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Showing 301-330 of 612
Journal Article
Boerma, J. T, R. E Black, A. E Sommerfelt, S. O Rutstein, and G. T Bicego.
Accuracy and completeness of mothers' recall of diarrhoea occurrence in pre-school children in demographic and health surveys
International journal of epidemiology 20, no. 4 (1991): 1073-1080.
Journal Article
Bryce, Jennifer, Kate Gilroy, Gareth Jones, Elizabeth Hazel, Robert E Black, and Cesar G Victora.
The accelerated child survival and development programme in west Africa: a retrospective evaluation
The Lancet 375, no. 9714 (2010): 572-582.
Thesis or Dissertation
Krüger, Carsten.
Neonatal health in Tanzania – current situation and future outlook
Masters, Curtin University of Technology , 2007.
Thesis or Dissertation
Romero V, Jorge.
Scenario analysis for GHG emissions from the built environment of developing countries. Indian residential sector as a case for illustration
Masters, Universiteit Utrecht, 2012.
Journal Article
Lamberti, Laura M, Christa L Walker, and Robert E Black.
Systematic review of diarrhea duration and severity in children and adults in low-and middle-income countries
(2012) BMC Public Health.
Ngo, Thi Minh-Phuong.
Education and agricultural growth in Vietnam
Journal Article
Black, Richard, and Saskia Gent.
Sustainable return in post-conflict contexts
International Migration 44, no. 3 (2006): 15-38.
Working Paper
Vathi, Zana, and Richard Black.
Migration and poverty reduction in Kosovo
Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty Working Paper, no. C12 (2007).
Working Paper
Wittenberg, Martin.
Dissecting post-apartheid labour market developments: Decomposing a discrete choice model while dealing with unobservables
Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA Working Paper) , no. 46 (2007).
Journal Article
Jones, Larissa, Richard Black, and Ronald Skeldon.
Migration and poverty reduction in Tajikistan
(2007) Institute for Development Studies, Sussex Centre for Migration Research.
Working Paper
Black, Richard, Larissa Jones, Maria C Pantiru, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Ronald Skeldon, and Zana Vathi.
Understanding migration as a driver of poverty reduction in Europe and Central Asia
(2007) Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty Working Paper No. C9.
Working Paper
Anderson G, Kermyt.
Family structure, parental investment, and educational outcomes among Black South Africans
Population Studies Centre Research Report , no. 03-538 (2003).
Working Paper
Bhorat, Haroon.
Wage premia and wage differentials in the South African labour market
DPRU Working Paper , no. 00/43 (2000).
Journal Article
Beall, Jo, Owen Crankshaw, and Susan Parnell.
Local government, poverty reduction and inequality in Johannesburg
Environment and Urbanization 12, no. 1 (2000): 107-122.
Journal Article
Serumaga-Zake, P., D. Kotze, and R. Madsen.
A descriptive study of the dynamics of relative poverty in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
Development Southern Africa 22, no. 1 (2005): 143-160.
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, Anthea Jeffrey, Herma Forgey, Cheryl Chipps, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Mophuthing, and Andrea Helman.
South Africa survey 1997/98
johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
Working Paper
Lam, David, Murray V Leibbrandt, and Vimal Ranchhod.
Labour force withdrawal of the elderly in South Africa
CSSR Working Paper 118 , no. 118 (2005).
Journal Article
BERG, Servaas, and Ronelle BURGER.
Education and socio-economic differentials: A study of school performance in the Western Cape
South African Journal of Economics 71, no. 3 (2003): 496-522.
Journal Article
Crankshaw, Owen.
Race, space and the post-Fordist spatial order of Johannesburg
Urban Studies 45, no. 8 (2008): 1692-1711.
Working Paper
Jakoet, Jasmin.
Assimilation of immigrants to the Cape Town labour market
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 06/03 (2006).
Thesis or Dissertation
Sekete, Nkoko.
Proficiency in English and labour market outcomes: A study of Khayelitsha/Mitchell's Plain
unpublished thesis, 2008.
Journal Article
Anderson, Kermyt G, Ann M Beutel, and Brendan Maughan-Brown.
HIV risk perceptions and first sexual intercourse among youth in Cape Town, South Africa
International Family Planning Perspectives 33, no. 3 (2007): 98-105.
Working Paper
Sienaert, Alex.
Examining AIDS-related adult mortality in the KwaZulu-Natal income dynamics surveys: Employment, earnings and direct mortality costs
CSSR Working Paper , no. 206 (2007).
Journal Article
Anderson, Kermyt G, and Ann M Beutel.
HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge among youth in Cape Town, South Africa
Journal of Social Sciences 3, no. 3 (2007): 143-151.
Journal Article
Thurman, Tonya R, Lisanne Brown, Linda Richter, Pranitha Maharaj, and Robert Magnani.
Sexual risk behavior among South African adolescents: Is orphan status a factor?
AIDS and Behavior 10, no. 6 (2006): 627-635.
Journal Article
Horowitz, Shale, and Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan.
The Jewish exodus from the new South Africa: Realities and implications
International Migration 39, no. 3 (2001): 3-32.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ambrosio V, Célia.
Attitudes towards the death penalty: A cross-cultural investigation
MA dissertation, University of the Free State, 2005.
Conference Paper
Verick, Sher.
The global financial crisis and South Africa: What has been the impact on the labour market?
TIPS conference 27-29 October 2010, Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre Johannesburg, South Africa.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2010.
Hall, Katharine.
Migrant mothers and mobile children: New possibilities for exploring child poverty dynamics in South Africa
Conference Paper
Eyal, Katherine, and Ingrid Woolard.
Female labour force participation and South Africa's Child Support Grant
CSAE 25th Anniversary Conference 2011: Economic Development in Africa.
March 8, 2011.
Showing 301-330 of 612