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Thesis or Dissertation
Pasato, Marcela Mogrovejo F, and Mayra Vásquez V Astudillo. "Caracterización y análisis de la cadena de suministros de muebles de madera en Ecuador. Periodo 2015." Título De Ingeniera Comercial, Universidad De Cuenca, 2016.
Book Section
Hernandez, Juan Ignacio Valdez. "Madera y Bosques Número especial." (2002) Aprovechamiento forestal de manglares en el estado de Nayarit, costa Pacifica de Mexico.
Journal Article
Carter, Karen L, Gail Williams, Veronica Tallo, Diozele Sanvictores, Hazel Madera, and Ian Riley. "Capture-recapture analysis of all-cause mortality data in Bohol, Philippines." Population health metrics 9, no. 1 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Linzán Martin E, María. "Creación del Centro de Fomento Productivo de Artesanos del Mueble y la Madera Atahualpa, Ubicada en el Cantón Santa Elena, Año 2014." Thesis, Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena, 2013.
Journal Article
Hernandez, Juan Ignacio Valdez. "Aprovechamiento forestal de manglares en el estado de Nayarit, costa Pacifica de Mexico." (2002)
Journal Article
Montanez-Armenta, María Paz, Gertrudis Yanes-Arvayo, and Hugo Silva-Kurumiya. "Manejo de recursos naturales en la Sierra de Sonora bajo el esquema de UMAFOR. Casos de estudio: Sierra alta y Sierra La Madera." Ra Ximhai 7, no. 002 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Vergara Castaneda, Virginia. "Análisis económico de la implementación de componentes maderables nativos de valor comercial en sistemas ganaderos tradicionales en los distritos de TONOSÍ Y PEDASÍ. Provincia de Los Santos, Panamá.." Magíster Scientiae en Socioeconomía Ambiental , Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 2009.
Journal Article
Calderón Aguilera, Claudia M, and Cuauhtémoc Robles Cairo. "Influencia de la vivienda tipo bungalow en la conformacion de las ciudades bajacalifornianas: Ensenada y Mexicali." Palapa 3, no. 18 (2016): 44-58.
Thesis or Dissertation
Montaño I, Oswaldo Bohorquez. "Estudio técnico económico para montar una fábrica de puertas de madera." Título De Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quezada, Teresa Minga J, and Andrea Naranjo M Lituma. "Análisis de la aplicación de la sección 29 “impuestos a las ganancias” en el sector manufacturero: industrias de maderas de la ciudad de Cuenca." Título de Contador Público Auditor, Universidad De Cuenca, 2015.
Journal Article
Hazel, Elizabeth, Kate Gilroy, Ingrid Friberg, Robert E Black, Jennifer Bryce, and Gareth Jones. "Comparing modelled to measured mortality reductions: applying the Lives Saved Tool to evaluation data from the Accelerated Child Survival Programme in West Africa." International journal of epidemiology 39, no. suppl 1 (2010): i32-i39.
D'Lima, Hazel. Women in Local Government: A Study of Maharashtra. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company, 1983.
Journal Article
Bryce, Jennifer, Kate Gilroy, Gareth Jones, Elizabeth Hazel, Robert E Black, and Cesar G Victora. "The accelerated child survival and development programme in west Africa: a retrospective evaluation." The Lancet 375, no. 9714 (2010): 572-582.
Journal Article
Miller, Nathan P, Agbessi Amouzou, Mengistu Tafesse, Elizabeth Hazel, Hailemariam Legesse, Tedbabe Degefie, Cesar G Victora, Robert E Black, and Jennifer Bryce. "Integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness in Ethiopia: Implementation Strength and Quality of Care." (2014) The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.
Journal Article
Esquivel, Daniel M, José A Rojas, Heilyn C Ramírez, Karen E Vargas, Hazel E Solano, Arturo M Elizondo, Ileana Q Méndez, and Daniela Q Bermúdez. "Intervención de Enfermería en la Adolescencia: Experiencia en Una Institución de Estudios Secundarios Pública." Enfermeria actual de Costa Rica , no. 24 (2013).
