
Showing 31-51 of 51
Thesis or Dissertation
Bourezg-Dellili, Sabiha. "Les opportunités de la technologie CSP «concentrating solar power» dans la génération d'électricité renouvelable en Algérie." Magister, Universite M'Hamed Bougara-Boumerdes, 2013.
Journal Article
Dey, S., A. Hablas, I.A. Seifeldin, K. Ismail, M. Ramadan, H. El-Hamzawy, M.L. Wilson, M. Banerjee, P. Boffetta, and J. Harford. "Urban-rural differences of gynaecological malignancies in Egypt (1999 - 2002)." BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 117, no. 3 (2010): 348-355.
Journal Article
McKay, Jeanne E, Fachruddin M Mangunjaya, Yoan Dinata, Stuart R Harrop, and Fazlun Khalid. "Practise What You Preach: A Faith-Based Approach to Conservation in Indonesia." Oryx 48, no. 01 (2013): 23-29.
Journal Article
AbdeL-Latif, Tarek, Salwa T Ramadan, and Abeer M Galal. "Egyptian coastal regions development through economic diversity for its coastal cities." HBRC Journal 8, no. 3 (2012): 252-262.
Journal Article
Dey, Subhojit, Amr S Soliman, Ahmad Hablas, Ibrahim A Seifeldein, Kadry Ismail, Mohamed Ramadan, Hesham El-Hamzawy, Mark L Wilson, Mousumi Banerjee, and Paolo Boffetta. "Urban--rural differences in breast cancer incidence in Egypt (1999-2006)." The Breast 19, no. 5 (2010): 417-423.
Journal Article
Hirko, Kelly A, Amr S Soliman, Ahmed Hablas, Ibrahim A Seifeldin, Mohamed Ramadan, Mousumi Banerjee, Joe B Harford, Robert M Chamberlain, and Sofia D Merajver. "Trends in breast cancer incidence rates by age and stage at diagnosis in gharbiah, Egypt, over 10 years (1999-2008)." (2013) Journal of cancer epidemiology.
Journal Article
Attar, Esra, Subhojit Dey, Ahmad Hablas, Ibrahim A Seifeldin, Mohamed Ramadan, Laura S Rozek, and Amr S Soliman. "Head and neck cancer in a developing country: A population-based perspective across 8years." Oral oncology 46, no. 8 (2010): 591-596.
Working Paper
Nazier, Hanan, and Racha Ramadan. "Informality and poverty: a causality dilemma with application to Egypt." Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 895 (2014).
Journal Article
Abu-Ramadan, Maged Awni. "Making better use of scarce resources: The Palestinian experience, 1995-1999." The Journal of ambulatory care management 25, no. 3 (2002): 63-69.
Journal Article
Ara, Sharmin. "Impact of Temporal Population Distribution on Earthquake Loss Estimation: A Case Study on Sylhet, Bangladesh." International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 5, no. 4 (2014): 296-312.
Working Paper
Randriamamonjy, Josee, Racha Ramadan, John Ulimwengu, and Saweda Liverpool-Tasie. "Understanding the Linkage between Agricultural Productivity and Nutrient Consumption: Evidence from Uganda." (2011)
Conference Paper
Ramadan, Racha, Vladimir Hlasny, and Vito Intini. "Inequality Decomposition in the Arab Region: Application to Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia." IARIW-CAPMAS Special Conference. November 23-25, 2015.
Working Paper
Assaad, Ragui, Hanan Nazier, and Racha Ramadan. "Empowerment is a Community Affair: Community Level Determinants of Married Women’s Empowerment in Egypt." The Economic Research Forum (ERF) , no. 959 (2015).
Journal Article
Kumar, Santosh, Ramona Molitor, and Sebastian Vollmer. "Drought and Early Child Health in Rural India." Population and Development Review 42, no. 1 (2016): 53-68.
Working Paper
AbdelLatif, Lobna, Mohamed Zaky, and Mohamed Ramadan. "Public value perspective for gender budgeting: evidence from Egypt." (2017)
Thesis or Dissertation
Sobhy Ramadan, Hania. "Education and the Production of Citizenship in the Late Mubarak Era: Privatization, Discipline and the Construction of the Nation in Egyptian Secondary Schools." Doctor of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies, University of London, 2012.
Working Paper
Krishnan, Nandini, Racha Ramadan, and Sergio Olivieri. "Estimating the Welfare Costs of Reforming the Iraq Public Distribution System." WB Policy Research Working Paper , no. 8106 (2017).
Working Paper
Assaad, Ragui, Hanan Nazier, and Racha Ramadan. "Individual and households determinants of women empowerment: Application to the case of Egypt." The Economic Research Forum Working Paper , no. 867 (2014).
Working Paper
Nazier, Hanan, and Racha Ramadan. "Women's Participation in Labor Market in Egypt: Constraints and Opportunities." The Economic Research Forum Working Papers , no. 999 (2016).
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