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Showing 1-30 of 44
Journal Article
Navicke, Jekaterina, Olga Rastrigina, and Holly Sutherland.
Nowcasting indicators of poverty risk in the European Union: a microsimulation approach
Social Indicators Research 119, no. 1 (2014): 101-119.
Journal Article
Curtis, S.L., and E.G. Sutherland.
Measuring sexual behaviour in the era of HIV/AIDS: The experience of Demographic and Health Surveys and similar enquiries
Sexually Transmitted Infections 80, no. suppl 2 (2004): 22.
Journal Article
Sutherland, Tori, and David M Bishai.
Cost-effectiveness of misoprostol and prenatal iron supplementation as maternal mortality interventions in home births in rural India
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 104, no. 3 (2009): 189-193.
Journal Article
Sutherland, Elizabeth G, Conrad Otterness, and Barbara Janowitz.
What happens to contraceptive use after injectables are introduced? An analysis of 13 countries
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 37, no. 4 (2011): 202-208.
Journal Article
Sutherland, Elizabeth, David L Carr, and Siân L Curtis.
Fertility and the environment in a natural resource dependent economy: Evidence from Petén, Guatemala
Población y Salud en Mesoamérica 2, no. 1 (2005): 0-0.
Working Paper
Birke, Fanos Mekonnen, Laurens Veldhuizen, Sam Vitou, and Nhep Srorn.
Institutionalisation of Participatory Innovation Development: experiences of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Takeo Province, Cambodia
Journal Article
Clements, Tom, Hugo Rainey, Dara An, Vann Rours, Setha Tan, Sokha Thong, WJ Sutherland, and EJ Milner-Gulland.
An evaluation of the effectiveness of a direct payment for biodiversity conservation: The Bird Nest Protection Program in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
Biological Conservation , no. 157 (2013).
Working Paper
Sutherland, Ewan.
Broadband in the Republic of South Africa: Politics, Regulation and Service Delivery
Working Paper
Sutherland, Ewan.
Governance of Telecommunications - Two Decades of Reform in in South Africa
Working Paper
Sookram, Sandra, and Michael Sutherland.
Grande Riviere, Trinidad and Tobago: The Vulnerability of a Coastal Community to Sea-level Rise
(2011) C-Change Working Paper .
Working Paper
Mycoo, Michelle, and Michael Sutherland.
New Approaches to Sustainable Development of Coastal Rural Communities and Economies: Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Grande Riviere, Trinidad
(2011) C-Change Working Paper .
Journal Article
Lawson, James Sutherland, and Vivian Lin.
Health status differentials in the People's Republic of China.
American journal of public health 84, no. 5 (1994): 737-741.
Conference Paper
Sutherland, Dylan.
HIV/AIDS in China: Applying the Scientific Concept of Development
Xiamen International Conference on the Scientific Concept of Development, July 16th -17th 2005. .
Journal Article
Ravenhall, Matt, Ernest Diez Benavente, Mwapatsa Mipando, Anja TR Jensen, Colin J Sutherland, Cally Roper, Nuno Sepulveda, Dominic P Kwiatkowski, Jacqui Montgomery, and Kamija S Phiri.
Characterizing the impact of sustained sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine use upon the Plasmodium falciparum population in Malawi
Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 575.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sutherland, T.
A retrospective review of lifetime prevalence of traditional healer consultation by an outpatient of Xhosa schizophrenia sufferers
Medicine in the branch of Psychiatry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2015.
Journal Article
Sutherland, David, Tom Wood, Nina Vashneva, and Venera Zhunusbaeva.
Water safety plans, water quality surveillance and investment planning in Kyrgyzstan
Waterlines 30, no. 3 (2011): 248-256.
Journal Article
Holbrook, David J, and Holly A Holbrook.
Guyanese Creole survey report
(2002) SIL Electronic Survey Reports.
Book Section
Johnson, Holly.
Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies
(2013) The Gendered Nature of Violance.
Working Paper
Svenson, Gary, Holly Burke, and Laura Johnson.
Impact of youth peer education programs: final results from an FHI/YouthNet study in Zambia
Puukka, Jaana, Patrick Dubarle, Holly McKiernan, Jairam Reddy, and Philip Wade.
The Free State, South Africa
: OECD, 2012.
Working Paper
Reed, Holly E, Catherine S Andrzejewski, and Michael J White.
Determinants of interregional migration in coastal Ghana: An event history analysis
Journal Article
Andrzejewski, Catherine S, Holly E Reed, and Michael J White.
Does where you live influence what you know? Community effects on health knowledge in Ghana
Health & Place 15, no. 1 (2009): 228-238.
Journal Article
Devries, Karen, Sunita Kishor, Holly Johnson, Heidi Stöckl, Loraine Bacchus, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, and Charlotte Watts.
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: analysis of prevalence data from 19 countries
Reproductive Health Matters 18, no. 36 (2010): 158-170.
Journal Article
Mberu, Blessing U, and Holly E Reed.
Understanding Subgroup Fertility Differentials in Nigeria
Population Review 53, no. 2 (2014).
Journal Article
Burke, Holly M, Monique P Mueller, Catherine Packer, Brian Perry, Leonard Bufumbo, Daouda Mbengue, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Anthony Mbonye.
Provider acceptability of Sayana\textregistered Press: results from community health workers and clinic-based providers in Uganda and Senegal
Contraception 89, no. 5 (2014): 368-373.
Journal Article
Burke, Holly M, Monique P Mueller, Brian Perry, Catherine Packer, Leonard Bufumbo, Daouda Mbengue, Ibrahima Mall, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Anthony K Mbonye.
Observational study of the acceptability of Sayana® Press among intramuscular DMPA users in Uganda and Senegal
Contraception 89, no. 5 (2014): 361-367.
Journal Article
White, Michael J, Salut Muhidin, Catherine Andrzejewski, Eva Tagoe, Rodney Knight, and Holly Reed.
Urbanization and fertility: An event-history analysis of coastal Ghana
Demography 45, no. 4 (2008): 803-816.
Journal Article
Reed, Holly E, Catherine S Andrzejewski, and Michael J White.
Men’s and women’s migration in coastal Ghana: An event history analysis
(2010) Demographic research.
Journal Article
McGarvey, S, Justin Buszin, Holly Reed, Z Rahman, C Andrzejewski, M White, D Smith, and K Awusabo-Asare.
Community and household determinants of water quality in coastal Ghana
Journal of water and health 6, no. 3 (2008): 339-349.
Working Paper
Sahu, Paulami, Holly A Michael, Clifford I Voss, and Pradip K Sikdar.
Impacts on groundwater recharge areas of megacity pumping: analysis of potential contamination of Kolkata, India, water supply
Hydrological Sciences Journal 58, no. 6 (2013): 1340-1360.
Showing 1-30 of 44