Journal Article
Minetti, Andrea, Matthew Kagoli, Agnes Katsulukuta, Helena Huerga, Amber Featherstone, Hazel Chiotcha, Delphine Noel, Cameron Bopp, Laurent Sury, and Renzo Fricke. "Lessons and challenges for measles control from unexpected large outbreak, Malawi." Emerging infectious diseases 19, no. 2 (2013): 202-209.
Journal Article
Malapit, Hazel Jean L, and Agnes R Quisumbing. "What dimensions of women’s empowerment in agriculture matter for nutrition in Ghana?." (2015) Food Policy.
Journal Article
Mitchell-Fearon, Kathryn, Kenneth James, Norman Waldron, Desmalee Holder-Nevins, Douladel Willie-Tyndale, Hazel Laws, and Denise Eldemire-Shearer. "Falls Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Jamaica." SAGE Open 4, no. 4 (2014).
Journal Article
Patterson-Andrews, Hazel, and Carlisle A Pemberton. "Factors Affecting Profitability Of Small Scale Farming In Southern Trinidad & Tobago." International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 2, no. 3 (2014): 1-18.
Journal Article
Kanyuka, Mercy, Jameson Ndawala, Tiope Mleme, Lusungu Chisesa, Medson Makwemba, Agbessi Amouzou, Josephine Borghi, Judith Daire, Rufus Ferrabee, and Elizabeth Hazel. "Malawi and Millennium Development Goal 4: a Countdown to 2015 country case study." The Lancet Global Health 4, no. 3 (2016): 201-214.
Journal Article
Smith, Hazel. "Crimes against humanity? Unpacking the North Korean human rights debate." Critical Asian Studies 46, no. 1 (2014): 127-143.
Journal Article
Perin, Jamie, Ji Soo Kim, Elizabeth Hazel, Lois Park, Rebecca Heidkamp, and Scott Zeger. "Hierarchical Statistical Models to Represent and Visualize Survey Evidence for Program Evaluation: iCCM in Malawi." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Journal Article
Amouzou, Agbessi, Mercy Kanyuka, Elizabeth Hazel, Rebecca Heidkamp, Andrew Marsh, Tiope Mleme, Spy Munthali, Lois Park, Benjamin Banda, Lawrence H Moulton, Robert E Black, Kenneth Hil, Jamie Perin, Cesar G Victora, and Jennifer Bryce. "Independent Evaluation of the integrated Community Case Management of Childhood Illness Strategy in Malawi Using a National Evaluation Platform Design." The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 94, no. 3 (2016): 574-583.
Boduszek, Daniel, Agata Debowska, Ena Trotman Jemmott, Hazel Da Breo, Dominic Willmott, Nicole Sherretts, and Adele Jones. Victimisation, violence perpetration, and attitudes towards violence among boys and girls from Barbados and Grenada. 2017.
Journal Article
Simpson E, Hazel. "Sexuality Education in Technical and Vocational Institutions in Guyana: Possibilities and Challenges." LEARNing Landscapes 10, no. 2 (2017): 287-304.
Journal Article
Yeatman, Sara E, Risa M Hoffman, Abdallah Chilungo, Sydney R Lungu, Hazel C Namadingo, Angela F Chimwaza, and Jenny A Trinitapoli. "Health-seeking behavior and symptoms associated with early HIV infection: Results from a population-based cohort in southern Malawi." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999) 69, no. 1 (2015): 126-130.
Journal Article
Willie-Tyndale, Douladel, Desmalee Holder-Nevins, Kathryn Mitchell-Fearon, Kenneth James, Hazel Laws, Norman K Waldron, and Denise Eldemire-Shearer. "Participation in Social Activities and the Association with Socio-Demographic and Health-Related Factors among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Jamaica." Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 31, no. 4 (2016): 427-447.
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