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Working Paper
Hannum, Emily, and Albert Park. "Educating China’s rural children in the 21st century." Harvard China Review 3, no. 2 (2002): 8-14.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Bigsten, Arne, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon, Marcel Fafchamps, Bernard Gauthier, Jan Willem Gunning, Abena Oduro, Remco Oostendorp, Catherine Pattillo, Mans Soderbom, Francis Teal, and Albert Zeufack. "Do African manufacturing firms learn from exporting?." (2002)
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Park, Albert, Xiaoqing Song, Junsen Zhang, and Yaohui Zhao. "The growth of wage inequality in urban China, 1988 to 1999." (2003) Unpublished Paper, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Mkumbira, Jonathan, Linley Chiwona-Karltun, Ulf Lagercrantz, Nzola Meso Mahungu, John Saka, Albert Mhone, Mpoko Bokanga, Leon Brimer, Urban Gullberg, and Hans Rosling. "Classification of cassava into ‘bitter’and ‘cool’in Malawi: From farmers' perception to characterisation by molecular markers." Euphytica 132, no. 1 (2003): 7-22.
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
Sobek, Matthew, Alberto Esteve, and Robert McCaa. "The IPUMS-International Project: Challenges and Methods of International Census Data Integration." Social Science History. St. Louis, USA, Octubre 24-27, 2004.
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Jordan-Harder, Brigitte, Leonard Maboko, Donan Mmbando, Gabriele Riedner, Elisabeth Nägele, Juan Harder, Volker Küchen, Albert Kilian, Rolf Korte, and Frank Sonnenburg. "Thirteen years HIV-1 sentinel surveillance and indicators for behavioural change suggest impact of programme activities in south-west Tanzania." AIDS 18, no. 2 (2004): 287-294.
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Glaeser, Edward L, Albert Saiz, Gary Burtless, and William C Strange. "The rise of the skilled city." (2004) Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs.
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Zhang, Junsen, Yaohui Zhao, Albert Park, and Xiaoqing Song. "Economic returns to schooling in urban China, 1988 to 2001." Journal of comparative economics 33, no. 4 (2005): 730-752.
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Journal Article
McCaa, Robert, and Albert Esteve. "IPUMS-Europe: Confidentiality measures for licensing and disseminating restricted-access census microdata extracts to academic users." (2005) Monographs of official statistics.
Working Paper
Albert, Isabelle, Gisela Trommsdorff, Boris Mayer, and Beate Schwarz. "Value of Children in Urban and Rural Indonesia: Socio-Demographic Indicators, Cultural Aspects, and Empirical Findings." (2005) Lengerich: Pabst science.
Journal Article
McCaa, Robert, Albert Esteve, Steven Ruggles, and Matthew Sobek. "La integration de los microdatos censales de America Latina: el proyecto IPUMS-America Latina." (2005) Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos.
Journal Article
Du, Yang, Albert Park, and Sangui Wang. "Migration and rural poverty in China." Journal of comparative economics 33, no. 4 (2005): 688-709.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Esteve, Albert, and Robert McCaa. "Homogamia educacional en Mexico y Brasil, 1970-2000: pautas y tendencias." Latin American Research Review 42, no. 2 (2007): 56-85.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Ofstedal, Mary B, Zachary Zimmer, Albert I Hermalin, Angelique Chan, Yi-Li Chuang, Josefina Natividad, and Zhe Tang. "Short-term trends in functional limitation and disability among older Asians: a comparison of five Asian settings." Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 22, no. 3 (2007): 243-261.
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