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Showing 301-330 of 1006
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, Anoshua, and Kakoli Roy.
Changes in out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in Vietnam and its impact on equity in payments, 1992-2002
Health Policy 88, no. 1 (2008): 38-48.
McCaig, Brian.
Exporting out of poverty: provincial poverty in Vietnam and U.S. market access
Working Paper
Ray, Ranjan.
Dietary changes, calorie intake and undernourishment: a comparative study of India and Vietnam
(2007) Discussion Paper. School of Economics and Finance, Tasmania.
Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique Van der Walle.
Land allocation in Vietnam's agrarian transition
Journal Article
Ravallion, Martin, and Dominique Van de Walle.
Land allocation in Vietnam’s agrarian transition part 2: introducing a land market
Journal Article
Viswanathan, Brinda, and K.S. Kavi Kumar.
Cooking fuel use patterns in India: 1983-2000
Energy Policy 33, no. 8 (2005): 1021-1036.
Working Paper
Suryanarayana H, M.
Economic profiles of morbidity: Measures and illustrations for a developing country
(2009) SSRN Working Papers.
Working Paper
Chopra, Kanchan, and Purnamita Dasgupta.
The nature of household dependence on common pool resources: An empirical study in India
(2008) Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India.
Journal Article
The distribution of public health subsidies in India
(2003) Health Policy Research in South Asia: Building Capacity for Reform. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Working Paper
Navaneetham, K., M. Kabir, and C.S. Krishnakumar.
Morbidity patterns in Kerala: Levels and determinants
Journal Article
Gasparini, Leonardo, Guillermo Cruces, Leopoldo Tornarolli, and Mariana Marchionni.
A turning point? Recent developments on inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Macours, Karen, Norbert Schady, and Renos Vakis.
Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood: evidence from a randomized experiment
Journal Article
Hotchkiss, D, J Karmacharya, and K Sangraula.
Household health expenditures in Nepal: implications for health care financing reform
(1998) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Bacolod, Marigee P, and Prijy Ranjan.
Why children work, attend school, or stay idle: the roles of ability and household wealth
(2008) Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Journal Article
Haughton, Jonathan, NguyÔn ThÕ Quan, and NguyÔn Hoµng Bao.
Tax incidence in Vietnam
Asian Economic Journal 20, no. 2 (2006): 217-2.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam.
Inequality decomposition and geographic targeting with applications to China and Vietnam
Health Economics 14, no. 6 (2005): 649-6.
Journal Article
Ha, Nguyen Thi, Peter Berman, and Ulla Larsen.
Household utilization and expenditure on private and public health services in Vietnam
Health Policy and Planning 17, no. 1 (2002): 61-70.
Working Paper
Clark, Andrew E, and Claudia Senik.
Will GDP growth increase happiness in developing countries?
Journal Article
Simister L, John.
The importance of being earners: Why South African women need well-paid jobs
Development Southern Africa 26, no. 5 (2009): 709-719.
Working Paper
Fedderke, Johannes, Jeenesh Manga, and Farah Pirouz.
Challenging Cassandra: Household and per capita household income distribution in the October Household Surveys 1995-1999, Income and Expenditure Surveys 1995 & 2000, and the Labour Force Survey 2000
Economic Research Southern Africa , no. 13 (2004).
Journal Article
Moll, Peter.
Primary schooling, cognitive skills and wages in South Africa
(1998) Economica.
Journal Article
Moller, Valerie, and Richard Devey.
Trends in living conditions and satisfaction among poorer older South Africans: Objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in the October Household Survey
Development Southern Africa 20, no. 4 (2003): 457-476.
Journal Article
Seekings, Jeremy.
The colour of desert: Race, class and distributive justice in post-apartheid South Africa
CSSR Working Paper , no. 126 (2005).
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy.
Racial and class discrimination in assessments of “just desert” in post-Apartheid Cape Town
CSSR Working Paper , no. 199 (2007).
Working Paper
Girdwood, Sarah, and Murray Leibbrandt.
Intergenerational mobility: Analysis of the NIDS Wave 1 dataset
(2009) NIDS Discussion Paper no.15.
Working Paper
Manga, Janeesh, and Martin Wittenberg.
Capacities and constraints on activities: Analysing the demand for variety in South Africa
(2007) School of Economics and SALDRU, University of Cape town.
Working Paper
Leibbrandt, Murray, Ingrid Woolard, and Louise de Villiers.
Methodology: Report on NIDS Wave 1
(2009) NIDS Technical Paper no.1.
Journal Article
“Hearing the voices of the poor”: Assigning poverty lines on the basis of local perceptions of poverty. A quantitative analysis of qualitative data from participatory wealth ranking in rural South Africa
World Development 35, no. 2 (2007): 212-229.
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, and Robert Mattes.
Democratic and market reforms in Africa: What ‘the people’ say
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 5 , no. 5 (2000).
Working Paper
Bratton, Michael, Gina Lambright, and Robert Sentamu.
Democracy and economy in Uganda: A public opinion perspective
Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 4 , no. 4 (2000).
Showing 301-330 of 1006