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Rao, K S, S Selvaraju, Somil Nagpal, and S Sakthivel. Financing of health in India. 2005.
Nayak, Pulin B, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agrawal. India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao. : SAGE Publications, 2010.
Book Section
Jackson, Cecile, Nitya Rao, and Shahra Razavi. "The gendered impacts of liberalization: Towards “embedded liberalism?." (2009) 3. Gender inequality and agrarian change in liberalizing India.
Book Section
Bhalla S, G. "India in a globalising world: Some aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture and poverty: Essays in hounour of CH Hanumantha Rao." (2006) 11. Agricultural growth and regional variations.
Book Section
Sharma, Savita, Janardan Yadav, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal. "India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao." (2010) 7. Divergence between NAS and NSS estimates of private final consumption expenditure.
Book Section
Sengupta, Ramprasad, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal. "India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao." (2010) 8. Inclusive economic growth and sustainable energy development of India.
Journal Article
Adair, T, J F Pardosi, C Rao, S Kosen, and I U Tarigan. "Access to Health Services and Early Age Mortality in Ende, Indonesia." (2011) Indian Journal of Pediatrics.
Journal Article
Rao, Krishna Dipanker, David H Peters, and Karen Bandeen-Roche. "Towards patient-centered health services in India—a scale to measure patient perceptions of quality." International Journal for Quality in Health Care 18, no. 6 (2006): 414.
Journal Article
Burke, Leona, Dwi L Suswardany, Keryl Michener, Setiawaty Mazurki, Timothy Adair, Catur Elmiyati, and Chalapati Rao. "Utility of local health registers in measuring perinatal mortality: A case study in rural Indonesia." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 11, no. 1 (2011): 20.
Working Paper
Jackson, Cecile, and Nitya Rao. "Understanding gender and agrarian change under liberalisation: the case of India." (2004) (unpublished draft; UNRISD report).
Journal Article
Srivastava, D K, C. Bhujanga Rao, Swarna S Vepa, and Brinda Viswanathan. "Urban poverty alleviation strategies: A study of six cities (in India)." (2010) Madras School of Economics Monograph.
Journal Article
Rao, V.G., Rajeev Yadav, C.K. Dolla, Surendra Kumar, M.K Bhondeley, and Mahendra Ukey. "Undernutrition & childhood morbidities among tribal preschool children." Indian Journal of Medical Research 122, no. 1 (2005): 43.
Journal Article
Yajnik, C.S., S.S. Deshpande, A.A. Jackson, H. Refsum, S. Rao, D.J. Fisher, D.S. Bhat, K.J. Naik, C.V. Coyaji, S.S. Joglekar, and others. "Vitamin B 12 and folate concentrations during pregnancy and insulin resistance in the offspring: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study." Diabetologia 51, no. 1 (2008): 29-38.
Journal Article
Rao, G. Rama, Rajkumar Pritamjit, and L. Ladusingh. "Nutritional status of children in Northeast India." Asia Pacific Population Journal 19, no. 3 (2004).
Working Paper
Dutt, Amitava K, and J. Mohan Rao. "Globalization and its social discontents: The case of India." Center for Economic Policy Analysis Working Paper , no. 16 (2000).
Journal Article
Rao, M G, Chandan Mukherjee, Anuradha Bhasin, Alokesh Barua, Mukesh Anand, Rita Pandey, and R Srinivasan. "Vision Document for The State of Meghalaya 2030." (2011)
Book Section
Rao, Venkata. "Rural development in North-East India: Perspectives, issues and experiences." (1983) Trends in consumption and poverty in rural North-Eastern India.
Journal Article
Rao, Mohan, and K.R. Nayar. "Speaking for ourselves: Public health in private hands? A note on the Public Health Foundation of India." NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA 19, no. 4 (2006): 221.
Book Section
Prakash, Brahm, and M. Koteswara Rao. "Empowerment Of Women In India." (2005) Women's Participation in Rural Non-Farm Employment.
Working Paper
Rao, J. Mohan, and Amitava K Dutt. "A decade of reforms: the Indian Economy in the 1990s." (2006) (unpublished draft).
Journal Article
Basnet, S, E Gauchan, K Malla, T Malla, D P Koirala, K S Rao, Y Sedai, and R Saha. "Socio-demographic features of mothers in relation to duration of breastfeeding in Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal." Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences 1, no. 1 (2012): 27-30.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rao N, Nima. "Breast feeding and sociodemographic factors in rural Tanzania: Which factors are associated with breast feeding?." Masters, University of Oslo, 2007.
Journal Article
Katyal, Anuradha, Prabal V Singh, Amit Samarth, Sofi Bergkvist, and Mala Rao. "Using the Indian National Sample Survey Data in Public Health Research." The National Medical Journal of India 26, no. 5 (2013): 291-294.
Journal Article
Rao, P S, and S G Inbaraj. "Trends in human reproductive wastage in relation to long-term practice of inbreeding." Annals of Human genetics 42, no. 3 (1979): 401-413.
Working Paper
Rao, PV Chalapati, and Prasanta Mahapatra. "An estimate of disease burden in women and children in India in the 1990s.." (2008)
Tewari, V K, J A Weinstein, and V L Rao. Indian Cities Ecological Perspectives. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company, 1986.
Rao V, D. Economic Development: Causes and Consequences. New Delhi, India: Ashish Publishing House, 1985.
Working Paper
Reddy, Ratna V, and Nageswara R Rao. "Primary education: progress and constraints." Economic and Political Weekly 38, no. 12/13 (2003): 1242-1251.
Working Paper
Rao P, Gargi. "An investigation into poverty among domestic maids in Lusaka, Zambia." (2009) MPRA Paper.
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