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q16a Was this work conducted in Armenia or another country?
q16a Was this work conducted in Armenia or another country?
q6 Which region of Armenia do you live in?
q6 Which region of Armenia do you live in?
q4 Please, let us know your status of residence in Armenia
q4_code Please, let us know your status of residence in Armenia
q6 Please, let us know your status of residence in Armenia.
q6 Please, let us know your status of residence in Armenia?
q43_code1 [1] Please tell me the names of child rights organizations in Armenia.
q43_code2 [2] Please tell me the names of child rights organizations in Armenia.
q43_code3 [3] Please tell me the names of child rights organizations in Armenia.
q43_code4 [4] Please tell me the names of child rights organizations in Armenia.
q43_code5 [5] Please tell me the names of child rights organizations in Armenia.
bq10 Do you have any paid job/business on the territory of Armenia?
q12r7_1 Do you currently have any paid job/business on the territory of Armenia?
q12r1 Did you have any paid job/business on the territory of Armenia PRIOR to the CORO
q12h1 Did the HH head have any paid job/business on the territory of Armenia PRIOR to
q12h7_1 Do The HH head currently have any paid job/business on the territory of Armenia?
q7 Did you reside on the territory of Armenia for more than 7 months within the las
q7 Did you reside on the territory of Armenia for more than 7 months within the las
q5 Did you reside on the territory of Armenia for more than 7 months within last 12
q12n8_1 Did the HH head have any paid job/business OUTSIDE the territory of Armenia PRIO