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Showing 31-60 of 638
Conference Paper
Black, Richard, Russell King, and Richmond Tiemoko.
Migration, return and small enterprise development in Ghana: a route out of poverty?
International Workshop on Migration and Poverty in West Africa - University of Sussex.
March 13-14, 2003.
Black, Richard, Russell King, and Julie Litchfield.
Transnational Migration, Return and Development in West Africa - Final Research Report
: Transrede Research Project, 2003.
Working Paper
Freeman, Richard B, and David Lindauer.
Why Not Africa?
NBER Working Paper , no. W6942 (1999).
Working Paper
Black, Richard, Savina Ammassari, Shannon Mouilleseaux, and Radha Rajkotia.
Migration and Pro-Poor Policy in West Africa
Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty Working Paper , no. C8 (2004).
Working Paper
Pomfret, Richard.
Central Asia since 1991: the experience of the new independent states
Jamison, Dean T, Richard G Feachem, Malegapuru W Makgoba, Eduard R Bos, Florence K Baingana, Karen J Hofman, and Khama O Rogo.
Disease and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa
Washington: World Bank Publications, 2006.
Journal Article
Johansson, Emily White, R.E. Cibulskis, and Richard E Steketee.
Malaria funding & resource uilization: the first decade of roll back malaria
Journal Article
Palmer-Jones, Richard.
Microeconomic evidence on gender inequality and growth in Nigeria
Journal Article
Miler, John, Eline Korenromp, Bernard L Nahlen, and Richard W Steketee.
Estimating the number of insecticide-treated nets required by African households to reach continent-wide malaria coverage targets
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 297, no. 20 (2007).
Conference Paper
Stanley, Richard.
Trends in child survival in Sierra Leone, 1961-2008
CSAE Conference 2010 Economic Development in Africa.
Oxford, UK, 2010.
Journal Article
Steketee, Richard W, and Carlos C Campbell.
Impact of national malaria control scale-up programmes in Africa: magnitude and attribution of effects
Malaria Journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 299.
Pomfret, Robert.
The Central Asian economies since independence
: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Working Paper
Mussa, Richard.
Impact of fertility on objective and subjective poverty in Malawi
Working Paper
Mussa, Richard.
Rural-urban dierences in parental spending on children's primary education in Malawi
Working Paper
Leahy, Eimear, Sean Lyons, and Richard S Tol.
National determinants of vegetarianism
(2010) Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Working Paper.
Conference Paper
Machiyama, Kazuyo, Richard Silverwood, Andy Sloggett, and John Cleland.
Recent fertility declines in sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of country trends of fertility decline
2010 Quetelet Seminar.
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 24-26, 2010.
Working Paper
Rodriguez, Mar P, and Richard Hayes.
Reducing HIV prevalence among young people: A review of the UNGASS prevalence goal and how it should be monitored
(2002) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Discussion Paper.
Journal Article
Sorensen, William, Peter B Anderson, Richard Speaker, and Jose E Vilches.
Assessment of condom use among Bolivian truck drivers through the lens of social cognitive theory
Health promotion international 22, no. 1 (2007): 37-43.
Journal Article
Leete, Richard.
Issues in measuring and monitoring maternal mortality: Implications for programmes
(1998) United Nations Population Fund Technical and Policy Papers.
Journal Article
Pomfret, Richard.
Economic performance in Central Asia since 1991: Macro and micro evidence
(2003) Comparative Economic Studies.
Journal Article
Alderman, Harold, Jere Behrman, Shahrukh Khan, David R Ross, and Richard Sabot.
Decomposing the regional gap in cognitive skills in rural Pakistan
(1996) Journal of Asian Economics.
Journal Article
Agenor, Pierre-Richard, Reynaldo Fernandes, Eduardo Haddad, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe.
Analyzing the impact of adjustment policies on the poor: an IMMPA framework for Brazil
Journal Article
Samuda, Pauline M, Richard Cook, Cristanna Cook, and Fitzroy Henry.
Identifying foods commonly consumed by the Jamaican population: the focus group approach
International journal of food sciences and nutrition 49, no. 1 (1998): 79-86.
Journal Article
Moller, Valerie, and Richard Devey.
Black South African families with older members: Opportunities and constraints
Southern African Journal of Gerontology 4, no. 2 (1995): 3-10.
Journal Article
Grant, Richard.
Geographies of investment: how do the wealthy built new houses in Accra, Gahna?
Urban Forum 18, no. 1 (2007): 31-59.
Working Paper
Obonyo, Ben, Frederick Otieno, and Richard Muga.
Effect of infant and child mortality on fertility in Kenya
Journal Article
Muga, Richard, Paul Kizito, Michael Mbayah, and Terry Gakuruh.
Overview of the health system in Kenya
(2005) Demographic and Health Surveys.
Working Paper
Akresh, Richard, Leonardo Lucchetti, and Harsha Thirumurthy.
Wars and child health: Evidence from the Eritrean-Ethiopian conflict
(2010) Households in Conflict Network Working Papers.
Working Paper
Snow, Robert W, Marlies H Craig, Charles R Newton, and Richard W Steketee.
The public health burden of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa
(2003) Disease Control Priorities Project Working Paper.
Journal Article
Monasch, Roeland, Annette Reinisch, Richard Steketee, Eline Korenromp, David Alnwick, and Yves Bergevin.
Child coverage with mosquito nets and malaria treatment from population-based surveys in African countries: a baseline for monitoring progress in Roll Back Malaria
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 71, no. 2 suppl (2004): 232.
Showing 31-60 of 638