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Showing 301-330 of 660
Journal Article
Burgard, Sarah.
Race and pregnancy-related care in Brazil and South Africa
Social Science & Medicine 59, no. 6 (2004): 1127-1146.
Journal Article
Costa, Sarah H, Ignez R Martin, Sylvia R da Silva Freitas, and Cristiane S Pinto.
Family planning among low-income women in Rio de Janeiro: 1984-1985
International Family Planning Perspectives 16, no. 1 (1990): 16-22.
Journal Article
Furuta, Marie, and Sarah Salway.
Women's position within the household as a determinant of maternal health care use in Nepal
International Family Planning Perspectives 32, no. 1 (2006): 17-27.
Khan, Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Zahidul Quayyum, Tim Hashima-E-Ensor, and Sarah Salahuddin.
Household Costs of Obtaining Maternal and Newborn Care in Rural Bangladesh: Baseline Survey
: BRAC centre, 2009.
Working Paper
Hall, Sarah.
Neonatal mortality in developing countries: What can we learn from DHS data?
(2005) Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Applications & Policy Working Paper.
Journal Article
Hayford H, Sarah.
Conformity and change: community effects on female genital cutting in Kenya
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 46, no. 2 (2005): 121.
Journal Article
Braunstein, Sarah L, Janneke H Van De Wijgert, and Denis Nash.
HIV incidence in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of available data with implications for surveillance and prevention planning
AIDS Rev 11, no. 3 (2009): 140-156.
Journal Article
Sastry, Narayan, and Sarah Burgard.
Changes in diarrheal disease and treatment among Brazilian children from 1986 to 1996
Population Research and Policy Review 30, no. 1 (2011): 81-100.
Working Paper
Baird, Sarah, Jed Friedman, and Norbert R Schady.
Aggregate income shocks and infant mortality in the developing world
(2007) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Sabry, Sarah.
How poverty is underestimated in Greater Cairo, Egypt
Environment and Urbanization 22, no. 2 (2010): 523.
Journal Article
Salway, Sarah.
How attitudes toward family planning and discussion between wives and husbands affect contraceptive use in Ghana
(1994) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Staveteig, Sarah, and Wolfgang Lutz.
How Many persons in East Timor went 'missing' during the Indonesian occupation?: Results from indirect estimates
(2007) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
Bradley, Sarah E, Trevor N Croft, and Shea C Rutstein.
DHS Analytical studies 22
Journal Article
O'Hara, Sarah, and Michael Gentile.
Household incomes in Central Asia: The case of post-Soviet Kazakhstan
Eurasian Geography and Economics 50, no. 3 (2009): 327-347.
Journal Article
Gichuhi, Wanjiru, Sarah Bradley, and Karen Hardee.
Provision and use of family planning in the context of HIV/AIDS in Kenya: Perspectives of providers, family planning and antenatal care clients, and HIV-positive women
(2004) Washington, DC: Futures Group International/POLICY Project.
Journal Article
Hsia, Renee Y, Naboth A Mbembati, Sarah Macfarlane, and Margaret E Kruk.
Access to emergency and surgical care in sub-Saharan Africa: the infrastructure gap
(2011) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Gladstone, Melissa, Sarah White, George Kafulafula, James P Neilson, and Nynke van den Broek.
Post-neonatal Mortality, Morbidity, and Developmental Outcome after Ultrasound-Dated Preterm Birth in Rural Malawi: A Community-Based Cohort Study
PLoS Medicine 8, no. 11 (2011): e1001.
Journal Article
Yeatman, Sarah E, and Jenny Trinitapoli.
Beyond denomination: The relationship between religion and family planning in rural Malawi
Demographic research 19, no. 55 (2008): 1851.
Journal Article
Hunter S, Sarah.
supporting and expanding community-based HIV/AIDS prevention and care responses: A Report on save the children (US) Malawi COPE Project
Journal Article
Negin, Joel, Robert Cumming, Sarah Stewart de Ramirez, Seye Abimbola, and Sonia E Sachs.
Risk factors for non-communicable diseases among older adults in rural Africa
Tropical Medicine & International Health 16, no. 5 (2011): 640-646.
Journal Article
Kemp, Julia, Jean-Marion Aitken, Sarah LeGrand, and Biziwick Mwale.
Equity in health sector responses to HIV/AIDS in Malawi
(2003) Regional Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa. Harare: Equinet.
Journal Article
Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Sarah Medeiros, Reza Mohammadi, Johnny Lin, and Koustuv Dalal.
Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence: a study of female victims in Malawi
Journal of injury and violence research 5, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Giroux, Sarah C, Parfait M Eloundou-Enyegue, and Daniel T Lichter.
Reproductive inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Differentials versus concentration
Studies in Family Planning 39, no. 3 (2008): 187-198.
Journal Article
Abrejo, Farina, Babar T Shaikh, and Sarah Saleem.
ICPD to MDGs: Missing links and common grounds
Reproductive Health 5, no. 1 (2008): 4.
Journal Article
Burgard, Sarah, and Donald J Treiman.
Explaining racial differences in child mortality in South Africa
Journal Article
Burgard, Sarah, and Donald Treiman.
Trends and racial differences in infant mortality in South Africa
Social science & medicine 62, no. 5 (2006): 1126-1137.
Journal Article
Moss, Sarah J, and Martie S Lubbe.
The potential market demand for biokinetics in the private health care sector of South Africa
South African Journal of Sports Medicine 23, no. 1 (2011): 14-19.
Working Paper
Sharma, Suneeta, Sarah Smith, Emily Sonneveldt, Marissa Pine, Varuni Dayaratna, and Rachel Sanders.
Formal and informal fees for maternal health care services in five countries. Policies, practices, and perspectives
(2005) POLICY Working Paper Series No. 16.
Conference Paper
Castrucci C, Brian.
Changes in the delivery of AIDS knowledge among Zambian women, 1992 to 1996
The129th Annual Meeting of APHA.
Atlanta, United States, October 23, 2001.
Journal Article
Macfarlane, Sarah.
The relationship between anthropometric indices derived from the CDC/WHO international reference
Annals of human biology 23, no. 6 (1996): 421-430.
Showing 301-330 of 660