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a1 In general would you say that Armenia is headed in?
d9 Are adaptable to Armenia's specific development challenges and country circumstances
e6 The World Bank Group takes decisions quickly in Armenia
b1 How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Armenia?
e7 Working with the World Bank Group increases Armenia's institutional capacity
f1_5 Improve the quality of its experts as related to Armenia's specific challenges
f1_15 Provide more adequate data/knowledge/statistics/figures on Armenia's economy
b2 Overall, please rate your impression of the World Bank Group's effectiveness in Armenia.
b9 Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in development in Armenia
b10 The World Bank Group's work is aligned with what I consider the development priorities for Armenia
h4 Which of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily engage with in Armenia?
c3 To what extent does the World Bank Group's work help to achieve development results in Armenia?
b6 To what extent do you believe that the World Bank Group's work and support help the poorest in Armenia?
f2 When considering the combination of services that the World Bank Group offers in Armenia, and taking into account its limited level of resources, which ONE of the following do you believe the World Bank Group should offer more of in Armenia?
c5 The World Bank Group meets Armenia's needs for knowledge services (e.g., research, analysis, data, technical assistance)
b3 To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group's staff is well prepared to help Armenia solve its most complicated development challenges?
c4 The World Bank Group's financial instruments (i.e., investment lending, Development Policy Loan, Trust Funds, Program-for-Results, etc.) meet the needs of Armenia