walaa, A.M. Makhlouf, Mervat Khamis, and Entisar Youness.
Effect of prophylactic antibiotics (Cephalosporin versus Amoxicillin) on preventing post caesarean section infection
Journal of American Science 7, no. 5 (2011).
Showing 511-540 of 3192