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Todd, Gemma, Anna Nswilla, Oberlin Kisanga, and Masuma Mamdani. A case study of the Essential Health Benefit in Tanzania Mainland. 2017.
Working Paper
Church, Kathryn, Francis Kiweewa, Aisha Dasgupta, Mary Mwangome, Riolexus A Ario, Simon D Makombe, Owen Mugurungi, Basia Zaba, Edith Mpandaguta, Francesc X Gómez-Olivé, Samuel Oti, Jim Todd, Alison Wringe, Eveline Geubbels, Amelia Crampin, Jessica Nakiyingi-Miiro, Chika Hayashi, Muthoni Njage, and Ryan G Wagner. "A Comparative Analysis of National HIV Policies in Six African Countries with Generalized Epidemics." Bulletin of the World Health Organization , no. BLT.14.147215 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Maass, Petra. "A statistical shape analysis of the neurocranium and long bones." the degree Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Anatomy, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Journal Article
Estopinal, Christopher B, Somsanguan Ausayakhun, Sakarin Ausayakhun, Choeng Jirawison, S Joy Bhosai, Todd P Margolis, and Jeremy D Keenan. "Access to ophthalmologic care in Thailand: a regional analysis." Ophthalmic epidemiology 20, no. 5 (2013): 267-273.
Working Paper
Milford, Todd M, and John O Anderson. "An Investigation of International Science Achievement Using the OECD’s PISA 2006 Data Set." (2009)
Journal Article
Benson, Todd, Jordan Chamberlin, and Ingrid Rhinehart. "An investigation of the spatial determinants of the local prevalence of poverty in rural Malawi." Food Policy 30, no. 5 (2005): 532-550.
Journal Article
Benson, Todd. "Association between irrigated farming and improved nutrition in farm households in Malawi." Agrekon 54, no. 3 (2015): 62-86.
Journal Article
Baji, Petra, Milena Pavlova, László Gulács, and Wim Groot. "Changes in equity in out-of-pocket payments during the period of health care reforms: evidence from Hungary." International Journal for Equity in Health 11, no. 1 (2012): 1-11.
Journal Article
Lofstedt, Petra, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber, Luo Shusheng, and Annika Johansson. "Changes in marriage age and first birth interval in Huaning County, Yunnan Province, PR China." Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 36, no. 5 (2005): 1329-1338.
Journal Article
Richardson, Dominic, Petra Hoelscher, and Jonathan Bradshaw. "Child well-being in central and eastern european countries (CEE) and the commonwealth of independent states (CIS)." Child Indicators Research 1, no. 3 (2008): 211-250.
Journal Article
Haider, Sadia, Catherine Todd, Malalay Ahmadzai, Shakira Rahimi, Pashtoon Azfar, Jessica L Morris, and Suellen Miller. "Childbearing and contraceptive decision making amongst Afghan men and women: a qualitative analysis." Health care for women international 30, no. 10 (2009): 935-953.
Book Section
Todd, Alison. "City Inquality." (1996) Health Inequalities In Urban Areas: A guide to the literature .
Working Paper
Todd, Catherine S, Abdul Nasir, Pashtoon Hashimy, Nazifa Mousafavi, Farooq Mansoor, Suellen Miller, Jeffrey M Smith, Pashtoon Azfar, Suzette Kakar, and James F Phillips. "Counseling Considered: Results from a randomized controlled trial of concentrated postpartum counseling on birth spacing, breastfeeding, and infant vaccination completion in a Kabul urban population."
Wejwar, Petra, and Iris Schwarzenbacher. Country Review on the Social Dimen-sion in higher education in Armenia. Vienna, Austria: Institute of Advanced Studies, 2014.
Journal Article
Kidayi, Paulo Lino, Sia Msuya, Jim Todd, Chuki Christina Mtuya, Tara Mtuy, and Michael Johnson Mahande. "Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Use among Women of Reproductive Age in Tanzania: Evidence from Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey Data." Advances in Sexual Medicine 5, no. 03 (2015): 43.
