
Showing 1-17 of 17
Working Paper
Coady, Maria R, Candace Harper, and Ester J De Jong. "Aiming for Equity: Preparing Mainstream Teachers for Inclusion or Inclusive Classrooms?." (2015) TESOL Quarterly.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Carias, William Stanley, Hernandez Erooa Loida Ester, and Alex Daniel Vasquez. "Analisis de las relaciones comerciales entre Centro America y la Republica Popular China, caso Costa Rica y sus repercusiones en El Salvador, periodo 2010-2015." Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Lema, Irene A, David Sando, Lucy Magesa, Lameck Machumi, Esther Mungure, Mary Mwanyika Sando, Pascal Geldsetzer, Dawn Foster, Deborah Kajoka, and Helga Naburi. "Community health workers to improve antenatal care and PMTCT uptake in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a quantitative performance evaluation." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999) 67, no. Suppl 4 (2014): S195-S201.
Journal Article
Ndangalasi, Henry J, Cosmas Mligo, and Ester F Mvungi. "Composition and size class structure of tree species in Ihang’ana forest reserve, Mufindi district, Tanzania." Tanzania Journal of Science 40, no. 1 (2014): 1-12.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nepolo, Ester Ndahekelekwa. "Effects of treatment compliance on treatment outcomes for pulmonary tuberculosis patients on Directly Observed Treatment-short Course in Windhoek District, Namibia." Master in Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2016.
Book Section
Mancebo, Maria Ester. "El decenio progresista. Las políticas públicasEditorial Fin de Siglo-Instituto de Ciencia Polític." (2016) El statu quo en la educación obligatoria: entre la partidocracia, los sindicatos y el fantasma de la Reforma Rama.
Journal Article
Nyangabo Mbunde, Mourice Victor, Ester Innocent, Faith Mabiki, and Pher G Andersson. "Ethnobotanical survey and toxicity evaluation of medicinal plants used for fungal remedy in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania." Journal of intercultural ethnopharmacology 6, no. 1 (2017): 84-96.
Journal Article
Sando, David, Pascal Geldsetzer, Lucy Magesa, Irene Andrew Lema, Lameck Machumi, Mary Mwanyika-Sando, Nan Li, Donna Spiegelman, Ester Mungure, and Hellen Siril. "Evaluation of a community health worker intervention and the World Health Organization’s Option B versus Option A to improve antenatal care and PMTCT outcomes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled health systems." Trials 15, no. 1 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Mungure, Mosses. "Evaluation of AWF pilot project for REDD redness in Kondoa district, Tanzania: case of Kolo Hills forest." Master of Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 2016.
Journal Article
Philbert, Anitha, Eliningaya J Kweka, Ester Innocent, Filbert Francis, Gamba Nkwengulila, Leah Mathias, and Vito Baraka. "Habitat productivity and pyrethroid susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." Infectious Diseases of Poverty 6, no. 1 (2017): 102.
Book Section
Rutoro, Ester, and Maggie Madimbo. "Living with Dignity African Perspectives on Gender Equality." (2015) Gender Equality from the Perspective of Single Womanhood.
Journal Article
Kagaruki, Gibson B, Mary T Mayige, Ester S Ngadaya, Godfather D Kimaro, Akili K Kalinga, Andrew M Kilale, Amos M Kahwa, Godlisten S Materu, and Sayoki G Mfinanga. "Magnitude and risk factors of non-communicable diseases among people living with HIV in Tanzania: a cross sectional study from Mbeya and Dar es Salaam regions." BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Terblanche, Ester Aletta Jacomina. "Measuring the accessibility of accountancy programmes with special emphasis on chartered accountancy in South Africa." MCOMPT, University of South Africa, 2014.
Journal Article
Isingo, Raphael, Alison Wringe, Jim Todd, Mark Urassa, Doris Mbata, Griter Maiseli, Rose Manyalla, John Changalucha, Julius Mngara, and Ester Mwinuka. "Trends in the uptake of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in rural Tanzania in the context of the scale up of antiretroviral therapy." Tropical medicine & international health 17, no. 8 (2012).
Journal Article
Magsino, Renilda A, Ester T Edralin, and Felecitas C Tuazon. "Viability of an Economic Housing for the Elderly: Input for a Residential Care Facility in Mandaluyong." (2015) International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences.
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