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Working Paper
Salomón, Jose Urquieta E, and Alvin Paredes E Briseño. "Formation of cognitive abilities in Mexican children: An empirical approach." (2017)
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Turiján Altamirano, Teresa, Benito Ramírez-Valverde, Miguel Angel Damián Huato, José Pedro Juárez Sánchez, and Néstor Estrella Chulím. "Uso de remesas para la adquisición de tecnología agrícola en maíz en San José Chiapa, Puebla, México." Nova Scientia 7, no. 14 (2015): 674-693.
Working Paper
Mathers, Colin D, Ritu Sadana, Joshua A Salomon, Christopher J Murray, and Alan D Lopez. "Estimates of DALE for 191 countries: Methods and results." Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy Working Paper No. 16 World Health Organization, no. Working Paper No. 16 (2000).
Working Paper
Lopez, Alan D, Joshua Salomon, Omar Ahmad, Christopher J Murray, and Doris Mafat. "Life tables for 191 countries: data, methods and results." (2001) GPE Discussion Paper Series (WHO).
Journal Article
Chertorivski-Woldenberg, Salomón. "Seguro popular: logros y perspectivas." Gac Med Mex 147, no. 6 (2011): 487-496.
Journal Article
Murray, Christopher JL, Emre Ozaltin, Ajay Tandon, Joshua Salomon, Ritu Sadana, Somnath Chatterji, and others. "Empirical evaluation of the anchoring vignettes approach in health surveys." (2003) Health systems performance assessment: debates, methods and empiricism.
Journal Article
Condit, Richard, Douglas W Robinson, Roberto Ibáñez, Salomón Aguilar, Amelia Sanjur, Raúl Martínez, Robert F Stallard, Tomas García, George R Angehr, Lisa Petit, Tara R Robinson, and Stanley Heckadon. "The Status of the Panama Canal Watershed and Its Biodiversity at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Long-term ecological studies reveal a diverse flora and fauna near the Panama Canal, harbored within a corridor of forest stretching from the Caribbean." AIBS Bulletin 51, no. 5 (2001): 389-398.
Journal Article
Hogan, Daniel R, Joshua A Salomon, David Canning, James K Hammitt, Alan M Zaslavsky, and Till Bärnighausen. "National HIV prevalence estimates for sub-Saharan Africa: controlling selection bias with Heckman-type selection models." Sexually Transmitted Infections 88, no. Suppl 2 (2012): i17-i23.
Journal Article
Arango Puerta, Salomón, and Susana Ortiz Sevillano. "Análisis del monto más apropiado requerido para la obtención de renta vitalicia con base en el mercado laboral." (2008)
Journal Article
Ustun, Bedirhan T, Somnath Chatterji, Maria Villanueva, Lydia Bendib, Can Celik, Ritu Sadana, Nicole Valentine, Juan Ortiz, Ajay Tandon, Joshua Salomon, and others. "WHO Multi-country Survey Study on Health and Responsiveness 2000-2001." GPE Discussion Paper , no. 37 (2001).
Journal Article
Muñoz-Hernández, Onofre, Salomon Chertorivski-Woldenberg, Gabriel Cortés-Gallo, and Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas. "The Medical Insurance for a New Generation: a viable answer for the health needs of Mexican children." (2012) Salud Pública de México.
Journal Article
Mathers, Colin D, Christopher L. J Murray, Joshua A Salomon, Ritu Sadana, Ajay Tandon, Alan D Lopez, Bedirhan Ustün, and Somnath Chatterji. "Healthy Life Expectancy: Comparison of OECD Countries in 2001." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 27, no. 1 (2003): 5-11.
Journal Article
Salomon, Christine, France Lert, Catherine Enel, and Gilbert Loubaki. "Quatre jours de dépistage mobile à Base Agip, un quartier de Pointe-Noire." Anthropologie & Sante. Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la sante , no. 7 (2013).
Journal Article
Salomon, Monique, Clement Cupido, and Igshaan Samuels. "The good shepherd: remedying the fencing syndrome." African Journal of Range & Forage Science 30, no. 1-2 (2013): 71-75.
