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Showing 661-690 of 2226
Thesis or Dissertation
Realpe E, Kiara Torbay.
Incidencia económica en la industria automotriz ecuatoriana por las medidas arancelarias a importaciones de CKD's de vehículos, período 2013-2015.
Administración de Empresas, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Campoverde Jiménez, Pedro P, and Diego M Picón Abad.
Propuesta de un modelo de gestión empresarial para la Empresa Secohi
Master Thesis, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2015.
Journal Article
Bogota, Alcaldia Mayor.
Sostenibilidad Finanzas Bogota.?` Como va la economia de la Ciudad?
(2014) Bogota Humana.
Journal Article
Albarrán B, Nahela.
La mujer y la pobreza
(2015) Dfensor.
Journal Article
Batthyány, Karina.
Políticas, cuidados y derechos. Desafíos y tensiones actuales
(2015) Miradas iberoamericanas sobre prácticas profesionales en el campo familiar.
Journal Article
Monzon, Ana Silvia, Sarah Keogh, Ana Lucia Ramazzini, Elena Prada, Melissa Stillman, and Ellie Leong.
De la Normativa a la Práctica: la Política y el Currículo de Educación en Sexualidad y su Implementación en Guatemala
(2017) Guttmacher Institute.
Tamba, Isaac.
Planification des plans nationaux de developpement conformes aux OMD. Le cas du Cameroun.
: Organisation des Nations Unies Commission économique pour l'Afrique, 2010.
Working Paper
García L, Paulina.
Acciones afirmativas a favor de la mujer en México
(2016) Partido Acción Nacional.
Working Paper
Huertas C, Liliana La Rosa.
Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de Adolescentes en el Perú. Cuáles son, cómo se garantizan y cuál es la agenda pendiente
Working Paper
Benazzouz, Atika B, and Nadia Djelal.
Le marché foncier et son impact sur la recomposition socio spatiale à Alger
(2010) Proposition De Communication Au Colloque AISRE - ASRDLF.
Journal Article
La Ferrara, Eliana.
Descent rules and strategic transfers. Evidence from matrilineal groups in Ghana
Journal of Development Economics 83, no. 2 (2007): 280-301.
Working Paper
Mussa, Richard.
Impact of fertility on objective and subjective poverty in Malawi
Working Paper
Larrea, Carlos, Renato Landin, Larrea I Ana, Wladymir Wrborich, and Rosario Fraga.
Mapas de Pobreza, Consumo por Habitante y Desigualdad Social en el Ecuador, 1995 - 2006: Metodología y Resultados
Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales , no. 13 (2008).
Working Paper
Pagés, Carmen.
Apertura, reforma y mercado de trabajo: La experiencia de una década de cambios estructurales en el Perú
Thesis or Dissertation
Sawant V, Kshama.
Elderly labor supply in a rural, less developed economy: an empirical study
PhD thesis, North CArolina State University, 2009.
Journal Article
Kabir, Ahmed, Mohammad Shafiqur Islam, and M. Kabir.
Does sex preference affect contraceptive use in Bangladesh?
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 20, no. 4 (2001): 381-391.
Journal Article
Kamal, Mostafa, and Aynul Islam.
Interspousal communication on family planning and its effect on contraceptive adoption in Bangladesh
(2011) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Working Paper
Vignoli, D.
Fertility change in Egypt: from second to third birth
Demographic Research 15, no. 18 (2006): 499-516.
Conference Paper
El-Zeini O, Laila.
The status of fertility transition in Egypt and Morocco: Explaining the differences
26th IUSSP International Population Conference.
Marrakech, Morocco, 2009.
Journal Article
Radloff, Scott R, Barbara H Seligman, Judith R Seltzer, and Richard M Cornelius.
Reproductive risks and intentions in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
(1989) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Barcellos, Silvia Helena, Leandro Carvalho, and Adriana Lleras-Muney.
Child gender and parental investments in India: Are boys and girls treated differently?
(2011) Working Paper.
Journal Article
Mishra, Vinod, T.K. Roy, and Robert Retherford.
Sex differentials in childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status in India
Population and Development Review 30, no. 2 (2004): 269-295.
Journal Article
Dreze, Jean, and Mamta Murthi.
Fertility, education, and development: evidence from India
Population and Development Review 27, no. 1 (2001): 33-63.
Journal Article
Bhat, P.N. Mari, and A.J. Francis Zavier.
Fertility decline and gender bias in Northern India
Demography 40, no. 4 (2003): 637-657.
Working Paper
Mutharayappa, R.
Is son preference slowing down India's transition to low fertility?
(1997) NFHS bulletin.
Journal Article
Ramesh, B.M., S.C. Gulati, and Robert Retherford.
Contraceptive use in India, 1992-93
(1996) National Family Health Survey Subject Reports .
Journal Article
Bonu, Sekhar, Manju Rani, Prabhat Jha, David N Peters, and Son Na Nguyen.
Household tobacco and alcohol use, and child health: an exploratory study from India
Health Policy 70, no. 1 (2004): 67-83.
Journal Article
Retherford, Robert D, and T.K. Roy.
Factors affecting sex-selective abortion in India and 17 major states
(2003) National family health survey subject reports ; no. 21.
Working Paper
Pandey, Arvind, Minja Ki Choe, Norman Y Luther, Damodar Sahu, and Jagdish Chand.
Infant and child mortality in India
(1998) National Family Health Survey Subject Reports Number 1.
Journal Article
Kulkarni, Sumati, and Minja Kim Choe.
Wanted and unwanted fertility in selected states of India
(1998) National Family Health Survey Subject Reports Number 6.
Showing 661-690 of 2226