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Dikhanov, Yuri M, Nada Hamadeh, William Vigil Oliver, Tefera Bekele Degefu, and Inyoung Song. Poverty-specific purchasing power parities in Africa. 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Balandra Oliver, Maria Magdalena, and others. "Vivienda de interes social y calidad de vida en la unidad Villas de San Jose, Tultitlan, Estado de Mexico." MM Balandra Oliver, 2000.
Journal Article
Suryanarayana, M.H. "Economic reform versus food security: Kerala's Gordian knot." Journal of International Development 13, no. 2 (2001): 239-253.
Journal Article
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Oliver J, William. Impact of microfinance on socioeconomic status of the poor: The case of Malawi. Cleveland, United States of America: Case Western Reserve University, 2010.
Dayaratna, Varuni, William Winfrey, William McGreevey, Karen Hardee, Janet Smith, Elizabeth Mumford, Jeffrey Sine, and Ruth Berg. Reproductive health interventions: Which ones work and what do they cost?. : The POLICY Project, 2000.
Journal Article
Millar, Kathryn R, Jennifer McCutcheon, Eugenie H Coakley, William Brieger, Mohammed A Ibrahim, Zainab Mohammed, Amos Bassi, and William Sambisa. "Patterns and predictors of malaria care-seeking, diagnostic testing, and artemisinin-based combination therapy for children under five with fever in Northern Nigeria: a cross-sectional study." Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Mason, William M, and William Lavely. "An evaluation of the one percent clustered sample of the 1990 census of China." (2001) California Center for Population Research.
Journal Article
Carter, Neil, Andres Vina, Vanessa Hull, William McConnell, William Axinn, Dirgha Ghimire, and Jianguo Liu. "Coupled human and natural systems approach to wildlife research and conservation." Ecology and Society 19, no. 3 (2014).
Journal Article
Dewhurst, Felicity, Matthew J Dewhurst, William K Gray, Golda Orega, William Howlett, Paul Chaote, Catherine Dotchin, Anna R Longdon, Stella-Maria Paddick, and Richard W Walker. "The prevalence of disability in older people in Hai, Tanzania." Age and ageing 41, no. 4 (2012): 517-523.
Journal Article
Montgomery, Mark, Aka Kouame, and Raylynn Oliver. "Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana - The tradeoff between number of children and child schooling." Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM112 (1995).
Working Paper
Oliver, Raylynn. "Contraceptive use in Ghana: the role of service availability, quality, and price." Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper , no. 111 (1995).
Carlsson, Jerker, Patrick Chibbamullilo, Camilla Orjuela, and Oliver Saasa. Poverty and European aid in Zambia A study of the Poverty Orientation of European Aid to Zambia. : Overseas development Institute, 2000.
Mendelsohn, Oliver, and Marika Vicziany. The untouchables: Subordination, poverty and the state in modern India. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Saasa S, Oliver. Aid and poverty reduction in Zambia: mission unaccomplished. : Nordic Africa Institute, 2002.
Working Paper
Saasa, Oliver. "Political Economy of Budget Support in Zambia." (2010)
Working Paper
Gabra, Michael, Ann Kisalu, and Oliver Hazemba. "Uganda Assessment: Drug Management for Childhood Illness." (2000) Arlington (Virginia): Management Sciences for Health.
Working Paper
Hensengerth, Oliver. "Social and Political Fractures after Wars: The Role of Youth Violence in post-1993 Cambodia." Project WP , no. 4 (2008).
Journal Article
Oliver Maponga, UNECA, and James D Jormon Jr. "Fragility and Development in Liberia." (2012) Fragile States and Development in West Africa.
Journal Article
Sibanda, Mbizo Edward, and Oliver Mtapuri. "North-South Relations: Exploring the role of Italian NGOs in post-apartheid South Africa." Nazrul Islam 1980, no. 2 (2013): 103.
Journal Article
Masakure, Oliver, Spencer Henson, and John Cranfield. "Performance of microenterprises in Ghana: a resource-based view." Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 16, no. 3 (2009): 466-484.
Journal Article
Masakure, Oliver, John Cranfield, and Spencer Henson. "The Financial Performance of Non-farm Microenterprises in Ghana." World Developmen 36, no. 12 (2008): 2733-2762.
Conference Paper
Morrissey, Oliver, and Charles Ackah. "Trade Protection as Income Protection in Poor Countries." Conference on New Political Economy of Globalisation. New Orleans, Apri 20-21 , 2007.
Working Paper
Ackah, Charles, Oliver Morrissey, and Simon Appleton. "Trade Reforms, Human Capital and Household Welfare: A Pseudo-Panel Analysis for Ghana." (2006)
Journal Article
Janevic, Teresa, Oliver Petrovic, Ivana Bjelic, and Amber Kubera. "Risk factors for childhood malnutrition in Roma settlements in Serbia." (2010) BMC Public Health.
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