Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2015
Name | Country code |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey (HIECS) is of great importance among other household surveys conducted by statistical agencies in various countries around the world. This survey provides a large amount of data to rely on in measuring the living standards of households and individuals, as well as establishing databases that serve in measuring poverty, designing social assistance programs, and providing necessary weights to compile consumer price indices, considered to be an important indicator to assess inflation.
Survey Objectives
1- To identify expenditure levels and patterns of population as well as socio- economic and demographic differentials.
2- To estimate the quantities and values of commodities and services consumed by households during the survey period to determine the levels of consumption and estimate the current demand which is an important input for national planning. Current and past demand estimates are utilized to predict future demands
3- To measure mean household and per-capita expenditure for various expenditure items along with socio-economic correlates.
4- To define percentage distribution of expenditure for various items used in compiling consumer price indices which is considered important indicator for measuring inflation
5- To define mean household and per-capita income from different sources.
6- To provide data necessary to measure standard of living for households and individuals. Poverty analysis and setting up a basis for social welfare assistance are highly dependent on the results of this survey.
7- To provide essential data to measure elasticity which reflects the percentage change in expenditure for various commodity and service groups against. the percentage change in total expenditure for the purpose of predicting the levels of expenditure and consumption for different commodity and service items in urban and rural areas.
8- To provide data essential for comparing change in expenditure against change in income to measure income elasticity of expenditure.
9- To study the relationships between demographic, geographical and housing characteristics of households and their income and expenditure for commodities and services.
10- To provide data necessary for national accounts especially in compiling inputs and outputs tables.
11- To identify consumers behavior changes among socio-economic groups in urban and rural areas.
12- To identify per capita food consumption and its main components of calories, proteins and fats according to its sources and the levels of expenditure in both urban and rural areas.
13- To identify the value of expenditure for food according to sources, either from household production or not, in addition to household expenditure for nonfood commodities and services.
14- To identify distribution of households according to the possession of some appliances and equipment such as (cars, satellites, mobiles) in urban and rural areas.
15- To identify the percentage distribution of income recipients according to some background variables such as housing conditions, size of household and characteristics of head of household.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The survey covers the following topics:
Household: Includes geographic, social, and economic characteristics of households, namely, household composition, dwelling characteristics, ownership of assets indicators, heads' and spouses' characteristics, annual household expenditure and income.
Individual: Includes demographic, migration, education, labor and health characteristics, as well as annual income for household members identified as earners. Moreover, fathers' and mothers' characteristics are generated for household members if possible.
National coverage
Cities and settlements.
Name | Affiliation |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) | Government of Arab Republic of Egypt |
Name | Role |
Government of Arab Republic of Egypt | Funded the survey |
The sample of Family Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey (FIECS) is a multi-stage stratified cluster sample and self-weighted to the extent practical. Its designed size is 48000 households allocated among governorates and their urban/rural components in proportion to size. The sample was selected in three stages (the second stage is considered dummy). The first two stages are related to the Master Sample which has been drawn directly before the field work of FIECS started. The third sampling stage concerns with the selection of a sample of 40 households from each Master Sample Areas (1200 areas with approximately 700 households in each).
In order for the sample estimates for the HIECS to be representative of the population, it is necessary to multiply the data by a sampling weight, or expansion factor. The basic weight for each sample household would be equal to the inverse of its probability of selection (calculated by multiplying the probabilities at each sampling stage).
The HIECS sample is approximately self-weighting at national level and strictly self-weighting at the governorate level, it should be easy to attach a weight to each sample household record in the computer files, and the tabulation programs can weight the data automatically. The sampling probabilities at each stage of selection will be maintained in an Excel spreadsheet so that the overall probability and corresponding weight can be calculated for each sample cluster.
The procedures for calculating the weights and variances are described in details in the methodology technical document attached to the documentation materials published in Arabic.
Start | End |
2015 | 2015 |
The field staff was selected from among the efficient experienced persons working in CAPMAS and new graduates specially females who live in the survey sampled area. Intensive training program for supervisors was conducted at CAPMAS in Cairo and locally in governorates for interviewers and field editors. Supervision program was implemented (each 15 days) in all governorates to check the field work to overcome the fieldwork problems. Data were collected by using personal interview method for household in dwelling and it had been obtained from the head of household or wife or any eligible person in case of their absence.
Duties and responsibilities of all levels of field staff were defined to ensure the accuracy and timing. These are outlined next:
Every one of them was responsible for data collection of five households during 15 days with five visits as follows:
(1) First visit
It started before the survey period by one or two days. Its purpose is to ensure the existence of the household, meet the head of household, present herself and her CAPMAS card to him. She also gives the household a simple idea about the survey (its objectives, importance and required data especially expenditure and consumption data). Showing households, the methods of recording their daily data and knowing the suitable time for visiting them. Also delivering the diary book to the household. In case of the household refusal of cooperating with the interviewer, she must convince them and if she failed, she must inform her supervisor.
(2) Second visit
This visit is made in the middle of the first week of the survey period and it includes the following:
(3) Third visits
It is the same as the previous visit but made in the second part of the first week. In addition to checking household recording of expenditure, the interviewer must complete the following tables:
(4) Fourth visit
This visit was in the first part of second week and it includes the following:
Recording or editing the recorded data of expenditure and consumption during the first week and following up recording data of expenditure outside the home on catering services.
Completing these tables:
(5) Fifth visit
It is made in the beginning of the days following the survey period. It includes the following:
The Editor was responsible for checking the work of the interviewers working immediately under his guidance.
The reference period over which data was collected varies according to the type of data item as follows:
It is worth noting that in some cases the groups of commodities or services include more than one period such as health which has monthly, quarterly and annually items, on which the expenditure ends by the end of the survey period, depending upon the consumption frequency of these items.
The use of the datasets must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Egypt Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey (HIECS) 2015, Ref. EGY_2015_HIECS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Poverty-GP | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Review and prepare metadata for publication |
Version 01 (April 2022)