Journal Article
Ingabire, Chantal Marie, Fredrick Kateera, Emmanuel Hakizimana, Alexis Rulisa, Claude Muvunyi, Petra Mens, Constantianus JM Koenraadt, Leon Mutesa, Michele Vugt, and Bart Den Borne. "Determinants of prompt and adequate care among presumed malaria cases in a community in eastern Rwanda: a cross sectional study." Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere R, Susan W Parker, and Petra E Todd. "Do school subsidy programs generate lasting benefits? A five-year follow-up of Oportunidades participants." (2007)
Journal Article
Michael, Denna, Chifundo Kanjala, Clara Calvert, Carel Pretorius, Alison Wringe, Jim Todd, Balthazar Mtenga, Raphael Isingo, Basia Zaba, and Mark Urassa. "Does the Spectrum model accurately predict trends in adult mortality? Evaluation of model estimates using empirical data from a rural HIV community cohort study in north-western Tanzania." Global Health Action 7, no. 1 (2014): 21783.
Journal Article
Dugwen, Geraldine Luchuen, Thane W Hancock, James Gilmar, John Gilmatam, Petra Tun, and Gregory G Maskarinec. "Domestic violence against women on Yap, Federated States of Micronesia." Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health 72, no. 9 (2013): 318-322.
Working Paper
Idson, Todd. "Employer size effects in Russia." (2000)
Journal Article
Pappas-DeLuca, Katina A, Joan M Kraft, Christine Galavotti, Lee Warner, Maungo Mooki, Phil Hastings, Todd Koppenhaver, Thierry H Roels, and Peter H Kilmarx. "Entertainment-Education Radio Serial Drama and Outcomes Related to HIV Testing in Botswana." AIDS Education & Prevention 20, no. 6 (2008): 486-503.
Journal Article
Sites, African Heritage. "Ethnicity in Post-Apartheid Discourse: Deconstructing South Africa’s Racial Narrative by Joshua Richman." South African history online.
Journal Article
Todd, Jessica E, Paul Winters, and Guy Stecklov. "Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfer programs on fertility: the case of the Red de Protección Social in Nicaragua." (2010) Journal of Population Economics.
Working Paper
Lagakos, David, Benjamin Moll, Tommaso Porzio, Nancy Qian, and Todd Schoellman. "Experience matters: human capital and development accounting." (2012)
Journal Article
Wood, Molly E, Farooq G Mansoor, Pashton Hashemy, Emily Namey, Fatima Gohar, Saadia Fayeq Ayoubi, and Catherine S Todd. "Factors influencing the retention of midwives in the public sector in Afghanistan: A qualitative assessment of midwives in eight provinces." Midwifery 29, no. 10 (2013): 1137-1144.
Thesis or Dissertation
Smith, Todd Graham. "Feeding unrest: food prices, food security and protest participation in Africa and South Africa." PhD thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2015.
Working Paper
Okwi, Paul O, Godfrey Ndeng’e, Patti Kristjanson, Mike Arunga, An Notenbaert, Abisalom Omolo, Norbert Henninger, Todd Benson, Patrick Kariuki, and John Owuor. "Geographic Determinants of Poverty in Rural Kenya: A National and Provincial Analysis.." (2006)
Thesis or Dissertation
Autio, Petra. "Hard custom, hard dance: Social organisation,(un) differentiation and notions of power in a Tabiteuean community, Southern Kiribati." Academic Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2010.
Journal Article
Dasgupta, Aisha NZ, Alison Wringe, Amelia C Crampin, Christina Chisambo, Olivier Koole, Simon Makombe, Charles Sungani, Jim Todd, and Kathryn Church. "HIV policy and implementation: a national policy review and an implementation case study of a rural area of northern Malawi." (2016) AIDS care.
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