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Showing 991-1020 of 8597
Journal Article
Alemnji, G, J Mbuagbaw, G Afetane, and M Nkam.
Associations between CD4 Cell counts and clinical presentations among HIV/AIDS patients in Cameroon
Journal of Medical Sciences 6, no. 5 (2006): 843-847.
Working Paper
Ashraf, Ali, Thomas Kane, Ahsan Shahriar, and Barkat-e-Khuda.
Male involvement in reproductive health services in Bangladesh: a review
Journal Article
Filmer, Deon, and Lant Pritchett.
The effect of household wealth on educational attainment: evidence from 35 countries
Population and Development Review 25, no. 1 (1999): 85-120.
Journal Article
Mupfasoni, Denise, Blaise Karibushi, Artemis Koukounari, Eugene Ruberanziza, Teddy Kaberuka, Michael Kramer, Odette Mukabayire, Michey Kabera, Vianney Nizeyimana, and Marie-Alice Deville.
Polyparasite helminth infections and their association to anaemia and undernutrition in Northern Rwanda
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3, no. 9 (2009): e517.
Thesis or Dissertation
Adkins, Kurt.
Socioeconomic determinants of basic and advanced knowledge of HIV/AIDS in India
Bachelor of Arts, The Colorado College, 2009.
Conference Paper
Hertz, Tom.
Forecasting the effects of pending minimum wage legislation on poverty in South Africa
The Global Labor Standards and Living Wages Working Group Meeting, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, April 19-20, 2002.
Amherst, United States, 2002.
Journal Article
Bautista, Leonelo.
Duration of maternal breast-feeding in the Dominican Republic
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 1, no. 2 (1997): 104-111.
Working Paper
Drabo, Alassane, and Christian Ebeke.
Remittances, public health spending and foreign aid in the access to health care services in developing countries
(2011) Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI-CNRS).
Working Paper
Rogers, Beatrice, Kathy Macías, and Parke Wilde.
Atlas of hunger and malnutrition in the Dominican Republic
(2007) Working Papers in Food Policy and Nutrition.
Journal Article
Florez, C.E.
High-fertility groups in Colombia, 1990
(1994) Desarrollo y sociedad.
Journal Article
Davidson, Julia O'Connell, and Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor.
Child prostitution and sex tourism: Dominican Republic
(1996) ECPAT.
Thesis or Dissertation
Grace, Kathryn.
Three essays on fertility and family planning in Guatemala
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009.
Journal Article
Miller, Jane E, and Yana V Rodgers.
Mother’s education and children’s nutritional status: New evidence from Cambodia
Asian Development Review 26, no. 1 (2009): 131-165.
Journal Article
Anderson, Victoria, Janet Cornwall, Susan Jack, and Rosalynd Gibson.
Intakes from non-breastmilk foods for stunted toddlers living in poor urban villages of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, are inadequate
Maternal & Child Nutrition 4, no. 2 (2008): 146-159.
Journal Article
El-Zeini O, Laila.
The path to replacement fertility in Egypt: Acceptance, preference, and achievement
Studies in family planning 39, no. 3 (2008): 161-176.
Journal Article
Zuhur, Laila.
The mixed impact of feminist struggles in Egypt during the 1990s
Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA 5, no. 1 (2001).
Journal Article
Dalal, Koustuv.
Causes and consequences of violence against child labour and women in developing countries
Statistics South Africa, and The Department of Labour.
Survey of activities of young people 1999: Country report on children's work-related activities
South Africa: Statistics South Africa and The Department of Labour, 2001.
Journal Article
Mosaad, Y.M., R.E. Farag, M.M. Arafa, S. Eletreby, H.A. El-Alfy, B.A. Eldeek, and Z.M. Tawhid.
Association of human leucocyte antigen class I (HLA-A and HLA-B) with chronic hepatitis C virus infection in Egyptian patients
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 72, no. 6 (2010): 548-553.
Journal Article
Seedhom, Amany Edward.
Sociodemographic associations of intimate partner violence against women in a rural area, El-Minia governorate, Egypt, 2010
(2011) Journal of Public Health.
Journal Article
Uauy, Ricardo, Cecilia Albala, and Juliana Kain.
Obesity trends in Latin America: transiting from under-to overweight
The Journal of nutrition 131, no. 3 (2001): 893S-899S.
Journal Article
Tawiah, E.O.
Adolescent fertility and reproductive health in four sub-Saharan African countries
African Population Studies 17, no. 2 (2002): 81-98.
Journal Article
Afifi, Mustafa.
Women's empowerment and the intention to continue the practice of female genital cutting in Egypt
Archives of Iranian Medicine 12, no. 2 (2009): 154-160.
Journal Article
Elnashar, A.M., M. EL-Dien Ibrahim, M.M. EL-Desoky, O.M. Ali, and M. El-Sayd Mohamed Hassan.
Female sexual dysfunction in Lower Egypt
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 114, no. 2 (2007): 201-206.
Journal Article
Belahsen, Rekia, and Mohamed Rguibi.
Population health and Mediterranean diet in southern Mediterranean countries
Public health nutrition 9, no. 8 (2006): 1130-1135.
Journal Article
Tumwine, J.K., and W. Obala.
Nutrition status of children in Kasese district at the Uganda-Congo border
East African medical journal 79, no. 8 (2006): 427-434.
Journal Article
Van Rompaey, Sara, Jaques Kimfuta, Pieree Kimbondo, Cecilia Monn, and Anne Buve.
Operational assessment of access to ART in rural Africa: the example of Kisantu in Democratic Republic of the Congo
AIDS care 23, no. 6 (2011): 686-693.
Working Paper
Schkolnik, Susana, and Juan Chackiel.
Less advanced sectors in the Latin America
(2004) CEPAL Review.
Thesis or Dissertation
Andrzejewski, Catherine Stif.
Knowledge of etiology in coastal Ghana: what do people know and how do they know it?
PhD Thesis, Brown University, 2005.
Journal Article
Stoler, Justin, Günther Fink, John R Weeks, Richard Otoo, Joseph Ampofo, and Allan Hill.
When urban taps run dry: Sachet water consumption and health effects in low income neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana
(2011) Health & Place.
Showing 991-1020 of 8597