Journal Article
Shrime, Mark G, Serufusa Sekidde, Allison Linden, Jessica L Cohen, Milton C Weinstein, and Joshua A Salomon. "Sustainable Development in Surgery: The Health, Poverty, and Equity Impacts of Charitable Surgery in Uganda." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Journal Article
Rokicki, Slawa, Jessica Cohen, Joshua A Salomon, and Gunther Fink. "Impact of a Text-Messaging Program on Adolescent Reproductive Health: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Ghana." American Journal of Public Health 107, no. 2 (2017): 298-305.
Thesis or Dissertation
Torres Vidal, Salomon. "Objetivos del milenio (ODM), ley organica de ordenamiento territorial (LOOT) y region pacifico: Una propuesta de asociatividad para mejorar los indicadores municipales." Maestría en economía, Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, 2016.
Journal Article
Pongou, Roland, Joshua A Salomon, and Majid Ezzati. "Health impacts of macroeconomic crises and policies: determinants of variation in childhood malnutrition trends in Cameroon." International Journal of Epidemiology 35, no. 3 (2006): 648-656.
Journal Article
Mouliom, Fredy Herbert Njimbam, Philippe Salomon Nguwoh, and Joseph Fokam. "Prévalence des infections à Herpes Simplex Virus 1 et 2 chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH à Yaoundé : Une Etude Sérologique." Health Sciences and Diseases 17, no. 3 (2016).
Journal Article
Rohr, Julia K, Xavier F Gomez-Olive, Molly Rosenberg, Jennifer Manne-Goehler, Pascal Geldsetzer, Ryan G Wagner, Brian Houle, Joshua A Salomon, Kathleen Kahn, and Stephen Tollman. "Performance of self-reported HIV status in determining true HIV status among older adults in rural South Africa: a validation study." (2017) Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Journal Article
Remera, Eric, Kimberly Boer, Stella M Umuhoza, Bethany L Hedt-Gauthier, Dana R Thomson, Patrick Ndimubanzi, Eugenie Kayirangwa, Salomon Mutsinzi, Alice Bayingana, and Placidie Mugwaneza. "Fertility and HIV following universal access to ART in Rwanda: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data." Reproductive Health 14, no. 1 (2017): 40.
Journal Article
Marsh, Kimberly, Mary Mahy, Joshua A Salomon, and Daniel R Hogan. "Assessing and adjusting for differences between HIV prevalence estimates derived from national population-based surveys and antenatal care surveillance, with applications for Spectrum 2013." AIDS (London, England) 28, no. 4 (2014): S497-S505.
Thesis or Dissertation
Quiroz Ciriaco, Juan Salomón. "Diagnostico del estado del sistema de agua potable del caserio Sangal, distrito La Encanada, Cajamarca." Título Profesional de Ingeniero Civil, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, 2013.
Journal Article
Ibanez, Roberto, Richard Condit, George Angehr, Salomon Aguilar, Tomas Garcia, Raul Martinez, Amelia Sanjur, Robert Stallard, Joseph S Wright, Stanley A Rand, and Stanley Heckadon. "An ecosystem report on the Panama Canal: monitoring the status of the forest communities and the watershed." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 80, no. 1 (2002): 65-95.
Thesis or Dissertation
Intriago Zambrano P, Fabián. "Diseño de un Plan de Desarrollo Ecoturístico para la Zona del Llandia, Parroquia San José, Provincia de Pastaza." Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Villagómez Tumbaco G, Ignacio. "Modelo de Gestión Administrativa para las Pymes en la Parroquia Rural José Luis Tamayo del Cantón Salinas de la Provincia de Santa Elena, Año 2013." Thesis, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2014.
Working Paper
Trejo López, Mirtha Sussan, Yolanda Marianela Castañeda Carrión, Cosme Ulises Valverde Flores, and Miguel Ángel Aguilar Luna Victoria. "Influencia de la obesidad y estrés en la hipertensión arterial de los docentes de la universidad nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión." (2014)
Journal Article
Lezama, Jose Luis. "Migracion y petroleo en Tabasco Jose Luis Lezama." Estudios demograficos y urbanos.
Working Paper
Vian Morales, Monseñor Julio Vian O, Nery Rodenas E Paredes, Carlos A Novoa, Jorge L Sandoval, Edgar M Rosal, José S Murga, and José S Murga. "Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala." (2013)
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