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Showing 901-930 of 3192
Umsobomvu Youth Fund,.
The status of youth report 2003: Young people in South Africa
Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council, 2005.
Working Paper
Gustafsson, Martin.
The when and how of leaving school: The policy implications of new evidence on secondary schooling in South Africa
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 09/11 (2011).
Working Paper
Essop, Hassan, and Eldridge Moses.
Main findings on free basic services from national treasury fiscal incidence report
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 14/09 (2009).
Burton, Patrick, Anton du Plessis, Ted Leggett, Antoinette Louw, Duxita Mistry, and Hennie van Vuuren.
National victims of crime survey South Africa 2003
Monograph ed. Vol. 101. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2004.
Bhorat, Haroon, Carlene van der Westhuizen, and Elne Jacobs.
The role of agriculture in poverty reduction: South Africa
Altman, Miriam.
Low wage work in South Africa
South Africa: HSRC, 2007.
Journal Article
Bhorat, Haroon, Morne Oosthuizen, and Carlene van der Westhuizen.
Estimating a poverty line: An application to free basic municipal services in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 77-96.
Working Paper
Kizilirmak, Burca, and Emel Memis.
The unequal burden of poverty on time use
Everatt, David.
No easy victories in the war on poverty: The limits of welfarism and the return of the deserving poor in post-apartheid South Africa
Thesis or Dissertation
Kon R, Zeida.
Ethnic disparities in obtaining medical care and perception of health care in post-Apartheid South Africa
Doctor of Public Health, University of North Texas Health Science Center, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ryan, Joanna.
The impact of the South African Old Age Pension on the educational attainment of children
Masters Thesis (MEcon), University of Cape Town, 2011.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Christian Welzel.
Exploring the unknown: Predicting the responses of publics not yet surveyed
International Review of Sociology 15, no. 1 (2005): 173-201.
Journal Article
Tanwir, Farooq.
Religious parties and politics in Pakistan
(2002) International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
Journal Article
Inglehart, Ronald, and Paul R Abramson.
Economic security and value change
The American Political Science Review 88, no. 2 (1994): 336-354.
Conference Paper
Ikeda, Miyako.
Grade repetition and its effect on performance in SACMEQ countries
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Conference Paper
Kariuki, M.R. W, and Lilian Guantai.
Class size: Effect on achievement in East and Southern Africa
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, and John Hoddinott.
Livelihoods, growth, and links to market towns in 15 Ethiopian villages
Journal Article
Nega, Fredu, Erik Mathijs, Jozef Deckers, Mitiku Haile, Jan Nyssen, and Eric Tollens.
Rural poverty dynamics and impact of intervention programs upon chronic and transitory poverty in northern Ethiopia
African Development Review 22, no. 1 (2010): 92-114.
Journal Article
Welzel, Christian, and Ronald Inglehart.
Emancipative values and democracy: Response to Hadenius and Teorell
Studies in Comparative International Development 41, no. 3 (2006): 74-94.
Working Paper
Dercon, Stefan, Tessa Bold, Joachim De Weerdt, and Alula Pankhurst.
Group-based funeral insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania
Working Paper
Weir, Sharada, and John Knight.
Education externalities in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from average and stochastic frontier production functions
Journal Article
Jeanette Kurian Birnbaum, Christopher JL Murray , and Rafael Lozano.
Exposing misclassified HIV/AIDS deaths in South Africa
Bulletin of the world health organisation 89, no. 4 (2011): 278-285.
Journal Article
Li, Liman Man Wai, and Michael Harris Bond.
Value change: Analyzing national change in citizen secularism across four time periods in the World Values Survey
The Social Science Journal 47, no. 2 (2010): 294-306.
Conference Paper
Dolata, Stéphanie.
Construction and validation of pupil socioeconomique status index for SACMEQ education systems
International Invitational Educational Policy Research Conference, Paris, France, 2005.
Paris, France, 2005.
Working Paper
Retherford, Robert D, and Shyam Thapa.
Fertility in Nepal 1981-2000: levels, trends, and components of change
(2003) East-West Center Working Papers.
Journal Article
Kac, Gilberto, Gustavo Velásquez-Melendez, Michael M Schlüssel, Ana M Segall-Côrrea, Antônio Silva, and Rafael Pérez-Escamilla.
Severe food insecurity is associated with obesity among Brazilian adolescent females
Public Health Nutrition 1, no. 1 (2012): 1-7.
Journal Article
Thang, Nguyen Minh, and Ingrid Swenson.
Variations in Vietnamese marriages, births and infant deaths by months of the Julian calendar and years of the Vietnamese and Chinese astrological calendars
Journal of biosocial Science 28, no. 3 (1996): 367-378.
Journal Article
Swenson, Ingrid, and N.M. Thang.
Determinants of birth intervals in Vietnam: A hazard model analysis
Journal of Tropical pediatrics 39, no. 3 (1993): 163-167.
Journal Article
Penteado, Luis G, Francisco Cabral, Margarita Díaz, Juan Díaz, Laura Ghiron, and Ruth Simmons.
Organizing a public-sector vasectomy program in Brazil
Studies in Family Planning 32, no. 4 (2001): 315-328.
Journal Article
Bhalla, Kavi, M Naghavi, S Shahraz, D Bartels, and C J Murray.
Building national estimates of the burden of road traffic injuries in developing countries from all available data sources: Iran
Injury Prevention 15, no. 3 (2009): 150-156.
Showing 901-930 of 3192