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Journal Article
Sparapani, Ervin F, David Callejo Perez, Jonathon Gould, Susan Hillman, and LaCreta Clark. "A global curriculum? Understanding teaching and learning in the United States, Taiwan, India, and Mexico." SAGE Open 4, no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Clark, Sierra, Lea Berrang-Ford, Shuaib Lwasa, Didacus Namanya, Sabastian Twesigomwe, and Manisha Kulkarni. "A longitudinal analysis of mosquito net ownership and use in an Indigenous Batwa population after a targeted distribution." PlosOne 11, no. 5 (2016).
Journal Article
Clark, C.J., D.E. Bloom, A.G. Hill, and J. Silverman. "A prevalence estimate of intimate partner violence in Jordan." Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 15, no. 4 (2009): 880-889.
Journal Article
Mensch, Barbara S, Wesley H Clark, and Dang Nugyen Anh. "Adolescents in Vietnam: Looking beyond reproductive health." Studies in Family Planning 34, no. 4 (2003): 249-262.
Journal Article
Etheredge, Harriet R, Roseanne E Turner, and Delawir Kahn. "Attitudes to organ donation among some urban South African populations remain unchanged: A cross-sectional study (1993-2013)." SAMJ: South African Medical Journal 104, no. 2 (2014): 133-137.
Conference Paper
Peters M, Clark. "Awareness of HIV Among Emerging Adults in Vietnam: The Relationship Between Information Access and Social Capital." Society for Social Work and Research 18th Annual Conference: Research for Social Change: Addressing Local and Global Challenges. San Antonio, Texas, January 15-19, 2014.
Working Paper
Clark, Shelley, Sonia Laszlo, Caroline Kabiru, and Stella Muthuri. "Can Subsidized Early Child Care Promote Women’s Employment?: Evidence from a Slum Settlement in Africa." GrOW Working Paper Series , no. 2017-05 (2017).
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Journal Article
Van Hook, Jennifer, and James D Bachmeier. "Citizenship Reporting in the American Community Survey." (2013) Demographic Research.
Journal Article
Randell, Heather, and Clark Gray. "Climate variability and educational attainment: Evidence from rural Ethiopia." (2016) Global Environmental Change.
Journal Article
Griffiths, Ulla K, Andrew Clark, Veronika Shimanovich, Irena Glinskaya, Dilorom Tursunova, Lucia Kim, Liudmila Mosina, Rana Hajjeh, and Karen Edmond. "Comparative economic evaluation of Haemophilus influenzae Type b vaccination in Belarus and Uzbekistan." PLoS ONE 6, no. 6 (2011): e2147.
Journal Article
Clark A, David. "Concepts and perceptions of human well-being: Some evidence from South Africa." Oxford Development Studies 31, no. 2 (2003): 173-196.
Journal Article
Wilson, Stuart, Jackie Dugard, and Michael Clark. "Conflict Management in an Era of Urbanisation: 20 Years of Housing Rights in the South African Constitutional Court." (2015) South African Journal of Human Rights.
Working Paper
Clark, David A, and Mozaffar Qizilbash. "Core poverty and extreme vulnerability in South Africa." (2002)
Working Paper
Clark, David A, and Mozaffar Qizilbash. "Core poverty, basic capabilities and vagueness: An application to the South African context." (2005) Global Poverty Research Group Working Paper.
Journal Article
McDougall, Janna, Tamara Fetters, Kathryn Clark, and Tung Rathavy. "Determinants of contraceptive acceptance among Cambodian abortion patients." Studies in Family Planning 40, no. 2 (2009): 123-132.
Working Paper
Antecol, Heather, and Deborah A Cobb-Clark. "Do non-cognitive skills help explain the occupational segregation of young people?." Claremont McKenna College Robert Day School of Economics and Finance Research Paper , no. 2010-02 (2010).
Journal Article
Gray, Clark, and Valerie Mueller. "Drought and human migration in rural Ethiopia." (2011) Population Association of America.
Journal Article
Gray, Clark, and Valerie Mueller. "Drought and population mobility in rural Ethiopia." World Development 40, no. 1 (2012): 134 --0.
Journal Article
Clark, Danielle V, Mammen P Mammen, Ananda Nisalak, Virat Puthimethee, and Timothy P Endy. "Economic impact of dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thailand at the family and population levels." The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 72, no. 6 (2005): 786-791.
Journal Article
Bauer, Jan Michael, Dario Cords, Rachelle Sellung, and Alfonso Sousa-Poza. "Effects of different life events on life satisfaction in the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey." (2015) Economics Letters.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nasir, Muhammad. "Essays on the effects of shocks on early life health outcomes, and later life risk and social preferences." Doctor of Philosophy, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusett, 2016.
Wheldon, Mark, Adrian Raftery, Samuel Clark, and Patrick Gerland. Estimating demographic parameters with uncertainty from fragmentary data. 2011.
Working Paper
Alkema, Leontine, Adrian E Raftery, Patrick Gerland, Samuel J Clark, and Francois Pelletier. "Estimating the total fertility rate from multiple imperfect data sources and assessing its uncertainty." (2008) Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences University of Washington Working Papers.
Thesis or Dissertation
Carrión F, Andrés Montalvo. "Estudio sobre los sectores económicos en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, un análisis para el período 2004-2010." Bachelor Thesis, Universidad De Las Américas, 2015.
Chiavaroli, Eugene R, Andrew N Agle, Sarah C Clark, Patricia S Gibson, and Gary Hansen. Evaluation of A.I.D. Child Survival Programs: Morocco case study. Washington, DC, USA: Agency for International Development, 1991.
Journal Article
Ashish, K. C, Johan Wrammert, Viktoria Nelin, Robert B Clark, Uwe Ewald, Stefan Peterson, and Mats Målqvist. "Evaluation of Helping Babies Breathe Quality Improvement Cycle (HBB-QIC) on retention of neonatal resuscitation skills six months after training in Nepal." BMC pediatrics 17, no. 1 (2017): 103.
Journal Article
Khoodaruth, A, V Oree, MK Elahee, and Woodrow W Clark. "Exploring options for a 100% renewable energy system in Mauritius by 2050." (2017) Utilities Policy.
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