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Journal Article
Emery, Aidan, Anouk N Gouvras, Bonnie Webster, David Rollinson, Fiona Allan, Honest Nagai, Muriel Rabone, Safari Kinung’hi, Teckla Angelo, and Tom Pennance. "Longitudinal survey on the distribution of Biomphalaria sudanica and B. choanomophala in Mwanza region, on the shores of Lake Victoria, Tanzania: implications for schistosomiasis transmission and control." Parasites & Vectors 10, no. 1 (2017): 316.
Georgeou, Nichole, Charles Hawksley, Anouk Ride, Melinda Kii, and Walter Turasi. Human Security and Livelihoods in Savo Island, Solomon Islands: Engaging with the Market Economy: A Report for Honiara City Council.. 2015.
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