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Showing 1-30 of 229
Journal Article
Winterbach, Christiaan W, Glyn Maude, Gosiame Neo-Mahupeleng, Rebecca Klein, Lorraine Boast, Lindsey N Rich, and Michael J Somers.
Conservation implications of brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) population densities and distribution across landscapes in Botswana
Koedoe 59, no. 2 (2017): 1-16.
Working Paper
Ashenfelter, Orley, William J Collins, and Albert Yoon.
Evaluating the Role of Brown vs. Board of Education in School Equalization, Desegregation, and the Income of African Americans, Preliminary Results
Journal Article
Duquennois, Anne Nicole, and Peter Newman.
Linking the green and brown agendas: A case study on Cairo, Egypt
(2009) Unpublished case study prepared for the Global Report on Human Settlements.
Journal Article
Ambarli, Huseyin, and Can C Bilgin.
Human-brown bear conflicts in Artvin, northeastern Turkey: encounters, damage, and attitudes
Ursus 19, no. 2 (2008): 146-153.
Journal Article
Saboia, Ana L, and João Saboia.
Whites, Blacks, and Brown in the Labor Market in Brazil: A Study About Inequalities
The Review of Black Political Economy 36, no. 2 (2009): 127-135.
Journal Article
Brown, Zachary S, Randall A Kramer, David Ocan, and Christine Oryema.
Household perceptions and subjective valuations of indoor residual spraying programmes to control malaria in northern Uganda
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 5, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Burt, Zachary, Robert M Njee, Yolanda Mbatia, Veritas Msimbe, Joe Brown, Thomas F Clasen, Hamisi M Malebo, and Isha Ray.
User preferences and willingness to pay for safe drinking water: Experimental evidence from rural Tanzania
(2017) Social Science & Medicine.
Jones, Jennifer, Audrey Brown, and Janet Brown.
Caring and learning together: A case study of Jamaica
: Paris: UNESCO. Lavy Victor, Palumbo Michael and Stern Steven, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
León Carrasco G, Myriam.
Diagnóstico de la Calidad del Agua de la Microcuenca del río Congüime y Diseño de una Propuesta de Mitigación para la Zona Crítica Establecida Mediante el Indice de Calidad de Agua (Icabrown) en la Provincia de Zamora Chinchipe Cantón Paquisha
Thesis, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2014.
Working Paper
Merli, Giovanna M, and Sara Hertog.
Modeling the Course of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in China: An Application of a Bio-Behavioral Macrosimulation Model of the Spread of
(2004) Department of Sociology and Center for Demography and Ecology University of Wisconsin, Madison .
Book Section
Brown, Marilyn B, Cristine Marie B Brown, and Robert A Nepomuceno.
Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
(2016) Regulatory Requirements and Registration of Biopesticides in the Philippines.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ekosse, Ekosse Georges-Ivo.
Enviromental mining impact on soils around the abandoned Kgwakgwe Manganese mine, Botswana.
Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Mineralogy, University of the North Sovenga, 2004.
Working Paper
Bongaarts, John, and Zachary Zimmer.
Living arrangements of older adults in the developing world: An analysis of DHS household surveys
(2001) Population Council Policy and Research Division.
Journal Article
Knodel, John, and Zachary Zimmer.
Older persons' AIDS knowledge and willingness to provide care in an impoverished nation: Evidence from Cambodia
Asia Pacific Population Journal 22, no. 1 (2007): 11-28.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaufman, Zachary A, Robert L Welsch, Jon Erickson, and Sienna Craig.
Levels of HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and communication among youth in Haitian migrant communities in the Dominican Republic
Honors, Dartmouth College, 2008.
Knodel, John, Souvan Kiry Kim, Zachary Zimmer, and Sina Puch.
Older persons in Cambodia: A profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly
Journal Article
Zimmer, Zachary.
Household composition among elders in sub-saharan Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS
Journal of marriage and family 71, no. 4 (2009): 1086-1099.
Journal Article
Ofstedal, Mary B, Zachary Zimmer, Albert I Hermalin, Angelique Chan, Yi-Li Chuang, Josefina Natividad, and Zhe Tang.
Short-term trends in functional limitation and disability among older Asians: a comparison of five Asian settings
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 22, no. 3 (2007): 243-261.
Journal Article
Kaneda, Toshiko, and Zachary Zimmer.
Education, gender, and functional transitions among Indonesian elderly
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 22, no. 3 (2007): 303-322.
Thesis or Dissertation
Daly, Zachary.
Prevalence of iron deficiency and correlates of mild and moderate anaemia in infants six to eleven months from Mbala District, Northern Province, Zambia
Master of Science, University of British Columbia, 2014.
Journal Article
Nsadha, Zachary, Lian F Thomas, Eric M Fevre, George Nasinyama, Lonzy Ojok, and Charles Waiswa.
Prevalence of Porcine Cysticercosis in the Lake Kyoga Basin, Uganda
(2014) BMC Veterinary Research.
Journal Article
Zimmer, Zachary, and Sovan Kiry Kim.
Living arrangements and socio-demographic conditions of older adults in Cambodia
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 16, no. 4 (2001): 353-381.
Zimmer, Zachary, John Knodel, Kiry Sovan Kim, and Sina Puch.
The Impact of Past Conflicts and Social Disruption in Cambodia on the Current Generation of Older Adults
: University of Michigan. Institute for social research. Population studies center, 2005.
Journal Article
Westercamp, Matthew, Robert C Bailey, Elizabeth A Bukusi, Michele Montandon, Zachary Kwena, and Craig R Cohen.
Male circumcision in the general population of Kisumu, Kenya: beliefs about protection, risk behaviors, HIV, and STIs
PLoS One 5, no. 12 (2010).
Journal Article
Camlin, Carol S, Zachary A Kwena, Shari L Dworkin, Craig R Cohen, and Elizabeth A Bukusi.
“She mixes her business”: HIV transmission and acquisition risks among female migrants in western Kenya
(2014) Social Science & Medicine.
Journal Article
Onywere, Simon M, Zachary M Getenga, Shadrack S Mwakalila, Charles K Twesigye, and Josephine K Nakiranda.
Assessing the challenge of settlement in Budalangi and Yala swamp area in Western Kenya using landsat satellite imagery
(2011) The Open Environmental Engineering Journal.
Journal Article
Knodel, John, Zachary Zimmer, Kiry Sovan Kim, and Sina Puch.
The Effect on Elderly Parents in Cambodia of Losing an Adult Child to AIDS
Population and Development Review 33, no. 3 (2007): 479-500.
Knodel, John, and Zachary Zimmer.
Gender and Well-Being of Older Persons in Cambodia
Journal Article
De Groote, Hugo, Getachew Dema, George B Sonda, and Zachary M Gitonga.
Maize for Food and Feed in East Africa—The Farmers’ Perspective
(2013) Field Crops Research.
Journal Article
Asfour, Leena W, Zachary D Stanley, Michael Weitzman, and Scott E Sherman.
Uncovering risky behaviors of expatriate teenagers in the United Arab Emirates: A survey of tobacco use, nutrition and physical activity habits
BMC public health 15, no. 1 (2015).
Showing 1-30 of 229