
Showing 871-900 of 1506
Thesis or Dissertation
Malte P, Vicente. "Valoración Económica del Servicio Ambiental Hídrico: Estudio de Caso del Abastecimiento de Agua de la Ciudad de Tulcán." Maestria, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bayas Moscoso, Roberto F, and Marco J Cisneros Martínez. "Análisis de la Competitividad del Sistema Manufacturero de Calzado en el Cantón Cevallos." Titulo de Master, ESPE, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ngoma, Peter. "Landuse practices interface: Human-Wildlife conflict in Lupande game management area." Master of Science, University of Zambia, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mbolela, Mulenga Ronnet. "Communication as a tool for combating illicit drugs in Zambia: An Assessment of the drug enforcement commission's Anti-Drug campain in Lusaka." Master of Communication for Development, University of Zambia, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kalibange, Kayula. "Service Delivery and Decentralization: A case study of Kabwe." Master of Public Administration, University of Zambia, 2013.
Journal Article
Kapungwe, Evaristo Mwaba. "Heavy metal contaminated water, soils and crops in peri urban wastewater irrigation farming in Mufulira and Kafue towns in Zambia." Journal of Geography and Geology 5, no. 2 (2013): 55-72.
Journal Article
Fomundam, Henry, Andrew Maranga, Joseph Kamanga, Abraham Tesfay, Tamara Choola, Stephen Nyangu, and Anthony Wutoh. "Improving HIV Treatment Adherence through a Public Private Partnership in Zambia." World Journal of AIDS 4, no. 1 (2014).
Conference Paper
Niemann, Ludger, and Pedro E Verdugo. "Signos Vitales del Jubones - un Sistema de Monitoreo de Indicadores Clave para Orientar a la Gestión Pública Local." III- Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología y Cultura: Simposio 44 Investigación Evaluativa. Santiago, Chile, 2013.
Journal Article
Kanchanachitra, Manasigan. "The Giving Behavior of Households in Thailand." Journal of Population and Social Studies 22, no. 1 (2014): 1-14.
Journal Article
Nanakorn, Somsong, Katsuhiro Fukuda, Tawee Tangseree, Suchart Treethiptikhun, Jun Nakamura, Itsuro Ogimoto, and Hiroki Inutsuka. "Validation of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Thai Version in Northeast Thailand.." The Kurume medical journal 45, no. 4 (1998): 313-319.
Working Paper
Gonzalez-Rozada, Martin, and Freddy L Pinto. "The Effects of a Conditional Transfer Program on the Labor Market: The Human Development Bonus in Ecuador." (2011)
Thesis or Dissertation
Kongkaew, Wandee. "Characterisation of factors influencing trichinellosis in humans and pigs in Nan Province, Northern Thailand." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh , 2011.
Working Paper
Kumar, Sandeep, and Randhir S Sangwan. "Urban Growth, Land Use Changes and Its Impact on Cityscape in Sonipat City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Haryana, India." International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2, no. 1 (2013): 326-326.
Working Paper
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda, and Arthur Shipekesha. "Value Chain Analysis of the Groundnuts Sector in the Eastern Province of Zambia." (2013)
Journal Article
Ashraf, Nava, Oriana Bandiera, and Kelsey B Jack. "No margin, no mission? A field experiment on incentives for public service delivery." (2014) Journal of Public Economics.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chewe, Moses. "The participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in poverty reducation in livingstone City, 2000-2012." Master of Public Administration , University of Zambia, 2014.
Working Paper
Nkonde, Chewe, Nicole M Mason, and Nicholas J Sitko. "Who Gained and Who Lost from Zambia's 2010 Maize Marketing Policies." (2011)
Working Paper
Shipekesa, Arthur M, and Thomas S Jayne. "Why Are Zambian Farmers Not Harvesting All Their Maize?." (2011)
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaoma, Mwansa. "Potential Greenhouse gas Emissions reduction through production and Utilization of Biogas from Pig-Manure Case Study For Zambia." Master of Engineering , The University of Zambia, 2013.
Working Paper
Tembo, Gelson, Antony Chapoto, Thomas Jayne, and Michael Weber. "Fostering agricultural market development in Zambia." (2009)
Unver, I H, R K Gupta, and A Kibaroglu. Water Development and Poverty Reduction. USA: Springer US, 2012.
Conference Paper
Kellaghan, Thomas, and Vincent Greaney. "Monitoring Performance: Assessment and Examinations in Africa." ADEA Biennial Meeting 2003 . December 3-6, 2003.
Journal Article
Karabulut, A, S Ozkan, AI Bozkurt, T Karahan, and S Kayan. "Perinatal outcomes and risk factors in adolescent and advanced age pregnancies: comparison with normal reproductive age women." Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 33, no. 4 (2013): 346-350.
Journal Article
Gaxiola-Robles, Ramon, Alfredo Jesus Celis de la Rosa, Vanessa Labrada-Martagon, Sara Cecilia Diaz-Castro, and Tania Zenteno-Savin. "Incremento de la temperatura ambiental y su posible asociacion al suicidio en Baja California Sur (BCS) 1985-2008." Salud mental 36, no. 5 (2013): 421-427.
Journal Article
Hansen, Kristian S, Richard Ndyomugyenyi, Pascal Magnussen, and Siân E Clarke. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Three Health Interventions to Prevent Malaria in Pregnancy in an Area of Low Transmission in Uganda." International Health 4, no. 1 (2012): 38-46.
Journal Article
Kinyanda, Eugene, Patrick Woodburn, Joshua Tugumisirize, Johnson Kagugube, Sheila Ndyanabangi, and Vikram Patel. "Poverty, Life Events and the Risk for Depression in Uganda." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 46, no. 1 (2011): 35-44.
Working Paper
Guner, Duygu, and Gokce Uysal. "Culture and Female Labor Supply in Turkey." (2013)
Showing 871-900 of 1506